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◄ Conjunction ►

1. (n.) The state of being united or associated; union; association; league\.

2. (n.) The meeting of two or more stars or planets in the same degree of the zodiac; as, the conjunction of the moon with the sun, or of Jupiter and Saturn.

3. (n.) A connective or connecting word; an indeclinable word which serves to join together sentences, clauses of a sentence, or words; as, and, but, if.

Anschluss abutment abuttal accompaniment accordance addition adjacency adjectival adjective adjoiningness adverb adverbial adversative conjunction affiliation agglomeration agglutination aggregation agreement alliance amalgamation apposition appulse articulation assimilation association attributive blend blending bond bracketing cabal cahoots cartel centralization clustering co-working coaction coalescence coalition coincidence collaboration collectivity collusion combination combine combined effort combo communication composition concatenation concert concerted action concomitance concordance concourse concurrence confederacy confederation confluence congeries conglomeration conjugation conjunctive adverb connection consilience consolidation conspiracy conterminousness contiguity convergence cooperation coordinating conjunction copulation copulative copulative conjunction correlative conjunction correspondence coterminousness coupling disjunctive disjunctive conjunction ecumenism embodiment encompassment enosis exclamatory noun federalization federation form class form word function class fusion gathering gerundive hookup inclusion incorporation integration intercommunication intercourse interjection interlinking joinder joining jointure junction junta juxtaposition knotting league liaison linkage linking marriage meeting meld melding merger merging package package deal pairing parasitism part of speech participle particle partnership past participle perfect participle perigee perihelion preposition present participle saprophytism simultaneity solidification splice subordinating conjunction symbiosis synchronism syncretism syndication syneresis synergy synthesis syzygy tie tie-in tie-up unification union united action verbal adjective wedding yoking


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