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Mark 16
Berean Study Bible

The Resurrection

When the Sabbath was over
The Sabbath, observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening, was a day of rest in Jewish tradition, as commanded in Exodus 20:8-11. The women waited until it ended to perform work, showing their adherence to Jewish law. This timing indicates the events occurred early on Sunday, the first day of the week, which later became significant for Christians as the Lord's Day, commemorating Jesus' resurrection.

Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene is a prominent figure in the Gospels, often noted for her devotion to Jesus. She was delivered from seven demons by Jesus (Luke 8:2) and was present at His crucifixion and burial. Her presence here underscores her loyalty and the important role women played in Jesus' ministry and the early church.

Mary the mother of James
This Mary is often identified as the mother of James the Less, one of the twelve apostles (Mark 15:40). Her inclusion highlights the involvement of Jesus' followers in His burial and resurrection narrative. It also reflects the commonality of the name Mary in Jewish culture at the time.

and Salome
Salome is mentioned in Mark 15:40 as one of the women who witnessed the crucifixion. She is traditionally considered to be the mother of the apostles James and John, the sons of Zebedee. Her presence here indicates her continued support and dedication to Jesus and His mission.

bought spices
The purchase of spices was a customary practice for anointing the dead, intended to honor the deceased and mitigate the odor of decay. This act demonstrates the women's intention to care for Jesus' body, reflecting their love and respect for Him. It also highlights the urgency and immediacy of their actions following the Sabbath.

so they could go and anoint the body of Jesus
Anointing was a significant ritual in Jewish burial customs, symbolizing respect and mourning. The women's intention to anoint Jesus' body shows their devotion and belief in His significance, even in death. This act also fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 53:9, which speaks of the suffering servant's burial, and prefigures the anointing of Jesus as the Messiah, the Anointed One.

Very early on the first day of the week
This phrase indicates the timing of the events, which is significant in the context of Jewish customs. The first day of the week is Sunday, following the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday). This timing is crucial as it marks the day of Jesus' resurrection, aligning with the prophecy of rising on the third day (Matthew 16:21). The early morning setting underscores the women's devotion and eagerness to attend to Jesus' body, reflecting the cultural practice of visiting tombs early to avoid the heat of the day.

just after sunrise
The mention of sunrise symbolizes new beginnings and hope, fitting for the resurrection narrative. In biblical symbolism, light often represents life and divine presence (John 8:12). The timing also suggests the women's urgency and dedication, as they set out at the earliest possible moment to perform their duties. This detail highlights the transition from darkness to light, both literally and metaphorically, as the resurrection brings spiritual illumination.

they went to the tomb
The women, identified in earlier verses as Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, demonstrate their loyalty and courage by visiting the tomb. This act is significant given the potential danger and the Roman guard's presence. The tomb, likely a rock-cut structure typical of Jewish burial practices of the time, serves as a focal point for the resurrection event. The women's journey to the tomb fulfills their role as the first witnesses to the resurrection, a pivotal moment in Christian faith. Their actions connect to the broader biblical theme of faithful women playing crucial roles in God's redemptive plan, as seen with figures like Ruth and Esther.

They were asking one another
This phrase indicates a conversation among the women who were followers of Jesus. It reflects their concern and uncertainty about how they would access the tomb. The women mentioned earlier in the chapter include Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. Their discussion shows their dedication and love for Jesus, as they were willing to face potential obstacles to anoint His body with spices, a customary practice of the time for honoring the deceased.

“Who will roll away the stone
The stone mentioned here was a large, circular rock used to seal the entrance of the tomb. Such stones were common in Jewish burial practices of the first century and were designed to prevent animals and grave robbers from entering. The concern about moving the stone highlights the women's awareness of their physical limitations, as these stones could weigh several hundred pounds. This detail underscores the miraculous nature of the stone being rolled away, as described later in the chapter.

from the entrance of the tomb?”
The tomb was likely a rock-cut tomb, a common burial practice for wealthier individuals in Judea during this period. The entrance would have been low, requiring one to stoop to enter. The mention of the tomb's entrance emphasizes the finality of Jesus' burial and the barrier between the living and the dead. This moment foreshadows the resurrection, as the stone being rolled away signifies the opening of the tomb and the defeat of death. Theologically, it points to Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecies concerning the Messiah's victory over death, such as in Isaiah 25:8, which speaks of God swallowing up death forever.

