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1. (v. t.) To flay.

2. (n.) An insect belonging to the genus Pulex, of the order Aphaniptera. Fleas are destitute of wings, but have the power of leaping energetically. The bite is poisonous to most persons. The human flea (Pulex irritans), abundant in Europe, is rare in America, where the dog flea (P. canis) takes its place.

broad jumper bucking bronco buckjumper cat flea chigoe cockroach crab dog flea frog gazelle goat grasshopper grayback high jumper hopper hurdle racer hurdler jackrabbit jigger jumper jumping bean jumping jack kangaroo leaper louse mite nit parasite pole vaulter red bug roach salmon sand flea stag sunfisher timber topper vaulter vermin weevil


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