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1. (n.) See Picle.

2. (n.) A solution of salt and water, in which fish, meat, etc., may be preserved or corned; brine.

3. (v. t.) Vinegar, plain or spiced, used for preserving vegetables, fish, eggs, oysters, etc.

4. (v. t.) Any article of food which has been preserved in brine or in vinegar.

5. (n.) A bath of dilute sulfuric or nitric acid, etc., to remove burnt sand, scale rust, etc., from the surface of castings, or other articles of metal, or to brighten them or improve their color.

6. (n.) A troublesome child; as, a little pickle.

7. (v. t.) To preserve or season in pickle; to treat with some kind of pickle; as, to pickle herrings or cucumbers.

8. (v. t.) To give an antique appearance to; -- said of copies or imitations of paintings by the old masters.

acid acidulant anhydrate baffle bafflement bearings bewilderment bind blast-freeze booze up boozify bother box bread-and-butter pickle brine case chokecherry circumstance clutch complication condition confoundment confusion corn corner crab apple crock crunch cure dehydrate desiccate dilemma dill pickle discomposure disconcert disconcertedness disconcertion disconcertment disturbance dry dry-cure dry-salt embalm embarrassing position embarrassment enigma estate evaporate fine how-do-you-do fix footing freeze freeze-dry fuddle fume green apple hell to pay hobble hole hot water how-do-you-do imbroglio irradiate jam jerk kipper lemon lime location lot marinade marinate mess mix modality mode morass mummify mystery nonplus overtake parlous straits pass perplexity perturbation pinch place plaster plight pollute position posture pother predicament preservatize pretty pass pretty pickle pretty predicament problem puzzle puzzlement quagmire quandary quick-freeze quicksand rank refrigerate riddle salt scrape season situation slough smoke smoke-cure sour sour balls sour cream sour grapes sour pickle sourdough souse spot squeeze standing state station status stew sticky wicket stone strait straits stuff swack swamp tight spot tight squeeze tightrope tipsify tricky spot unassuredness unholy mess upset verjuice vinegar yogurt


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