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Song of Solomon
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The Song of Solomon, also known as the Song of Songs, is a unique book within the Old Testament, celebrated for its poetic beauty and exploration of love. Traditionally attributed to King Solomon, this book is a collection of lyrical poems that express the intimate and passionate love between a bride (often referred to as the Shulammite woman) and her bridegroom. The Song of Solomon is often interpreted allegorically, symbolizing the love between God and His people, or Christ and the Church.

Authorship and Date:
The Song of Solomon is traditionally ascribed to King Solomon, who is mentioned by name in the text (Song of Solomon 1:1). Solomon, known for his wisdom and literary contributions, is believed to have reigned in the 10th century BC. The exact date of composition is uncertain, but it is generally placed during Solomon's reign or shortly thereafter.

Structure and Content:
The Song of Solomon is composed of eight chapters, featuring a series of dialogues and monologues between the bride and the bridegroom, interspersed with reflections from a chorus of friends or attendants. The book is characterized by its vivid imagery and rich symbolism, drawing on the natural world to convey the depth and beauty of love.

1. Love and Marriage: The primary theme of the Song of Solomon is the celebration of love and the sanctity of marriage. The book portrays love as a powerful and binding force, as seen in the declaration, "Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away" (Song of Solomon 8:7).

2. Beauty and Desire: The text is replete with descriptions of physical beauty and desire, using metaphors drawn from nature. The bridegroom praises the bride's beauty, saying, "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; in you there is no flaw" (Song of Solomon 4:7).

3. Intimacy and Union: The Song of Solomon emphasizes the intimate union between the lovers, reflecting the deep connection and mutual delight found in a committed relationship. This intimacy is often seen as a metaphor for the spiritual union between God and His people.

4. Allegorical Interpretations: Throughout history, the Song of Solomon has been interpreted allegorically by Jewish and Christian scholars. In Jewish tradition, it is seen as an allegory of God's love for Israel. In Christian thought, it is often viewed as a depiction of Christ's love for the Church, as reflected in Ephesians 5:25-27, where the relationship between husband and wife is likened to that of Christ and the Church.

Literary Features:
The Song of Solomon is renowned for its poetic form, employing parallelism, imagery, and symbolism. The use of garden imagery, for instance, evokes themes of fertility and abundance, while the repeated references to fragrances and spices suggest the allure and richness of love.

Canonical Status:
The Song of Solomon is part of the Ketuvim, or Writings, in the Hebrew Bible and is included in the Christian Old Testament. Its inclusion in the canon has been historically affirmed despite its unique content, which does not explicitly mention God or religious practices.

Interpretive Challenges:
The Song of Solomon presents interpretive challenges due to its poetic and non-narrative form. The lack of explicit religious content has led to diverse interpretations, ranging from literal to allegorical. The book's celebration of human love and sexuality has also sparked discussions on its place within the biblical canon.

The Song of Solomon remains a profound and enigmatic book, offering insights into the nature of love and the divine-human relationship. Its poetic beauty and depth continue to inspire readers and scholars, inviting reflection on the mysteries of love and faith.

Select Readings: Song of Moses when Pharaoh and his Army Were Overthrown


Song of Deborah

Song of Moses

Song of Moses and the Lamb

Song of Redemption

Song of Songs

Song of the Redeemed

Song of the Three Children

Song: A New

Song: Didactic

Song: Impersonation of the Church (?)

Song: Solomon Wrote One-Thousand and Five

Song: Spiritual, Singing of, Enjoined

Song: Sung at the Passover Meal

Song: War

Related Terms

Breasts (39 Occurrences)

Degrees (18 Occurrences)

Darling (13 Occurrences)

Roe (21 Occurrences)

Pomegranate (11 Occurrences)

Myrrh (22 Occurrences)

Bride (31 Occurrences)

Melody (55 Occurrences)

Adjure (16 Occurrences)

Adjured (11 Occurrences)

Spouse (7 Occurrences)

Spice (25 Occurrences)

Vines (39 Occurrences)

Comely (32 Occurrences)

Frankincense (22 Occurrences)

Apple (8 Occurrences)

Makers (20 Occurrences)

Bloom (9 Occurrences)

Pomegranates (20 Occurrences)

Spikenard (4 Occurrences)

Sweet-smelling (14 Occurrences)

Row (26 Occurrences)

Doves (25 Occurrences)

Fragrance (63 Occurrences)

Marble (5 Occurrences)

Roes (12 Occurrences)

Banner (20 Occurrences)

Snow (25 Occurrences)

Maidens (40 Occurrences)

Vine-gardens (41 Occurrences)

Beautiful (152 Occurrences)

Colors (12 Occurrences)

Press (57 Occurrences)

Virginity (12 Occurrences)

Tormented (17 Occurrences)

Towers (38 Occurrences)

Twins (9 Occurrences)

Temples (17 Occurrences)

Trail (5 Occurrences)

Twin (9 Occurrences)

Rose (279 Occurrences)

Embrace (11 Occurrences)

Blossoms (16 Occurrences)

Balsam (10 Occurrences)

Blossom (23 Occurrences)

Clusters (12 Occurrences)

Arouse (24 Occurrences)

Spices (64 Occurrences)

Sweetness (11 Occurrences)

Dove (27 Occurrences)

Apple-tree (3 Occurrences)

Dropping (33 Occurrences)

Purity (16 Occurrences)

Bedstead (1 Occurrence)

Color (18 Occurrences)

Stir (57 Occurrences)

Bedchamber (6 Occurrences)

Sharon (9 Occurrences)

Corded (37 Occurrences)

Flowers (42 Occurrences)

Awake (83 Occurrences)

Beloved (117 Occurrences)

Breathe (17 Occurrences)

Vineyards (55 Occurrences)

Kisses (12 Occurrences)

Rounded (7 Occurrences)

Mandrakes (4 Occurrences)

Stag (5 Occurrences)

Barren (44 Occurrences)

Deer (15 Occurrences)

Singing (65 Occurrences)

Flower (33 Occurrences)

Vine-garden (43 Occurrences)

Bed (142 Occurrences)

Chain (21 Occurrences)

Demanded (40 Occurrences)

Fair (147 Occurrences)

Smell (77 Occurrences)

Vine (76 Occurrences)

Song of Redemption
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