But when they looked up
This phrase indicates a moment of realization and surprise. The women who came to the tomb were likely focused on their task and the obstacles they anticipated, such as the stone blocking the entrance. Their looking up signifies a shift in focus from their immediate concerns to the unexpected reality before them. This moment of looking up can be seen as a metaphor for spiritual awakening or realization, a theme prevalent throughout the Gospels.

they saw that the stone had been rolled away
The stone being rolled away is a significant detail, as it was a large stone meant to seal the tomb, preventing tampering or theft. This act is not just a physical reality but also a symbolic one, representing the removal of barriers between humanity and God through the resurrection of Jesus. The rolling away of the stone is a divine act, emphasizing that what is impossible for humans is possible with God. This event fulfills Jesus' prophecy about His resurrection and serves as a testament to His divine power.

even though it was extremely large
The mention of the stone's size underscores the miraculous nature of its removal. In the cultural and historical context, such stones were typically very heavy, requiring several men to move them. The fact that it was moved without human intervention highlights the supernatural aspect of the resurrection. This detail also serves to eliminate any doubt about the possibility of the disciples or others having moved the stone themselves, reinforcing the truth of the resurrection. The large stone can also be seen as a type of the law or sin, which Jesus has overcome, removing the barrier between God and humanity.

When they entered the tomb
The women entering the tomb signifies their devotion and courage, as they were the first to witness the empty tomb. This act fulfills the cultural role of women in burial practices, yet it also highlights their unique role in the resurrection narrative. The tomb, likely a rock-hewn structure, aligns with archaeological findings of first-century Jewish burial practices.

they saw a young man
The young man is traditionally understood to be an angel, a messenger of God. Angels often appear in human form in biblical accounts, such as in Genesis 18 with Abraham. The presence of an angel underscores the divine nature of the resurrection event.

dressed in a white robe
White robes are symbolic of purity and heavenly beings, as seen in Revelation 7:9, where the multitude before the throne is clothed in white. This attire indicates the young man's heavenly origin and the purity of the message he brings.

sitting on the right side
The right side is often associated with a place of honor and authority in biblical texts, such as in Matthew 25:33, where the sheep are placed on the right. The angel's position signifies the authority of the message he is about to deliver.

and they were alarmed
The women's alarm reflects a common human reaction to angelic appearances, as seen in Luke 1:12 with Zechariah. This reaction underscores the awe and fear associated with divine encounters, highlighting the extraordinary nature of the resurrection event.

But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed.
The speaker is an angel, often depicted as a young man in white, symbolizing purity and divine presence. Angels frequently appear in Scripture to deliver messages from God, often beginning with reassurance, as seen in Luke 1:13 and Matthew 28:5. The command not to be alarmed addresses the natural fear and confusion the women felt upon encountering the supernatural.

You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene,
Referring to Jesus as "the Nazarene" highlights His earthly origins and fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 11:1, where the Messiah is called a "Branch" (Hebrew: "netzer"). Nazareth was a small, seemingly insignificant town, emphasizing the humble beginnings of Jesus, as noted in John 1:46.

who was crucified.
The crucifixion is central to Christian theology, representing the atoning sacrifice for sin. It fulfills Old Testament prophecies such as Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, which describe the suffering servant. The mention of crucifixion underscores the historical reality of Jesus' death, a cornerstone of the Gospel message.

He has risen!
This declaration is the cornerstone of Christian faith, affirming the resurrection as the validation of Jesus' divine nature and the fulfillment of His predictions (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34). The resurrection is seen as the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Corinthians 15:20), guaranteeing believers' future resurrection.

