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(a.) Grayish blue in color or ashen as a dead person; furious so as to give one such a color\; of an ashen or lead color; discolored, as flesh by contusion.

Quaker-colored achromatic achromic acier amethystine anemic angered angry ashen ashy azure azure-blue azure-colored azurean azured azureous beryl-blue berylline black and blue blanched bled white bloodless blue bluish browned-off cadaverous canescent cerulean ceruleous cerulescent chloranemic cinereous cinerous colorless corpselike cross cyanean dapple dapple-gray dappled dappled-gray dark-blue dead deadly deadly pale deathlike deathly deathly pale deep-blue dim dimmed dingy discolored dismal doughy dove-colored dove-gray dreary dull dusky dusty eerie etiolated exsanguinated exsanguine exsanguineous faded faint fallow flat ghastly ghostlike ghostly glaucescent glaucous gloomy gray gray-black gray-brown gray-colored gray-drab gray-green gray-spotted gray-toned gray-white grayed grayish griseous grisly grizzle grizzled grizzly gruesome haggard hueless hypochromic incensed indignant irate ireful iron-gray lackluster lavender lead-gray leaden light-blue lightish-blue lilac lurid lusterless macabre mad magenta mat mauve mealy mortuary mouse-colored mouse-gray mousy muddy mulberry murky neutral orchid pale pale as death pale-faced pallid pansy-purple pasty pavonian pavonine peacock-blue pearl pearl-gray pearly pissed pissed-off plum-colored plum-purple purple purplescent purplish purply purpurate purpure purpureal purpurean purpureous raisin-colored riled up sad sallow sapphire sapphirine sensationalistic sickly silver silver-gray silvered silvery sky-blue sky-colored sky-dyed slate-colored slaty smoke-gray smoky sober somber sore steel-gray steely stone-colored sultry tabloid tallow-faced taupe ticked off toneless turquoise uncanny uncolored unearthly violaceous violet wan washed-out waxen weak weird whey-faced white worked up wrathful wrathy wroth wrought-up


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