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1. (n.) The structure of anything; the manner in which the parts of a thing are united; workmanship; texture; make; as cloth of a beautiful fabric.

2. (n.) That which is fabricated

3. (n.) Framework; structure; edifice; building.

4. (n.) Cloth of any kind that is woven or knit from fibers, either vegetable or animal; manufactured cloth; as, silks or other fabrics.

5. (n.) The act of constructing; construction.

6. (n.) Any system or structure consisting of connected parts; as, the fabric of the universe.

7. (v. t.) To frame; to build; to construct.

Aralac Avisco Axminster Celanese Dacron Dymaxion house Dynel Georgette Harris Tweed Lastex Leatherette Orlon Qiana Revolite Terylene Ultrasuede Velon Vicara White House acetate acetate rayon adobe house alpaca anatomy architectonics architecture arrangement arras astrakhan atoms baize batik blanketing braiding broadcloth broadloom brocade build building bunting cadre calico cambric canvas carpeting casa case casement cashmere casing castor chassis cheesecloth chiffon chinchilla chintz cliff dwelling cloth coating composition configuration conformation constitution construct construction consulate cord corduroy core cotton country house country seat crash creation crepe crepe de chine cretonne crinoline dacha damask deanery denim distillate distillation doeskin doorframe drapery drill drilling drugget duck duffel dwelling house edifice elixir embassy enlacement entwinement entwining erection essence establishment etoffe fabrication farm farmhouse fashion fashioning felt fiber flannel flannelette fleece forging form format formation foulard foundation frame framework framing frieze fustian gauze getup gingham gist goods gossamer grenadine grogram grosgrain gunny haircloth hall heart herringbone hessian homespun hop sacking horsehair house houseboat huck huckaback interknitting interlacement interlacery interlacing intertexture interthreading intertieing intertwinement intertwining intertwisting interweavement interweaving jersey kernel knitting lace lacing lake dwelling lame lattice latticework lawn linen linoleum linsey-woolsey lisle list living machine loden lodge longcloth luster mackinaw mackintosh madras make makeup making maline manor house manse manta mantua manufacture marquisette marrow mat material matter matting meat medium melton messaline mohair moire mold molding moleskin mousseline de soie murrey muslin nainsook nankeen napery near-silk net netting nub nylon oil silk oilcloth organdy organic structure organism organization organza packaged house paisley panne panne velvet parsonage pattern patterning penthouse pepper-and-salt percale physique picture frame pile pique pith plaid plaiting plan plush polyester pongee poplin prefab prefabricated house prefabrication presidential palace print production pyramid quilting quintessence


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