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1. (n.) A triangular sail set upon a stay or halyard extending from the foremast or fore-topmast to the bowsprit or the jib boom. Large vessels often carry several jibe; as, inner jib; outer jib; flying jib; etc.

2. (n.) The projecting arm of a crane, from which the load is suspended.

3. (v. i.) To move restively backward or sidewise, -- said of a horse; to balk.

avert avoid back down balance balk balloon sail batten bear off blench blink boggle cringe debate deliberate demur dodge draw aside draw back duck ease off edge off evade fade fall back falter fear fight shy flinch fly off fly-by-night flying kites fore gaff-topsail fore topgallant sail fore-skysail fore-topmast staysail fore-topsail foreroyal foresail forestaysail gag gee glance glance off go off hang back haw head off hem and haw hesitate hover hum and haw jenny jigger jump jump a mile leg-of-mutton sail loose-footed sail lug main gaff-topsail main royal main skysail main-royal staysail main-topsail mainsail make way for mizzen mizzen skysail mizzen staysail mizzen-royal staysail mizzen-topgallant sail moonraker moonsail move aside panic parachute spinnaker pause ponder pull back quail recoil reef reef point reel back retreat royal scruple sheer off shilly-shally shove aside shrink shrink back shunt shy shy off side sidestep sidetrack sidle skedaddle skyscraper spanker spinnaker spitfire square sail stampede start start aside start back startle staysail steer clear of step aside stern staysail stick stick at stickle stop to consider storm trysail straddle the fence strain strain at stumble swerve switch think twice about topsail trysail turn aside turn away turn back veer off weasel weasel out wince withdraw yield


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