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The King of Glory
Psalm 24:1-10
The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.…

Christ as the King of glory is represented here in three aspects.

I. AS THE LORD OF THE EARTH. (Vers. 1, 21.) The kingdoms of this world are limited. Some are larger than others, but the largest has its bounds (Esther 1:1; Daniel 4:1). Christ's kingdom is unlimited. Go where you will, pass from one country to another, visit different peoples, with different customs and laws, you can never get beyond its bounds. Like the sky, it covers all - "the earth, and the fulneas thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." The grounds of this universal Lordship are absolutely just and sufficient (ver. 2). He is the Proprietor, because he is the Maker; he is the Ruler, because by him all things subsist. While this belief should call forth our admiration and trust, it should also quicken our humility, and excite us to watchfulness and care as to the use we make of all things committed to us. We are occupants, not owners; we are stewards, not proprietors; we are servants, not lords.

II. THE SUPREME JUDGE OF MANKIND. The question asked here is one of transcendent importance. "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?" It comes home to each of us. It demands consideration. It presses for a reply. Who is fit for this high honour? Who is worthy of this holy fellowship? Who is capable of entering upon this transcendent service? The question relates to character; and the answer is given by him who alone can rightly judge as to character. In the deepest sense the description can be applied only to Christ Jesus. But the words hold good also of all who are Christ's (ver. 6), the true community of Israel, who have been redeemed and sanctified for the service of the Holy One. As Dean Stanley had said, "The answer is remarkable, as expressing, in language so clear that a child may understand it, the great doctrine that the only service, the only character, which can be thought worthy of such a habitation, is that which conforms itself to the laws of truth, honesty, humility, justice, love. Three thousand years have passed; Jerusalem has fallen; the Jewish monarchy, and priesthood, and ritual, and religion have perished; but the words of David still remain, with hardly an exception, the rule by which all wise and good men would measure the worth and value of men, the greatness and the strength of nations."

III. THE SOVEREIGN OF THE UNIVERSE. (Vers. 7-10.) Under the grand imagery of this passage we may find some important truths.

1. That Christ is the King of glory. He has vindicated his right to this title on earth and in heaven. He is the highest Manifestation of the Divine Majesty.

2. That as the King of glory he claims admission to the heart of man. In his Word and by the providence of his Spirit he comes to all He offers himself in the plenitude of his grace and power as a Saviour. If we are overawed by his greatness, we are conquered by his love. He will not force an entrance, nor will he come in secretly or by stealth. If we are to receive him, it must be willingly, and with all honour and welcome as our Lord and King.

3. That as the King of glory he is destined to reign everlastingly over his people. "Of his kingdom there shall be no end.' - W.F.

Parallel Verses
KJV: {A Psalm of David.} The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

WEB: The earth is Yahweh's, with its fullness; the world, and those who dwell therein.

The Earth the Lord's
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