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◄ Overreach ►

1. (v. t.) To reach too far; to defeat oneself by setting a goal too high\.

2. (v. t.) To deceive, or get the better of, by artifice or cunning; to outwit; to cheat.

3. (v. i.) To reach too far

4. (v. i.) To strike the toe of the hind foot against the heel or shoe of the forefoot; -- said of horses.

5. (v. i.) To sail on one tack farther than is necessary.

6. (v. i.) To cheat by cunning or deception.

7. (n.) The act of striking the heel of the fore foot with the toe of the hind foot; -- said of horses.

aggrandize amplify ballyhoo bamboozle beat beguile betray bilk bluff build up burlesque cajole caricature carry too far cheat on chouse circumvent conjure cozen deceive defraud delude diddle do double-cross draw the longbow dupe elude evade exaggerate exceed flimflam foil forestall frustrate gammon get around get round give the runaround give the slip go beyond go one better go to extremes gull gyp have hoax hocus-pocus hornswaggle humbug hyperbolize juggle lay it on let down magnify make much of mock outfigure outflank outfox outgeneral outguess outmaneuver outplay outreach outsmart outwit overcharge overdo overdraw overestimate overgo overjump overleap overpass overpraise overreact overrun oversell overshoot overshoot the field overshoot the mark overspeak overstate overstep overstress overstride pass pass the buck pigeon pile it on play one false puff put something over snow stonewall stretch stretch the truth string along superabound surpass take in talk big talk in superlatives tout transcend travesty trick two-time undo victimize


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