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◄ Lowering ►

1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lower.

2. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lower.

3. (a.) Dark and threatening; gloomy; sullen; as, lowering clouds or sky.

Acheronian Acherontic Cimmerian Stygian abatement about to be abridgment abusive alleviation already in sight apocalyptic approaching at hand attenuation bad baleful baneful beetle beetle-browed beetling black black-browed bludgeoning blustering bodeful boding break brewing browbeating bulldozing bullying cadence catenary cheapening close close at hand clouded cloudy coming comminatory concavity contraction cut dampening damping dark dark and gloomy de-escalation debasement decline decrease decrement decrescence decurrence deduction deepening deflation degradation dejected demotion denunciatory depreciation depression descent detrusion devaluation digging diminishment diminution dire dive doomful dour dreary drilling droop ducking dull dumpish dying dying off evil evil-starred excavation extenuation fade-out fateful fear-inspiring foreboding forthcoming frowning funereal future gathering gloom gloomful gloominess glooming gloomy glowering glum going to happen grim grum hauling down heavy hectoring hollowness ill ill-boding ill-fated ill-lighted ill-lit ill-omened ill-starred immediate imminent impendent impending in danger imminent in prospect in reserve in store in the cards in the offing in the wind in view inauspicious incumbent instant intimidating jutting languishment lapse lessening letup looming lower lurking markdown melancholy menacing minacious minatory miniaturization mining mitigation moodish moody mopey moping mopish morose mumpish near near at hand nearing nose dive nubilous of evil portent ominous on the horizon overcast overclouded overhanging overhung pending plummet plummeting plunge portending portentous preparing price cut price fall price reduction probing projecting reduction relaxation sag sagging scaling down scowling simplicity sinister sinkage sinking slash slump somber somberness sombrous sombrousness stormy submergence subsidence subtraction sulky sullen superincumbent surly swag terroristic terrorizing that will be threatening threatful thrusting under to come tunneling unfavorable unfortunate unlucky unpromising unpropitious untoward upcoming waiting weakening


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