He is not here!
The empty tomb is a powerful testament to the resurrection. It serves as evidence that Jesus physically rose from the dead, distinguishing Christianity from other religions. The absence of Jesus' body counters any claims that His followers stole it, as suggested in Matthew 28:13.

See the place where they put Him.
The invitation to see the empty tomb provides tangible evidence of the resurrection. This aligns with the Jewish legal principle of establishing truth through witnesses (Deuteronomy 19:15). The physical location of the tomb, traditionally identified as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, remains a significant archaeological and spiritual site.

But go, tell His disciples and Peter
This phrase highlights the urgency and importance of the message. The instruction to "go" signifies immediate action, emphasizing the resurrection's pivotal role in Christian faith. The mention of "His disciples and Peter" is significant. Peter, having denied Jesus three times, is specifically named, indicating a message of forgiveness and restoration. This reflects the grace and mercy central to the Gospel. The inclusion of Peter also underscores his leadership role among the apostles, which is later evident in the Acts of the Apostles.

‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee.
Galilee is a region of great significance in Jesus' ministry, often referred to as "Galilee of the Gentiles" (Isaiah 9:1). It is where Jesus performed many miracles and teachings, and it symbolizes the outreach of the Gospel beyond Jewish boundaries. The phrase "going ahead of you" suggests Jesus' role as a shepherd leading His flock, a theme consistent with His teachings (John 10:11). This also fulfills Jesus' earlier prediction of His resurrection and meeting with the disciples in Galilee (Mark 14:28), demonstrating His foreknowledge and divine plan.

There you will see Him,
This promise of seeing Jesus in Galilee is a reassurance of His physical resurrection, countering any claims that His appearances were merely spiritual or visionary. The physicality of the resurrection is a cornerstone of Christian doctrine, affirming Jesus' victory over death and His divine nature. This encounter in Galilee would serve to strengthen the disciples' faith and prepare them for their mission to spread the Gospel.

just as He told you.’”
This phrase underscores the reliability and truth of Jesus' words. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus predicts His death and resurrection (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34), and this fulfillment reinforces His prophetic authority. It serves as a reminder of the trustworthiness of Scripture and God's faithfulness to His promises. This assurance would have been crucial for the disciples as they faced persecution and spread the message of Christ's resurrection to the world.

So the women left the tomb and ran away
The women mentioned here are Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, who had come to anoint Jesus' body. Their departure from the tomb signifies the initial reaction to the angelic announcement of Jesus' resurrection. The act of running away highlights the urgency and intensity of their emotions. In the cultural context of the time, women were not typically considered reliable witnesses, yet the Gospel accounts consistently present them as the first to witness the empty tomb, underscoring the authenticity of the narrative. This moment fulfills Jesus' prophecy of His resurrection and sets the stage for the spread of the Gospel.

trembling and bewildered
The emotional response of trembling and bewilderment reflects the awe and fear often associated with divine encounters in Scripture. This reaction is consistent with other biblical accounts where individuals encounter angels or the divine presence, such as Moses at the burning bush or the shepherds at Jesus' birth. The women's fear and confusion also underscore the unexpected nature of the resurrection, despite Jesus' prior predictions. This moment marks a turning point in salvation history, as the resurrection confirms Jesus' victory over death and His divine identity.

And in their fear they did not say a word to anyone
The women's initial silence can be understood in light of the overwhelming nature of their experience. Fear, in this context, is not just terror but a profound reverence and awe for the divine mystery they have witnessed. This silence is temporary, as other Gospel accounts indicate that they eventually do share the news with the disciples. The initial silence may also reflect the cultural and societal pressures of the time, where women were not typically the bearers of such significant news. This phrase highlights the human element in the divine narrative, showing the natural human response to the supernatural.

