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Highland fling absolute adjoin affianced affiliate affiliated allied and jump apodictic apprenticed articled assembled associate associated assured backfire backlash backlashing banded together barred befringe beholden beholden to beleaguer beleaguered beset besiege besieged betrothed bind blockade blockaded blocked booked boomerang border border line borders bounce bounce back bound and determined bound back boundary boundary condition boundary line bounded bounden bounden to bounds bourn box in bracketed break boundary breakoff point broad jump buck buckjump cabined cage caged cannon cannon off canter caper capriole carom ceiling certain chamber choked choked up circle in circumscribe circumscription clear clear and distinct clear as day clogged clogged up cloistered close in closed-in collateral collected committed compass compelled compromised conclusive condition conditioned confine confined confines congested conjoined conjugate connected constipated constrained contain contracted contrecoup coop coop in coop up cooped copulate copyright copyrighted cordon cordon off cordoned cordoned off corral corralled correlated costive coupled cramped cribbed curvet cutoff cutoff point deadline decided decisive dedicated define definite delimit delimitate delimitation demarcate demivolt destined determinant determinate determine determined devoted directed discipline disciplined divide division line doomed draw the line duty-bound earnest edge encircle enclose enclosed encompass end enframe engaged enshrine enslaved extent extremity fast fastened fated fence in fenced fettered finish finite fix fixed floor fly back flying jump forced foul fouled fox-trot frame fringe frolic frontier full galliard gallop gambol gathered gelandesprung get git grand jete guaranteed hampered hand-in-glove hand-in-hand handcuffed handspring have repercussions headed hedge hedge about hedge in hedged hem hem in hemmed high jump high-water mark hightail hippety-hop hop hop along hotfoot house in hurdle immured implicated impound imprison imprisoned in bonds in chains in duty bound in irons incarcerate incarcerated include incorporated indebted to indentured ineluctable inevitable infarcted integrated intended interface interlinked interlocked interrelated intimate involved ironbound jail jailed jammed jete jig joined jump jump over jump shot jump turn jump-hop


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