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◄ Pageant ►

1. (n.) A theatrical exhibition; a spectacle\.

2. (n.) An elaborate exhibition devised for the entertainment of a distinguished personage, or of the public; a show, spectacle, or display.

3. (a.) of the nature of a pageant; spectacular.

4. (v. t.) To exhibit in show; to represent; to mimic.

Grand Guignol Passion play Tom show affair antimasque audience success ballet blazon bomb bravura brilliancy broadcast drama burlesque show ceremony charade cliff hanger closet drama comedy drama cosmorama critical success cyclorama daring dash daytime serial demonstration dialogue diorama disguise display documentary drama drama dramalogue dramatic play dramatic series dramatics duodrama duologue eclat epic theater etalage event exhibit exhibition exhibitionism experimental theater exposition extravaganza failure false front fanfaronade figure flair flaunt flaunting flop flourish formality gala gasser georama giveaway grandeur happening histrionics hit hit show improvisational drama legitimate drama light show manifestation masque melodrama minstrel show miracle miracle play monodrama monologue morality morality play music drama musical revue myriorama mystery mystery play opera pageantry panel show panorama pantomime parade pastoral pastoral drama phantasmagoria piece play playlet pomp presentation pretentiousness problem play procession psychedelic show psychodrama quiz show radio drama representation review revue ritual sensational play serial sham shifting scene show showing-off sight sitcom situation comedy sketch skit soap soap opera sociodrama spectacle splash splurge stage play stage show staginess straight drama success suspense drama tableau tableau vivant talk show teleplay television drama television play theater of cruelty theatrics total theater variety show vaudeville vaudeville show vaunt vehicle word-of-mouth success work


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