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1. (conj.) A particle that marks an alternative; as, you may read or may write, -- that is, you may do one of the things at your pleasure, but not both. It corresponds to either. You may ride either to London or to Windsor. It often connects a series of words or propositions, presenting a choice of either; as, he may study law, or medicine, or divinity, or he may enter into trade.

2. (prep. & adv.) Ere; before; sooner than.

3. (n.) Yellow or gold color, -- represented in drawing or engraving by small dots.

4. (n.) A noun suffix denoting an act; a state or quality; as in error, fervor, pallor, candor, etc.

5. (n.) A noun suffix denoting an agent or doer; as in auditor, one who hears; donor, one who gives; obligor, elevator. It is correlative to -ee. In general -or is appended to words of Latin, and -er to those of English, origin. See -er.

achievement alerion and/or animal charge annulet argent armorial bearings armory arms aureate aureateness auric azure bandeau bar bar sinister baton bearings beige bend bend sinister billet blazon blazonry bordure broad arrow buff buff-yellow cadency mark canary canary-yellow canton chaplet charge chevron chief citron citron-yellow coat of arms cockatrice coronet cream creamy crescent crest cross cross moline crown device difference differencing eagle ecru ermine ermines erminites erminois escutcheon falcon fallow fallowness fess fess point field file flanch flaxen fleur-de-lis fret fur fusil garland gilded gilt gold gold-colored golden griffin gules gyron hatchment helmet heraldic device honor point impalement impaling inescutcheon label lemon lemon-yellow lion lozenge luteolous lutescent mantling marshaling martlet mascle metal motto mullet nombril point ocherish ocherous ochery ochreous ochroid ochrous ochry octofoil ordinary orle pale paly pean pheon primrose primrose-colored primrose-yellow purpure quarter quartering rose sable saffron saffron-colored saffron-yellow sallow saltire sand-colored sandy scutcheon shield spread eagle straw straw-colored subordinary tenne tincture torse tressure unicorn vair vert wreath xanthic xanthous yale yellow yellowish yellowishness yellowness


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