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Ephesians 6:17
And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
God's Word a SwordPaxton Hood.Ephesians 6:17
Power of God's WordEphesians 6:17
The Arm that Wields the SwordSpencer.Ephesians 6:17
The Bible a SwordW. Harris.Ephesians 6:17
The Bible the Sword of the SpiritEphesians 6:17
The Christian Warrior's SwordJ. Leyburn, D. D.Ephesians 6:17
The Christian's Weapon of OffenceH. Melvill, B. D.Ephesians 6:17
The HelmetJ. Burns, D. D.Ephesians 6:17
The Helmet of HopeJ. Leyburn, D. D.Ephesians 6:17
The Helmet of SalvationD. Moore, M. A.Ephesians 6:17
The Helmet of Salvation'Alexander MaclarenEphesians 6:17
The Hope of SalvationT. Carlyle.Ephesians 6:17
The Power of the BibleW. Graham, D. D.Ephesians 6:17
The SwordJ. Burns, D. D.Ephesians 6:17
The Sword a Chief WeaponW. Gurnall, M. A.Ephesians 6:17
The Sword of the SpiritW. R. Taylor, M. A.Ephesians 6:17
The Sword of the SpiritD. Rees.Ephesians 6:17
The Sword of the SpiritC. S. Robinson, D. D.Ephesians 6:17
The Sword of the SpiritT. Mortimer, B. D.Ephesians 6:17
The Sword of the SpiritD. Moore, M. A.Ephesians 6:17
The Sword of the SpiritCharles Haddon Spurgeon Ephesians 6:17
The Sword of the Spirit'Alexander MaclarenEphesians 6:17
The Sword Unsheathed by the SpiritT. Chalmers, D. D.Ephesians 6:17
The Word of GodH. J. Foster.Ephesians 6:17
The Word of God Likened to a SwordA. W. McClure.Ephesians 6:17
Panoply of God. Conclusion of EpistleR. Finlayson Ephesians 6:10-20
Soul-MilitancyD. Thomas Ephesians 6:10-20
The Christian PanoplyR.M. Edgar Ephesians 6:10-24
The Whole Armor of GodW.F. Adeney Ephesians 6:13-17
The Divine Panoply in its Separate PartsT. Croskery Ephesians 6:14-17

The spiritual equipment of the Christian is here described in detail - the belt, the breastplate, the sandals, the shield, the helmet, and the sword.

I. TRUTH IS THE BELT, AS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE BREASTPLATE. "Having your loins girt about with truth." As the belt or girdle kept the armor in its proper place, giving strength and buoyancy of action, so truth acts in relation to righteousness, faith, and peace. If truth were wanting, there could be none of these things, and nothing Christ-like or noble. The truth here does not mean truth of doctrine, as the Word of God is again referred to, nor even sincerity in the sense of truthfulness, but the truth subjectively apprehended, that is, the knowledge and belief of the truth. It is the conscious grasp of the truth which gives a Christian boundless confidence in his conflict with evil. Error, as a principle of life, dissolves strength and unnerves for the great fight with sin. Truth is our proper girdle, because we fight for a God of truth (Titus 1:2), and against Satan the father of lies (John 8:44). Without it we are spiritless, heartless, and weak.

II. THE BREASTPLATE. "Having on the breastplate of righteousness." The Roman soldier wore it to protect his heart, the center of physical life. The breastplate of the Christian is here called "the righteousness," evidently in allusion to Isaiah 59:17, where Jehovah puts on "righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head." It can hardly mean moral rectitude, which, after all, would be but a poor guard against the reproaches of conscience or the assaults of Satan. This righteousness is that which the Apostle Paul desired for himself - "the righteousness of God by faith" (Philippians 3:8, 9). It is emphatically "the righteousness," so perfect that it satisfied every demand of Law, and is perfectly proof against all assaults from within or from without. Let us not show the bare breast of our righteousness to the tempter, but rather the righteousness of God himself, imputed to us and received by faith. This breastplate was purchased by Christ at a dear rate; none are his soldiers who have not put it on; without it, God himself will fight against you; if you have it, you are sure of ultimate triumph (Romans 8:31, 32)

III. SANDALS. "Having your feet shod with the preparedness of the gospel of peace." The legs of the Roman soldier were covered with greaves, and below these were the sandals, or caligae. Swiftness of foot was of great consequence in military movements. Christians are to show a readiness, a celerity, an alacrity of movement, in doing God's will. This preparedness is the effect of the gospel of peace, which inspires us with severity and courage, and liberates us from those doubts which generate weakness. The unready warrior is liable to sudden and secret attacks. The Christian ought ever to be prepared to advance against the enemy, to obey his great Captain, to fight, to suffer, and to die in the cause of God and truth.