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

Early on the first day of the week
This phrase indicates the timing of the event, which is significant in the context of Jewish customs. The first day of the week is Sunday, marking the day after the Sabbath. This timing is crucial as it signifies the beginning of a new creation, paralleling the creation narrative in Genesis. The resurrection occurring on this day also establishes the Christian tradition of Sunday worship, distinguishing it from the Jewish Sabbath observance on Saturday.

after Jesus had risen
The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of Christian faith, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies such as Psalm 16:10 and Isaiah 53:10-12. It confirms Jesus' victory over sin and death, validating His divine nature and the truth of His teachings. The resurrection is also a type of firstfruits, as described in 1 Corinthians 15:20, symbolizing the future resurrection of believers.

He appeared first to Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene's role as the first witness to the resurrected Christ is significant. In a cultural context where women's testimonies were often undervalued, her encounter underscores the transformative nature of the Gospel, which elevates the status of women. Her presence at the tomb is consistent with her devotion to Jesus, as seen in Luke 8:2-3, where she is listed among the women who supported His ministry.

from whom He had driven out seven demons
This detail highlights the transformative power of Jesus' ministry. The number seven often symbolizes completeness in biblical literature, suggesting the totality of her deliverance. Mary's deliverance from demonic possession is a testament to Jesus' authority over spiritual forces, as seen in other exorcisms throughout the Gospels. Her subsequent devotion to Jesus exemplifies the profound change that His intervention brings into a person's life.

She went and told those who had been with Him
This phrase refers to Mary Magdalene, who was the first to witness the resurrected Christ. Her role as the first messenger of the resurrection is significant, especially in a cultural context where women's testimonies were often undervalued. This highlights the transformative nature of the Gospel, where societal norms are upended. The phrase "those who had been with Him" refers to the disciples and followers of Jesus, who had been with Him throughout His ministry. This group was likely gathered in Jerusalem, as they had come there for the Passover. The act of going and telling is a precursor to the Great Commission, where the followers of Christ are instructed to spread the Gospel to all nations.

who were mourning and weeping
The disciples' mourning and weeping reflect their deep sorrow and despair following Jesus' crucifixion. This emotional state underscores their lack of understanding of Jesus' predictions about His resurrection, despite His clear teachings (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34). Their grief also highlights the human aspect of the disciples, who, despite their close relationship with Jesus, struggled with doubt and fear. This moment of mourning is contrasted with the joy and hope that the resurrection brings, fulfilling prophecies such as Isaiah 53:3-5, which speak of the suffering servant who would ultimately bring healing and redemption. The transition from mourning to joy is a theme that resonates throughout Scripture, symbolizing the transformative power of Christ's victory over death.

And when they heard that Jesus was alive
This phrase refers to the initial reaction of the disciples upon hearing the news of Jesus' resurrection. The resurrection is a central tenet of Christian faith, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies such as Psalm 16:10 and Isaiah 53:10-12. The disbelief of the disciples highlights the unexpected nature of the resurrection, despite Jesus' prior predictions (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34). This moment underscores the human tendency to doubt extraordinary claims, even when foretold by a trusted source.

and she had seen Him
The "she" in this context is Mary Magdalene, who is mentioned earlier in the chapter as the first to witness the risen Christ. Her role is significant, as women were not considered reliable witnesses in first-century Jewish culture. This detail emphasizes the authenticity of the Gospel accounts, as such a testimony would not be fabricated if the story were invented. Mary's encounter with Jesus is a personal and transformative experience, reflecting the intimate nature of Christ's post-resurrection appearances (John 20:11-18).

they did not believe it
The disciples' disbelief is a recurring theme in the resurrection narratives (Luke 24:11, John 20:25). This skepticism serves to strengthen the credibility of the resurrection accounts, as it shows that even Jesus' closest followers were not predisposed to believe without evidence. Their eventual belief, following personal encounters with the risen Christ, underscores the transformative power of witnessing the resurrection firsthand. This disbelief also highlights the necessity of faith, a key component of Christian doctrine, as seen in Hebrews 11:1.

Jesus Appears to Two Disciples

After this
This phrase indicates a sequence of events following the resurrection of Jesus. It connects to the previous verses where Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene. The resurrection appearances are crucial for establishing the truth of the resurrection, a cornerstone of Christian faith.

