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1 Samuel 12
Smith's Literal Translation Par ▾ 

Samuel’s Farewell Address

1And Samuel will say to all Israel, Behold, I heard to your voice, to all that ye said to me, and I will make a king over you. 2And now, behold, the king going before you: and I grew old and I was gray-headed; and my sons, behold them with you: and I went before you from my youth even to this day. 3Behold me: answer against me before Jehovah and before his Messiah, whose ox did I take? or whose ass did I take? and whom did I oppress? whom did I vex? and from whose hand did I take a ransom and hidden mine eyes with it? and I will turn back to you. 4And they will say, Thou didst not oppress us, and thou didst not vex us, and thou didst not take any thing from man's hand. 5And he will say to them, Jehovah the witness against you, and his Messiah the witness this day that ye found nothing in my hand. And he will say, A witness.

6And Samuel will say to the people, Jehovah who made Moses and Aaron, and who brought up your fathers from the land of Egypt. 7And now, stand ye, and I will judge you before Jehovah, all the justices of Jehovah which he did with you and with your fathers. 8When Jacob came into Egypt, and your fathers will cry to Jehovah, and Jehovah will send Moses and Aaron, and they will bring forth your fathers from Egypt, and they will turn them back into this place. 9And they will forget Jehovah their God, and he will sell them into the hand of Sisera, chief of the army of Razor, and into the hand of Philisteim, and into the hand of the king of Moab, and they will war against them. 10And they will cry to Jehovah, and say, We sinned, for we forsook Jehovah, and we shall serve the Baalims and Ashtaroth: and now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies and we will serve thee. 11And Jehovah will send Jerubbaal and Bedan and Jephthah and Samuel, and he will deliver you from the hand of your enemies from round about, and ye shall dwell confidently.

12And ye will see that Nahash, king of the sons of Ammon, came against you, and ye will say to me, Nay; but a king shall reign over us: and Jehovah your God your king. 13And now, behold the king which ye chose, which ye asked! and behold, Jehovah gave a king over you. 14If ye will fear Jehovah and serve him, and hear to his voice, and ye shall not rebel against the mouth of Jehovah, and ye shall be, also ye, and the king which reigned over you, after Jehovah your God. 15And if ye will not hear to the voice of Jehovah, and rebel against the mouth of Jehovah, and the hand of the Lord was against you and your fathers. 16Also now stand ye and see this great word which Jehovah does before your eyes. 17Is it not the harvest of wheat this day? I will call to Jehovah and he will give voices and rain; and know ye and see that your wickedness is great which ye did in the eyes of Jehovah to ask for you a king. 18And Samuel will call to Jehovah, and Jehovah will give voices and rain in that day: and all the people will be greatly afraid of Jehovah and Samuel.

19And all the people will say to Samuel, Pray for thy servants to Jehovah thy God, and we shall not die; for we added upon all our sins the wickedness to ask for us a king. 20And Samuel will say to the people, Ye shall not be afraid: ye did all this wickedness: but ye shall not turn aside from after Jehovah, and serve ye Jehovah with all your heart. 21And ye shall not turn aside: for after vanities which will not profit, and they will not deliver, for they are vanities. 22For Jehovah will not cast off his people on account of his great name, for Jehovah willed to make you to him for a people. 23Also I, far be it to me sinning against Jehovah ceasing to pray for you: and I taught you in the good and straight way. 24But fear ye Jehovah, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for see what he magnified with you. 25And if doing evil, ye shall do evil, also ye, also your king; ye shall perish.

The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated Literally From The Original Tongues by Julia E. Smith

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

1 Samuel 11
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