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Exodus 22
Smith's Literal Translation Par ▾ 

Property Laws

1If a man shall steal an ox or a sheep, and slaughter it or sell it, he shall recompense five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.

2If in breaking in a thief shall be found, and he was smitten and died, no bloods for him. 3If the sun was risen upon him, bloods for him: recompensing, he shall recompense; if nothing to him, to be sold for his theft. 4If finding, the theft shall be found in his hand, from an ox to an ass, to a sheep; living, he shall recompense two.

5If a man shall feed a field or vineyard, and send forth the cattle and feed in another field: from the good of his field and from the good of his vineyard shall he recompense.

6If fire shall come forth, and find thorns, and it consume the heap of sheaves or stalk of grain, or the field; he having kindled the fire, recompensing, he shall recompense.

7If a man shall give to his friend silver or vessels to watch, and it was stolen out of the man's house, if the thief shall be found he shall recompense double. 8If the thief shall not be found, and the lord of the house being brought to God, if he put not forth his hand upon his friend's goods. 9For every word of transgression, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for garment, for every loss which if this say is his: to God the word of both of them shall come; whom God shall condemn, he shall recompense double to his friend.

10If a man shall give to his friend an ass or ox or sheep or all cattle to watch; and it died, or being broken or being taken captive, not being seen: 11An oath of Jehovah shall be between them both if he put not forth his hand to his friend's goods; and its lord shall take and he shall not recompense. 12And if stealing, it shall be stolen from him, he shall recompense to his lord. 13If tearing in pieces, it shall be torn in pieces, he shall bring it a witness; the torn in pieces he shall not recompense.

14And if a man shall ask from his friend, and being broken or dying, its lord not with it, recompensing, he shall recompense. 15If its lord be with it, he shall not recompense: if hired, it came for its hire.

Laws of Social Responsibility

16If a man shall seduce a virgin who was not betrothed, and lying with her, endowing, he shall endow her to him for a wife. 17If her father refusing shall refuse to give her to him, he shall weigh the silver according to the dowry of virgins.

18Thou shalt not preserve alive a sorceress.

19Every one lying with a quadruped, dying, shall die.

20He sacrificing to a God except to Jehovah himself alone, shall be devoted to destruction.

21Thou shalt not treat evil the stranger, and thou shalt not press him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. 22Every widow and orphan ye shall not afflict. 23If afflicting, thou shalt afflict him, if crying, he shall cry to me, hearing, I will hear his cry. 24And my anger kindling, I killed you with the sword; and your wives were widows, and your sons orphans.

25If thou shalt lend silver to my people being poor with thee, thou shalt not be to him, as lending; ye shall not put interest upon him. 26If taking in pledge, thou shalt take in pledge the garment of thy friend, at the going down of the sun thou shalt turn it back to him. 27For it is his covering alone; his garment for his nakedness in which he shall lie; and it was when he shall cry to me, and I heard, for I am compassionate.

28Thou shalt not make light of God, and thou shalt not curse the chiefs of thy people.

29Thy fulness and thy tears thou shalt not delay: the first-born of thy sons thou shalt give to me. 30Thus shalt thou do to thine ox, to thy sheep: seven days shall it be with its mother; in the eighth day thou shalt give it to me.

31And ye shall be holy men to me, and ye shall not eat flesh torn in pieces in the field; ye shall cast it to the dog.

The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated Literally From The Original Tongues by Julia E. Smith

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Exodus 21
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