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UMAP 2014 Extended Proceedings

Posters, Demos, Late-breaking Results and Workshop Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization
co-located with the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP2014)

Aalborg, Denmark, July 7-11, 2014.

Edited by

Iván Cantador 1
Min Chi 2
Rosta Farzan 3
Robert Jäschke 4

1 High Polytechnic School, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
2 Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, USA
3 School of Information Sciences, University of Pitttsburg, USA
4 L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

The workshops at the 22nd conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization cover broad and exciting topics related to ongoing research in the field. The workshops bring together researchers from a large number of academic institutions across the United States and Europe. Forty three papers at six workshops at UMAP 2014 highlight the impact of different factors such as human factors and emotions on user modeling. At the same time, the workshops attempt to discuss new challenges in the field such as news recommendation in the age of social media, student modeling in the context of MOOCs and gamified learning environments, and personalization in citizen-participatory e-government services and multilingual information systems.

Contents at a Glance

Table of Contents

UMAP 2014 Posters, Demonstrations and Late-breaking Results

chaired by Iván Cantador, Min Chi


  1. Application of Inclusive User Modelling Web Service
    Pradipta Biswas, Sanat Sarangi, Subrat Kar, Pat Langdon
  2. Users Ranking in Online Social Networks to Support POIs Selection in Small Groups
    Antonio Caso, Silvia Rossi
  3. Visualising Uncertainty for Open Learner Model Users
    Carrie Demmans Epp, Susan Bull, Matthew D. Johnson
  4. Balancing Exploration - Exploitation in Image Retrieval
    Dorota Glowacka, Sayantan Hore
  5. Supporting the Fast Prototyping of Personalised Narratives for Tangible Interaction in Cultural Heritage
    Robin Goldberg, Daniela Petrelli
  6. Effects of Search Interface and Decision Style on Learning Material Search Behavior and Reaction
    Jincheul Jang, Mun Yi, Wan Chul Yoon
  7. A Peer to Peer Architecture for a Distributed User Model
    Fotis Paraskevopoulos, Gregoris Mentzas
  8. Evaluation of Personalized Concept-Based Search and Ranked Lists over Linked Open Data
    Melike Sah, Vincent Wade
  9. Exploiting Wikipedia Categorization for Predicting Age and Gender of Blog Authors
    K Santosh, Aditya Joshi, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma
  10. Predicting Player Type in Social Network Games
    Dereck Toker, Ben Steichen, Max Birk
  11. Modeling Mobile User Planning-Context
    Chad Williams, Sean Doherty


  1. GroupCollaborate2: Interactive Community Mapping
    Liliana Ardissono, Maurizio Lucenteforte, Adriano Savoca, Angioletta Voghera
  2. YummyKarachi: Using Real-Time Tweets for Restaurant Recommendations in an Unsafe Location
    Muhammad Atif Qureshi, Arjumand Younus, Muhammad Yousuf, Abdul Moiz, Muhammad Saeed, Nasir Touheed, Colm O'Riordan, Gabriella Pasi
  3. A Value-Sensitive Mobile Social Application for Families and Children
    Alex Kayal, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Hanna Zoon, Mark Neerincx, M. Birna van Riemsdijk
  4. Turning Learners into Effective Better Learners: The Use of the askMe! System for Learning Analytics
    Christian Saul, Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke
  5. Making it Game-Like: Topolor 2 and Gamified Social E-Learning
    Lei Shi, Alexandra Cristea
  6. Adaptive Visualization of Plans
    Nava Tintarev, Roman Kutlak, Judith Masthoff, Kees van Deemter, Nir Oren, Wamberto Vasconcelos

Late-breaking Results

  1. Interaction Model to Predict Subjective-Specificity of Search Results
    Kumaripaba Athukorala, Antti Oulasvirta, Dorota Glowacka, Jilles Vreeken, Giulio Jacucci
  2. STS: A Context-Aware Mobile Recommender System for Places of Interest
    Matthias Braunhofer, Mehdi Elahi, Francesco Ricci
  3. Understanding Usages by Modeling Diversity over Time
    Amaury L'Huillier, Sylvain Castagnos, Anne Boyer
  4. An Attractiveness Evaluation of Picture Books Based on Children's Perspectives
    Min-Yuan Ma, Chun-Chun Wei, Yang-Cheng Lin
  5. A Virtual Reality Environment for Prospective Memory Training
    Antonija Mitrovic, Moffat Mathews, Stellan Ohlsson, Jay Holland, Audrey McKinley, Scott Ogden, Anthony Bracegirdle, Sam Dopping-Hepenstal
  6. Life-Logging for Healthcare Proactive Advisory Systems
    Thai Son Nguyen, Francesco Ricci, Floriano Zini, Marcello Granconato

Download the Proceedings of UMAP 2014 posters, demonstrations and late-breaking results in a single volume.