Jesus appeared
The appearance of Jesus post-resurrection is a testament to His victory over death. These appearances serve as proof to His disciples and followers that He is alive, fulfilling His promise of rising on the third day. This aligns with 1 Corinthians 15:5-8, where Paul lists the appearances of the risen Christ.

in a different form
This suggests that Jesus' resurrected body had different properties than His pre-crucifixion body. It could be recognized or unrecognized, as seen in other resurrection accounts like Luke 24:16, where the disciples on the road to Emmaus did not initially recognize Him. This highlights the glorified state of His resurrection body.

to two of them
This refers to two disciples, likely the same ones mentioned in Luke 24:13-35, who were on the road to Emmaus. The number two is significant as it fulfills the Jewish legal requirement for a valid testimony (Deuteronomy 19:15).

as they walked along
Walking was a common mode of travel in ancient times, and this setting provides a natural backdrop for Jesus to reveal Himself. The journey motif is often used in Scripture to symbolize spiritual journeys or transitions.

in the country
This likely refers to the area outside of Jerusalem, possibly on the road to Emmaus. The rural setting contrasts with the urban environment of Jerusalem, emphasizing the spread of the resurrection message beyond the city. It also reflects the humble and accessible nature of Jesus' ministry, reaching people in various walks of life.

And they went back and reported it to the rest
This phrase refers to the two disciples who encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus, as detailed in Luke 24:13-35. After recognizing Jesus in the breaking of bread, they returned to Jerusalem to share the news with the other disciples. This act of reporting is significant as it demonstrates the early spread of the resurrection message, a foundational event for the Christian faith. The disciples' journey back to Jerusalem highlights the importance of the city as the center of early Christian activity and the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy that His message would begin there (Luke 24:47).

but they did not believe them either
The skepticism of the disciples upon hearing the report reflects a recurring theme of doubt and disbelief among Jesus' followers after His resurrection. This disbelief is consistent with other Gospel accounts, such as Thomas's doubt in John 20:24-29. The initial unbelief underscores the extraordinary nature of the resurrection and the human tendency to doubt miraculous events. It also sets the stage for Jesus' later appearances to the disciples, where He provides tangible proof of His resurrection, thus strengthening their faith and preparing them for their mission to spread the Gospel. This disbelief can be seen as a fulfillment of Jesus' earlier predictions of His death and resurrection, which the disciples struggled to comprehend until they witnessed the risen Christ themselves.

The Great Commission

Later, as they were eating
This event occurs after the resurrection of Jesus, during a meal, which was a common setting for fellowship and teaching in Jewish culture. Meals were significant in the ancient Near East, often symbolizing community and covenant. The disciples were likely gathered in a private home, possibly in Jerusalem, where they had been staying since the crucifixion.

Jesus appeared to the Eleven
The "Eleven" refers to the original twelve disciples minus Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Jesus and subsequently died. This appearance underscores the physical resurrection of Jesus, affirming His bodily presence. The number eleven highlights the incomplete state of the group, soon to be restored with the addition of Matthias (Acts 1:26).

and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart
Jesus' rebuke indicates the seriousness of the disciples' doubt and spiritual insensitivity. Despite His previous predictions of His resurrection (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34), they struggled to accept the testimony of the resurrection. This hardness of heart is a recurring theme in Scripture, often associated with a lack of faith and understanding (Hebrews 3:12-13).

because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen
The disciples' disbelief in the testimony of the women and other witnesses (such as Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus) highlights the challenge of accepting the miraculous. This skepticism serves as a contrast to the faith that Jesus calls His followers to exhibit. The resurrection is a cornerstone of Christian faith, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies (Psalm 16:10, Isaiah 53:10-12) and affirming Jesus as the Messiah.

And He said to them
This phrase indicates Jesus speaking directly to His disciples. It is a continuation of His post-resurrection appearances, emphasizing His authority and the importance of His instructions. The context is the Great Commission, a pivotal moment where Jesus imparts His final instructions to His followers. This command is given after His resurrection, highlighting the authority and divine mandate of the risen Christ.

