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A downloadable Desktop

You are a game tester hired by your company and your objective is to check whether some games sent to you infringe or not the intellectual property rights of the developers. You have a folder of Assets on your computer containing the copyrighted materials of your company, and your goal is to verify if these Assets are being used illegally in the games. Remember that your time is limited to conduct the tests, and the company wants results. Good luck!

You will have to test multiple different games and achieve good performance in them, so that you can see all the available content provided by the games.

It is a game in which the protagonist's goal is to verify within some games sent by the company, whether there are any stolen sprites by the developers. If there are, the player must inform whether they were stolen and how many assets were stolen in order to protect the company's intellectual property.

Scores will be attributed to the player's performance during the phase.

The player will have access to a folder of the company's assets and will have one minute to test the games and check for the presence of stolen assets within them. After that, questions and answers will appear regarding the presence of stolen assets within the game.

This game has been developed during the IP Challenge Game Jam and it's incubation version will be released soon

Team Members:

João Anisio Marinho da Nobrega: Game Designer and Programmer

Marcos Arthur Da Silva Melo: Programmer

Luis Eduardo de Oliveira Sales: Programmer

Ellen de Oliveira Melo:  Artist and Programmer

Carlo Alencar Stregapede: Sound Designer and Programmer


BuildTheSupervisor.zip 48 MB

Install instructions

After Downloading, extract the game folder and execute "Game-Jam-IP-2023" file

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