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1. (n.) Moisture; humidity; fog; fogginess; vapor.

2. (n.) Dejection; depression; cloud of the mind.

3. (n.) A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pints, etc.

4. (superl.) Being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist; humid.

5. (superl.) Dejected; depressed; sunk.

6. (n.) To render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; to dampen; as, to damp cloth.

7. (n.) To put out, as fire; to depress or deject; to deaden; to cloud; to check or restrain, as action or vigor; to make dull; to weaken; to discourage.

abate abridge absorb the shock acoustic tile afterdamp allay alleviate antiknock arrest asperge asphyxiate assimilate to assuage attemper attenuate baffle baffler balance bank the fire beat down bedew bespatter besprinkle blackdamp blow out blunt bogginess boggy bottle up break the fall breath cast down censor chasten check chill choke choke off chokedamp clamminess clammy clamp down on cloud cold water compress constrain control cool cork cork up countercheck crack down on cramp crepehanger cripple crush curb curtail cushion cut cut back cut down dabble dam up damp down dampen dampen the spirits dampener damper dampish dampness dank darken dash de-emphasize deaden deafen debilitate decrease deduct deflate deflect deject delay depreciate depress detain deter determent deterrent devitalize dew dewiness dewy diminish disaffect discourage discouragement dishearten disincline disinterest dispirit distract divert douche douse downgrade downplay drenched drown dull effluvium enervate enfeeble equalize equilibrize even eviscerate exhalation exhaust extenuate extinguish exudation fenny fetid air firedamp flatten flatus fluid fogginess fume gag gruel harmonize hinder hold back hold down hold in check hold up homogenize hose hose down humect humectate humectation humid humidify humidity humor hushcloth impede indispose inhibit intercept interfere intermeddle interrupt intervene irrigate jump on keep back keep down keep in check keep under keep within bounds kill killjoy knock down lay lay low lenify lessen level lighten lower lower the spirits make uniform malaria marshiness marshy meddle mephitis miasma mistiness misty mitigate moderate modulate moist moisten moistiness moistness moisture muffle muffler muggy mute muzzle neutralize normalize obtund offset oppose oppress out paddle palliate pare pessimist play down pour water on press down puff of smoke put down put off put out quash quell quench quietener rainfall raininess rainy rattle reduce reduce the temperature reek regularize regulate repel repress resist restrain retard retrench roll back roric sadden sap saturated scale down scotch set back shake shake up shorten show consideration show mercy show pity showeriness shut down on silence silence cloth silencer


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