Go into all the world
The directive to "go" signifies an active mission, not a passive waiting. The phrase "all the world" expands the scope of the mission beyond the Jewish people to include Gentiles, fulfilling the promise to Abraham that all nations would be blessed through his seed (Genesis 12:3). This global mission reflects God's heart for all humanity and aligns with prophecies such as Isaiah 49:6, which speaks of being a light to the nations.

and preach the gospel
The term "gospel" means "good news," specifically the good news of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection for the salvation of mankind. Preaching involves proclaiming this message with authority and clarity. The early church, as recorded in Acts, took this command seriously, spreading the message throughout the Roman Empire. This task is central to the mission of the church and is rooted in the prophetic tradition of proclaiming God's truth.

to every creature
This phrase underscores the universal nature of the gospel message. "Every creature" implies that the gospel is for all people, regardless of race, nationality, or social status. It reflects the inclusivity of God's kingdom and the breaking down of barriers that separated Jews and Gentiles. This aligns with the vision in Revelation 7:9, where a multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language stands before the throne of God.

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved
This phrase emphasizes the importance of faith and baptism in the process of salvation. In the biblical context, belief is a central tenet of Christian doctrine, as seen in John 3:16, which underscores the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life. Baptism, as practiced in the early church, was an outward expression of an inward faith, symbolizing the believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6:3-4). Historically, baptism was a common practice in Jewish culture for ritual purification, and its adoption into Christian practice signified a new covenant relationship with God. The phrase suggests a holistic approach to salvation, combining both internal belief and external demonstration through baptism.

but whoever does not believe will be condemned
This part of the verse highlights the critical role of belief in determining one's eternal destiny. The absence of belief results in condemnation, which aligns with the broader biblical narrative that emphasizes faith as the key to salvation (Hebrews 11:6). The concept of condemnation is rooted in the idea of divine judgment, as seen in passages like John 3:18, where unbelief is equated with already being judged. Culturally, the notion of judgment was well understood in the ancient world, where legal systems often mirrored divine justice. This phrase serves as a warning and a call to faith, underscoring the urgency of accepting the message of the Gospel.

And these signs will accompany those who believe:
This phrase indicates that certain miraculous signs will follow believers, serving as evidence of their faith. In the early church, signs and wonders were often seen as validation of the apostles' message (Acts 2:43, Hebrews 2:4). The use of "signs" suggests a divine endorsement of the gospel message, similar to the miracles performed by Jesus during His ministry (John 2:11). The term "accompany" implies that these signs are not the primary focus but rather a confirmation of the believers' faith and the truth of the gospel.

In My name they will drive out demons;
Driving out demons is a demonstration of authority over evil spirits, a power that Jesus frequently exercised (Mark 1:34, Luke 4:41). The phrase "In My name" emphasizes the authority of Jesus as the source of this power, reflecting the belief that His name holds divine authority (Philippians 2:9-11). This act of exorcism was a sign of the kingdom of God breaking into the world, as Jesus' ministry was characterized by the defeat of demonic forces (Matthew 12:28). The early church continued this practice, as seen in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 16:18).

they will speak in new tongues;
Speaking in new tongues refers to the miraculous ability to speak in languages previously unknown to the speaker, as first evidenced at Pentecost (Acts 2:4). This gift served as a sign of the Holy Spirit's presence and the universality of the gospel message, breaking down language barriers and symbolizing the reversal of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). The Apostle Paul discusses the use of tongues in the church, emphasizing their role in edification and as a sign for unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:22). This phenomenon underscored the inclusivity of the gospel, reaching diverse peoples and cultures.

they will pick up snakes with their hands
This phrase is often associated with the signs that accompany believers, as mentioned in the context of the Great Commission. The act of handling snakes without harm is reminiscent of the Apostle Paul's experience in Acts 28:3-5, where he was bitten by a viper but suffered no ill effects. In the ancient Near East, snakes were often symbols of danger and evil, as seen in Genesis 3 with the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The ability to handle snakes without harm signifies divine protection and authority over evil. This phrase should not be taken as a directive for testing faith but rather as an assurance of God's protection in the fulfillment of His mission.

