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◄ Apparent ►

1. (a.) Easily seen or understood\; open to view; visible to the eye; within sight or view.

2. (a.) Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain; evident; obvious; known; palpable; indubitable.

3. (a.) Appearing to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, true or real); seeming; as the apparent motion or diameter of the sun.

4. (n.) An heir apparent.

Barmecidal Barmecide airy apparitional appearing autistic beholdable chimeric clear clear as crystal colorable colored conceivable conspicuous cortical credible crystal-clear deceptive delusional delusionary delusive delusory dereistic detectable discernible disclosed distinct dreamlike dreamy epidermic erroneous evident exomorphic explicit exposed exposed to view express exterior external extrinsic factitious fake fallacious FALSE fantastic fringe gilded hanging out illusional illusionary illusive illusory imaginary in evidence in full view in plain sight in view indisputable indubitable insight manifest marked meretricious misleading naked noticeable observable obvious open open to view open-and-shut ostensible out outcropping outer outermost outlying outmost outside outstanding outward outward-facing palpable patent perceivable perceptible peripheral perspicuous phantasmagoric phantasmal phantom plain plain as day plausible ponderable prominent pseudo public reasonable recognizable revealed roundabout seeable seeming self-deceptive self-deluding self-evident self-explaining self-explanatory sham showing specious spectral superficial supposititious surface tangible tinsel to be seen unactual unambiguous unclouded unconcealed undisguised unequivocal unfounded unhidden unmistakable unreal unsubstantial viewable visible visionary visual witnessable


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