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◄ Law Of Nature ►

Bible Douay Bible Festschrift Grand Penitentiary Holy Father Holy Scripture Holy Writ King James Version Procrustean law Revised Standard Version Revised Version Scripture Sefer Torah Septuagint Testament Torah Torah scroll Virginal Vulgate a belief abuna act album ana analects anthology antipope archbishop archdeacon archpriest article of faith assize axiom barometer beauties bill bishop bishop coadjutor breviary bylaw cardinal cardinal bishop cardinal deacon cardinal priest catch chaplain check chrestomathy church book coadjutor code collectanea collected works collection commandment compilation complete works convention criterion curate dean decree decretum degree delectus dictate dictation dictum diocesan doctrine dogma ecclesiarch edict enactment euchologion euchology exarch farse florilegium flowers form formality formula formulary fugato fugue garden garland gauge general principle golden rule graduated scale guideline guiding principle hierarch high priest imperative institution jus law law of nature lectionary legislation lex litany machzor manual maxim measure metropolitan miscellanea miscellany missal mitzvah model moral norm norma omnibus order of nature ordinal ordinance ordonnance papa parameter patriarch pattern penitentiary photograph album pontiff pontifical pope prayer book prebendary precept prelate prescribed form prescript prescription primate principium principle quantity quotation book reading readout rector regulation ritual rituale rondeau rondelet rondino rondo rondoletto round roundelay rubric rule ruling rural dean scale scrapbook service book set form settled principle siddur standard standing order statute subdean suffragan symposium teaching tenet test the Book the Good Book the Scriptures the Word touchstone troll type universal law value vicar working principle working rule yardstick


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