and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them
This statement emphasizes divine protection over believers. In the historical context, poisoning was a known method of assassination, and the assurance here is that God will protect His followers from such dangers. This promise is not a call to test God by deliberately ingesting poison but rather an assurance of His safeguarding presence. Theologically, it reflects the broader biblical theme of God's protection over His people, as seen in Psalm 91:13, where the faithful are promised safety from harm.

they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will be made well.
The laying on of hands is a biblical practice associated with healing and the impartation of blessings or authority. In the New Testament, Jesus often healed the sick through touch, as seen in passages like Mark 1:41 and Luke 4:40. The early church continued this practice, as seen in Acts 9:17-18 with Ananias and Paul, and in James 5:14-15, where the elders are instructed to pray over the sick. This phrase underscores the continuation of Jesus' healing ministry through His followers, empowered by the Holy Spirit. It highlights the compassionate nature of God and His desire for the wholeness of His creation.

The Ascension

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them
This phrase indicates the conclusion of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances and teachings to His disciples. The Gospels record several instances where Jesus appeared to His followers after His resurrection, providing them with final instructions and affirming His identity as the risen Lord. This period was crucial for preparing the disciples for their mission to spread the Gospel. The emphasis on Jesus speaking to them highlights the importance of His teachings and the authority with which He imparted His final words.

He was taken up into heaven
The ascension of Jesus is a pivotal event in Christian theology, marking the end of His earthly ministry and His return to the Father. This event fulfills the prophecy found in Psalm 110:1 and is also referenced in Acts 1:9-11, where it is described in more detail. The ascension signifies Jesus' exaltation and the completion of His redemptive work. It also sets the stage for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, as Jesus promised in John 16:7. The ascension underscores the divine nature of Christ and His authority over heaven and earth.

and sat down at the right hand of God
Sitting at the right hand of God is a position of honor and authority, signifying Jesus' role as the sovereign ruler and intercessor for humanity. This imagery is rooted in Jewish tradition, where the right hand symbolizes power and privilege. The phrase echoes Psalm 110:1 and is affirmed in other New Testament passages such as Hebrews 1:3 and Ephesians 1:20-22. It indicates that Jesus' work of atonement is complete, and He now reigns as King and High Priest, interceding on behalf of believers. This position also anticipates His future return to judge the living and the dead, as promised in Acts 17:31.

And they went out and preached everywhere
The disciples, following the Great Commission given by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20), spread the gospel beyond the confines of Jerusalem. This phrase indicates the fulfillment of Jesus' command to be His witnesses "in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). The early church's expansion is documented in the Book of Acts, where the apostles and other believers traveled extensively, sharing the message of Christ. This movement was not limited to Jewish communities but extended to Gentile regions, reflecting the universal scope of the gospel.

and the Lord worked through them
This phrase emphasizes the divine partnership in the mission of the apostles. It is a reminder that the success of their ministry was not due to their own abilities but to the power and presence of the risen Christ. Jesus had promised to be with them always (Matthew 28:20), and this was manifested through the Holy Spirit, who empowered them for service (Acts 2:4). The Lord's involvement underscores the theological truth that God is actively engaged in the world, working through His people to accomplish His purposes.

confirming His word by the signs that accompanied it
Signs and wonders served as divine validation of the apostles' message. In the biblical context, miracles often authenticated the messenger and the message, as seen in the ministries of Moses (Exodus 4:1-9) and Elijah (1 Kings 18:36-39). In the New Testament, Jesus performed miracles to demonstrate His authority and identity (John 10:38). Similarly, the apostles' ability to perform signs was a testament to the truth of the gospel and the presence of God's kingdom. These signs included healing the sick, casting out demons, and other miraculous acts, as recorded in Acts. The purpose of these signs was not merely to amaze but to lead people to faith in Christ.

This is a draft of the Berean Study Bible. Please send all comments and recommendations to bereanstudybible@aol.com.

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