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1. (adv.) Widely; broadly; beyond the bounds of a country; in foreign countries\; as, we have broils at home and enemies abroad.

2. (adv.) At large; widely; broadly; over a wide space; as, a tree spreads its branches abroad.

3. (adv.) Without a certain confine; outside the house; away from one's abode; as, to walk abroad.

4. (adv.) Before the public at large; throughout society or the world; here and there; widely.

abashed aberrant adrift afield alfresco all abroad all off all wrong amiss askew astray at fault at large at sea away away from home awry beside the mark bewildered beyond seas bothered broadly clear clueless confused corrupt deceptive defective delusive deviant deviational deviative discomposed disconcerted dismayed disoriented distantly and broadly distorted distracted distraught disturbed embarrassed en plein air errant erring erroneous everywhere extensively fallacious FALSE far afield far and near far and wide faultful faulty flawed guessing heretical heterodox illogical illusory in a fix in a maze in a pickle in a scrape in a stew in foreign parts in the open infinitely lost mazed nonresident not in residence not right not true off off the track on all sides on every side on leave on sabbatical leave on the road on tour out out of doors outdoors outside oversea overseas peccant perturbed perverse perverted publicly put-out right and left self-contradictory straying turned around unfactual unorthodox unproved untrue upset vastly wide widely without a clue wrong


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