UMAP 2014 Doctoral Consortium Posters

organized by Francesco Ricci, David Chin

  1. WiBAF: Within Browser Adaptation Framework
    Alejandro Montes García
  2. Automatic Assembly of Adaptive User-Interfaces via Dynamic Discovery and Deployment of Profile Providers, Decision Makers and Component Repositories
    Effie Karuzaki
  3. Affective standards-based modeling in educational contexts from mining multimodal data sources
    Sergio Salmeron-Majadas

EMPIRE 2014: Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services

organized by Marko Tkalcic, Berardina De Carolis, Marco de Gemmis, Ante Odic, Andrej Košir

  1. Social Structure and Personality Enhanced Group Recommendation
    Michal Kompan, Maria Bielikova
  2. Gathering a Dataset of Multi-Modal Mood-Dependent Perceptual Responses to Music
    Matevž Pesek, Primož Godec, Mojca Poredoš, Gregor Strle, Jože Guna, Emilija Stojmenova, Matevž Pogačnik, Matija Marolt
  3. Human Decisions in User Modeling: Motivation, Procedure and Example Application
    Andrej Košir, Ante Odić, Marko Tkalčič, Matija Svetina
  4. Enhancing Music Recommender Systems with Personality Information and Emotional States: A Proposal
    Bruce Ferwerda, Markus Schedl
  5. How are you doing? Emotions and Personality in Facebook
    Golnoosh Farnadi, Geetha Sitaraman, Mehrdad Rohani, Michal Kosinski, David Stillwell, Marie-Francine Moens, Sergio Davalos, Martine De Cock
  6. Using Social Media Mining for Estimating Theory of Planned Behaviour Parameters
    Marko Tkalčič, Bruce Ferwerda, Markus Schedl, Cynthia Liem, Mark Melenhorst, Ante Odić, Andrej Košir
  7. Towards Learning Relations Between User Daily Routines and Mood
    Berardina De Carolis, Stefano Ferilli
  8. Self-Monitoring of Emotions: a Novel Personal Informatics Solution for an Enhanced Self-Reporting
    Federica Cena, Ilaria Lombardi, Amon Rapp, Federico Sarzotti
  9. Social Media Sources for Personality Profiling
    David N. Chin, William R. Wright

Download the EMPIRE 2014 proceedings in a single volume.

NRA 2014: News Recommendation and Analytics

organized by Jon Atle Gulla, Ville Ollikainen, Özlem Özgöbek, Nafiseh Shabib

  1. Data Sets and News Recommendation
    Özlem Özgöbek, Nafiseh Shabib, Jon Atle Gulla
  2. Using a Rich Context Model for a News Recommender System for Mobile Users
    Alisa Sotsenko, Marc Jansen, Marcelo Milrad
  3. Stories Around You: Location-based Serendipitous Recommendation of News Articles
    Yonata Andrelo Asikin, Wolfgang Wörndl
  4. Method for Novelty Recommendation Using Topic Modelling
    Matúš Tomlein, Jozef Tvarožek
  5. Building Rich User Profiles for Personalized News Recommendation
    Youssef Meguebli, Mouna Kacimi, Bich-Lien Doan, Fabrice Popineau

Download the NRA 2014 proceedings in a single volume.

PALE 2014: Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments

organized by Milos Kravcik, Olga C. Santos, Jesus G. Boticario

  1. Integrating Knowledge Tracing and Item Response Theory: A Tale of Two Frameworks
    Mohammad Khajah, Yun Huang, Jose Gonzalez-Brenes, Michael Mozer, Peter Brusilovsky
  2. User Profile Modelling for Digital Resource Management Systems
    Daouda Sawadogo, Ronan Champagnat, Pascal Estraillier
  3. Towards a Transferable and Domain-Independent Reputation Indicator to Group Students in the Collaborative Logical Framework Approach
    Jesus L. Lobo, Olga C. Santos, Jesus G. Boticario
  4. Evaluation of a Personalized Method for Proactive Mind Wandering Reduction
    Robert Bixler, Kristopher Kopp, Sidney D'Mello
  5. Providing Personalized Guidance in Arithmetic Problem Solving
    Miguel Arevalillo-Herraez, David Arnau, Luis Marco-Gimenez, Jose A. Gonzalez-Calero, Salvador Moreno-Picot, Paloma Moreno-Clari, Aladdin Ayesh, Olga C. Santos, Jesus G. Boticario, Mar Saneiro, Sergio Salmeron-Majadas, Raul Cabestrero, Pilar Quiros
  6. Modifying Field Observation Methods on the Fly: Creative Metanarrative and Disgust in an Environmental MUVE
    Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Ryan S. Baker, Amy M. Kamarainen, Shari J. Metcalf
  7. Personalized Web Learning: Merging Open Educational Resources into Adaptive Courses for Higher Education
    Peter Henning, Florian Heberle, Alexander Streicher, Andrea Zielinski, Christian Swertz, Jürgen Bock, Stefan Zander
  8. Gamification: Metacognitive Scaffolding Towards Long Term Goals?
    Lie Ming Tang, Judy Kay

Download the PALE 2014 proceedings in a single volume.

