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1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of End.

2. (n.) Termination; concluding part; result; conclusion; destruction; death.

3. (n.) The final syllable or letter of a word; the part joined to the stem. See Case.

Z annihilation apodosis arrest bane bell biological death capping catastrophe ceasing cessation cessation of life check checkmate clinical death close closing coda completing completion concluding conclusion consummation consummative consummatory crack of doom crossing the bar crowning culminating culmination culminative curtain curtains cutoff dead stop deadlock death death knell debt of nature decease demise denouement departure desistance destination destiny dissolution doom dying ebb of life effect end end of life end point endgame envoi epilogue eschatology eternal rest exit expiration extinction extinguishment fate final solution final summons final twitch final whistle final words finale finality finger of death finis finish finishing full development full stop goal going going off grave grinding halt gun halt hand of death izzard jaws of death knell last last breath last debt last gasp last muster last rest last roundup last sleep last things last trumpet last words latter end leaving life lockout loss of life making an end maturation maturity omega parting passing passing away passing over payoff perfecting perfection perfective period perishing peroration quietus release resolution rest resting place reward ripeness rounding off rounding out sentence of death shades of death shadow of death sit-down strike sleep somatic death stalemate stand standoff standstill stay stop stoppage stopping place strike summons of death swan song term terminal terminating termination terminus topping off walkout windup work stoppage


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