Dictionary 1. ( n.) Special countenance or support; favor, encouragement, or aid, afforded to a person or a work; as, the patronage of letters; patronage given to an author. 2. (n.) Business custom. 3. (n.) Guardianship, as of a saint; tutelary care. 4. (n.) The right of nomination to political office; also, the offices, contracts, honors, etc., which a public officer may bestow by favor. 5. (n.) The right of presentation to church or ecclesiastical benefice. 6. (v. t.) To act as a patron of; to maintain; to defend.
Thesaurus abetment administration advocacy advocating advocation aegis aid auspices backing benefaction bias boosting business care carriage trade certificate of character championship character character reference charge charity clientage clientele condescension contempt contumely countenance credential cure custodianship custody custom deigning disdain encouragement favor favoritism favors of office financing fosterage good name goodwill governance government guardianship guidance hands help humiliation interest jurisdiction keeping letter of introduction management market melon ministry nepotism oversight partiality pastorage pastorate pastorship patronizing plum political patronage pork pork barrel pork-barreling preference promotion protection protectorship public purchasing public recommend recommendation reference repute rural market safe hands scorn seconding spoils system sponsorship stewardship stooping subsidy suburban market superiority support sympathy testimonial trade trading traffic tutelage voucher ward wardenship wardship watch and ward wing youth market |