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◄ Morphology ►

(n.) The study of the form and structury of organisms or language\; that branch of biology which deals with the structure of animals and plants, treating of the forms of organs and describing their varieties, homologies, and metamorphoses. See Promorphology.

IC analysis accidence affix affixation allomorph anatomist anatomy angiography angiology anthropotomy bound morpheme bowwow theory comparative linguistics conjugation cutting declension derivation descriptive grammar descriptive linguistics dialectology difference of form dingdong theory enclitic etymology form formative free form generative grammar geomorphology glossematics glossology glottochronology glottology grammar grammatical analysis grammatical theory grammaticality graphemics histologist histology historical linguistics immediate constituent analysis infix infixation inflection language study lexicology lexicostatistics linguistic geography linguistic science linguistics mathematical linguistics morph morpheme morphemic analysis morphemics morphologist morphophonemics myography myology organography organology osteography osteology paleography paradigm parsing philology phonetics phonology phrase-structure grammar prefix prefixation proclitic psycholinguistics radical root rules of language school grammar semantics sociolinguistics splanchnography splanchnology stem stratificational grammar structural grammar structuralism suffix suffixation syntactics tagmemic analysis tectology theme traditional grammar transformational grammar transformational linguistics word-formation zootomy


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