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◄ Fulcrum ►

1. (n.) A support by which a lever pivots; an agent through which power is exercised\.

2. (n.) A prop or support.

3. (n.) An accessory organ such as a tendril, stipule, spine, and the like.

4. (n.) The horny inferior surface of the lingua of certain insects.

5. (n.) One of the small, spiniform scales found on the front edge of the dorsal and caudal fins of many ganoid fishes.

6. (n.) The connective tissue supporting the framework of the retina of the eye.

advocate alpenstock arbor arm athletic supporter axis axle axle bar axle shaft axle spindle axle-tree back backbone backing bandeau bearer bearing bra brace bracer bracket brassiere buttress cane carrier cervix corset crook crutch distaff foundation garment gimbal girdle gudgeon guy guywire hinge hingle hub jock jockstrap mainstay maintainer mandrel mast nave neck oarlock pin pintle pivot pole prop radiant reinforce reinforcement reinforcer rest resting place resting point rigging rowlock shoulder shroud spindle spine sprit staff standing rigging stave stay stick stiffener strengthener support supporter sustainer swivel thole tholepin trunnion upholder walking stick


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