PEGOV 2014: Personalization in e-Government Services, Data and Applications

organized by Nikolaos Loutas, Fedelucio Narducci, Adegboyega Ojo, Matteo Palmonari, Cécile Paris, Giovanni Semeraro

  1. TweetAlert: Semantic Analytics in Social Networks for Citizen Opinion Mining in the City of the Future
    Julio Villena-Román, Adrián Luna-Cobos, José Carlos González-Cristóbal
  2. Community Mapping for Participatory Decision-Making Processes
    Liliana Ardissono, Maurizio Lucenteforte, Adriano Savoca, Angioletta Voghera
  3. Personalization of Parliamentary Document Retrieval Using Different User Profiles
    Eduardo Vicente-López, Luis M. de Campos, Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Juan F. Huete
  4. Product Line-Based Customization of e-Government Documents
    María del Carmen Penadés, Pau Martí, José H. Canós, Abel Gómez
  5. A Fuzzy Model for Service Value Assessment
    M. Alessandra Torsello, Leo Iaquinta, Marco Comerio

Download the PEGOV 2014 proceedings in a single volume.

PIA 2014: Joint Workshop on Personalised Information Access

organized by Ben Steichen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Maristella Agosti, Giulio Jacucci, Séamus Lawless, Peter Brusilovsky, Vincent Wade, Samuel Kaski, Oswald Barral

  1. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Stereotype User Models for Recommendations on Mobile Devices
    Béatrice Lamche, Enrico Pollok, Wolfgang Wörndl, Georg Groh
  2. Increasing Top-20 Search Results Diversity Through Recommendation Post-Processing
    Matevz Kunaver, Stefan Dobravec, Tomaz Pozrl, Andrej Kosir
  3. Influence of Reading Speed on Pupil Size as a Measure of Perceived Relevance
    Oswald Barral, Ilkka Kosunen, Giulio Jacucci
  4. Supporting Exploratory Search Through User Modeling
    Kumaripaba Athukorala, Antti Oulasvirta, Dorota Glowacka, Jilles Vreeken, Giulio Jacucci
  5. Users as Crawlers: Exploiting Metadata Embedded in Web Pages for User Profiling
    Dario De Nart, Carlo Tasso, Dante Degl'Innocenti
  6. Work in Progress: Multicultural Concept Map Editor
    Iñaki Calvo, Ana Arruarte, Jon A. Elorriaga, Mikel Larrañaga
  7. Does Personalization Benefit Everyone in the Same Way? Multilingual Search Personalization for English vs. Non-English Users
    M. Rami Ghorab, Séamus Lawless, Alexander O'Connor, Vincent Wade

Download the PIA 2014 proceedings in a single volume.

ProS 2014: Workshop on UMAP Projects Synergy

organized by Dhavalkumar Thakker, Oliver Brdiczka, Christoph Trattner

  1. INTUITEL - Intelligent Tutorial Interface for Technology Enhanced Learning
    Peter Henning, Florian Heberle, Kevin Fuchs, Christian Swertz, Alexander Schmölz, Alexandra Forstner, Andrea Zielinski
  2. Tourists' Dynamic Needs and Affects in Personalised Travel Route Recommendations
    Petr Aksenov, Astrid Kemperman, Theo Arentze
  3. Adaptive Interest Modeling Enables Proactive Content Services at the Network Edge
    Hua Li, Ralph Costantini, David Anhalt, Rafael Alonso, Mark-Oliver Stehr, Carolyn Talcott, Minyoung Kim, Timothy McCarthy, Sam Wood
  4. The CHESS Project: Adaptive Personalized Storytelling Experiences in Museums
    Maria Vayanou, Manos Karvounis, Akrivi Katifori, Marialena Kyriakidi, Maria Roussou, Yannis Ioannidis
  5. Pheme: Veracity in Digital Social Networks
    Leon Derczynski, Kalina Bontcheva
  6. User-Item Reciprocity in Recommender Systems: Incentivizing the Crowd
    Alan Said, Martha Larson, Domonkos Tikk, Paolo Cremonesi, Alexandros Karatzoglou, Frank Hopfgartner, Roberto Turrin, Joost Geurts
  7. PRISE : Adaptive Environment for Consolidated Management of Digitals Resources
    Daouda Sawadogo, Ronan Champagnat, Pascal Estraillier
  8. Supporting Workplace Learning in Small Enterprises by Personal Learning Environments
    Milos Kravcik, Kateryna Neulinger, Ralf Klamma
  9. Informal Learning at the Workplace via Adaptive Video
    Milos Kravcik, Petru Nicolaescu, Ralf Klamma

Download the ProS 2014 proceedings in a single volume.

2014-06-25: submitted by Robert Jäschke
2014-06-27: published on CEUR-WS.org |valid HTML5|