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1. (v. i.) To make a hissing sound.

2. (v. i.) To make a ridiculous failure in an undertaking.

3. (n.) A failure or abortive effort.

abort assibilate assibilation bafflement balk be disappointing betrayed hope blasted expectation blighted hope blow blow up blubber boil boil over boiling bomb bubble bubble over bubble up bubbliness bubbling buffet burble burn out bust buzz carbonation cave in collapse come short come to grief come to naught come to nothing comedown cruel disappointment dash dashed hope defeat die die away die out disappointment discomfiture disillusionment dissatisfaction dull thud ebullience ebulliency ebullition effervesce effervescence effervescency effervescing expire explode fail fail miserably failure fall short fall through fallen countenance ferment fermentation fiasco fizz fizz out fizzle out fizzling flame out flat failure flop floperoo foaming foiling forlorn hope frication frictional rustling frost frothiness frothing frustration get nowhere go out go phut go wrong guggle gurgle hang up hiss hissing hope deferred hush hushing lemon letdown lisp mirage miscarry misfire not hack it not make it peter out plop poop out rhonchus seethe setback shush shushing sibilance sibilate sibilation siffle sigmatism simmer siss sissing sizz sizzle sizzling sneeze sneezing sniff sniffle snore snort snuff snuffle sore disappointment sparkle spit splutter spumescence sputter squash squelch squish sternutation stertor swish tantalization tease total loss turkey turn sour washout wheeze whish whisper whistle whistling white noise whiz whoosh work zip


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