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Bible Timeline
Before 4000 BCThe CreationGenesis 1
Before 4000 BCThe Garden of EdenGenesis 2
Before 4000 BCThe Fall of ManGenesis 3
Before 3000 BCCain kills AbelGenesis 4
Before 3000 BCFrom Adam to NoahGenesis 5
Before 2500 BCWickedness Provokes God's wrathGenesis 6
Before 2500 BCThe Great FloodGenesis 7
Before 2500 BCThe Flood SubsidesGenesis 8
Before 2500 BCCovenant of the RainbowGenesis 9
Before 2500 BCShem, Ham and JaphethGenesis 10
Before 2100 BCThe Tower of BabelGenesis 11
2091 BCGod Sends Abram to EgyptGenesis 12
2090 BCThe Famine in CanaanGenesis 12:10
2085 BCAbram and Lot Part WaysGenesis 13
2085 BCAbram Promised Many DescendantsGenesis 13:14
2084 BCAbram Rescues LotGenesis 14
2081 BCGod's Covenant with AbramGenesis 15
2081 BCSarai and HagarGenesis 16
2080 BCIshmael BornGenesis 16:15
2067 BCThe Covenant of CircumcisionGenesis 17
2067 BCGod Promises the Birth of IsaacGenesis 18
2067 BCThe Destruction of SodomGenesis 19
2067 BCAbraham, Sarah and AbimelechGenesis 20
2066 BCIsaac BornGenesis 21
2064 BCHagar and Ishmael Sent AwayGenesis 21:8
2057 BCThe Treaty at BeershebaGenesis 21:22
2054 BCThe Offering of IsaacGenesis 22
2030 BCDeath and Burial of SarahGenesis 23
2026 BCIsaac Marries RebekahGenesis 24
2006 BCBirth of Jacob and EsauGenesis 25
1991 BCDeath of AbrahamGenesis 25:5
1978 BCEsau sells his birthrightGenesis 25:29
1977 BCIsaac and AbimelechGenesis 26
1929 BCJacob Gets Isaac's BlessingGenesis 27
1928 BCJacob Flees to LabanGenesis 28
1928 BCJacob's vision of a ladderGenesis 28:10
1928 BCJacob Serves LabanGenesis 29
1921 BCJacob Marries RachelGenesis 29:28
1921 BCJacob and His SonsGenesis 30
1916 BCRachel Bears JosephGenesis 30:22
1908 BCJacob Leaves for CanaanGenesis 31
1906 BCJacob Wrestles with GodGenesis 32
1906 BCJacob Meets EsauGenesis 33
1906 BCJacob Settles in ShechemGenesis 33:18
1906 BCShechem Defiles DinahGenesis 34
1906 BCJacob Returns to BethelGenesis 35
1906 BCJacob Named IsraelGenesis 35:10
1906 BCDescendants of EsauGenesis 36
1903 BCRachel DiesGenesis 35:18
1898 BCJoseph's Dreams and BetrayalGenesis 37
1898 BCJoseph Sold into SlaveryGenesis 37:25
1898 BCTamar deceives JudahGenesis 38
1898 BCJoseph Prospers Under PotipharGenesis 39
1889 BCPotiphar's Wife Accuses JosephGenesis 39:7
1889 BCJoseph ImprisonedGenesis 39:20
1887 BCThe Cupbearer and the Baker's DreamsGenesis 40
1886 BCJoseph Interprets Pharaoh's DreamsGenesis 41
1886 BCJoseph Put in ChargeGenesis 41:33
1886 BCSeven Years of Plenty BeginGenesis 41:47
1875 BCFamine BeginsGenesis 41:53
1875 BCJoseph's Brothers Sent to EgyptGenesis 42
1875 BCSimeon Detained by JosephGenesis 42:24
1875 BCThe Return with BenjaminGenesis 43
1875 BCBenjamin and the Silver CupGenesis 44
1875 BCJoseph Reveals His IdentityGenesis 45
1875 BCJoseph Sends for JacobGenesis 45:9
1875 BCJacob and Family to EgyptGenesis 46
1875 BCJacob to GoshenGenesis 47
1859 BCJacob's IllnessGenesis 48
1859 BCJacob's Blessing and DeathGenesis 49
1859 BCThe Burial of JacobGenesis 50
1806 BCThe Death of JosephGenesis 50:26

Bible Timeline

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