IV. THE SHIELD. "Above all, taking the shield of faith." The shield covered the whole body, as well as the armor itself. Faith is a shield in the spiritual warfare. It is that faith of which Christ is the Object, at once "the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen;" that confidence which defends the understanding from error, the heart from weakness or despair, the will from revolt against Divine command. It is, in a word, "the victory that overcometh the world" (1 John 5:4, 5). Its special service is "to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Satan showers his burning arrows upon the soul of the Christian, either in the shape of blasphemous suggestions, or unholy thoughts, or dark despair; but faith makes the soul impenetrable to such destructive missiles, because it falls back upon the Divine Word, and apprehends the mercy of God, the merits of Christ, and the help of the Spirit.

V. THE HELMET. "And take the helmet of salvation." The helmet protects the head, the most exposed part of the body, enables the soldier to hold it up without the fear of injury, and to look calmly round upon the enemy's movements. Salvation, and not the mere hope of it (1 Thessalonians 5:8), is the helmet that covers the head, is our true defense against the devil. It will make you active in all duties, courageous in all conflicts, cheerful in all conditions, and constant to the end of life.

VI. THE SWORD. "And the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." The other parts of the armor were defensive; this is both offensive and defensive.

1. The Word of God is a sword, because it pierces like a sword into the heart (Hebrews 4:12), because it pierces through all disguises of error, because it lays bare the "wiles" of the devil. It was wielded by Christ himself in his great temptation. It is still the saint's only weapon of offence. Whether the temptation is to atheism, to impiety, to despair, to unbelief, to covetousness, to pride, to hatred, or to worldliness, the legend, "It is written," stands clearly revealed on the handle of this sword.

2. It is the sword of the Spirit, because he is its Author, its Interpreter, and he who makes it effectual to the defeat of all enemies. - T.C.

And take the helmet of salvation. -

1. The object of hope. Salvation.

2. The origin and source of this hope. It is a grace of the Spirit, and the effect of a renewed heart.

3. The basis and ground of hope.

(1)The promises of the Father.

(2)The work of the Son.

(3)The influences of the Spirit.


1. It animates for the warfare.

2. It supports in sufferings.

3. It will put us in possession of the victory and reward.Application:

1. Cultivate and preserve this hope of salvation.

2. As your hope is, so will be your comfort and joy.

3. Address those who have not a good hope.

(J. Burns, D. D.)

(T. Carlyle.)

(J. Leyburn, D. D.)

(D. Moore, M. A.)

The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

1. The Spirit of God is the Author of the Word.

2. It is the agency of the Spirit that makes the Word effectual.


1. For repelling Satan's temptations.

2. For actually destroying Satan's works.

(1)We are to aim, first, at the destruction of these works in ourselves.

(2)The works of the devil, wherever they appear, are to be the object of our opposition and enmity.

3. In opposing error.

4. In seeking the conversion of sinners.

(W. R. Taylor, M. A.)

I. THE APTITUDE OF THE SIMILITUDE which likens the Bible to a sword.

1. The sword is useless so long as it is confined to the scabbard; and the Bible is useless if it rest idle in the intellect.

2. This sword is that by which the Christian defends himself, and that by which he cuts down all his foes.

II. THE PROPRIETY OF THE DESCRIPTION which designates the Bible the sword of the Spirit.

1. The Spirit dictated its composition.

2. The Spirit alone can unfold its meaning.

(H. Melvill, B. D.)


1. The sword itself. Is "the Word of God."

2. The description given of this sword - "Sword of the Spirit."

(1)It is the production of the Spirit - "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God" (2 Timothy 3:16. See also 2 Peter 1:19-21).

(2)It is the instrument which the Holy Spirit makes use of in effecting His purposes.

(3)It is by the Spirit's influence believers can profitably use the Word of God.


1. Satan's assaults are to be resisted by it.

2. The world's attacks are to be overcome by it.

3. When our own hearts would deceive us.

(1)By distrust and despondency.

(2)When in danger of self-complacency.

(3)When inclined to indolence.


1. Cultivate an intimate acquaintance with it.

2. Keep this sword polished and bright. This is only to be done by constant exercise.

3. Seek, by constant prayer, a renewal of spiritual strength.Application:

1. Learn from this not to wage war with unhallowed weapons; such as human reason - such as human passion.

2. The weapon provided is all-sufficient.

3. Use it for all spiritual purposes.

(J. Burns, D. D.)

I. THE WORD OF GOD. This denotes -

1. The importance of its contents (Psalm 119:18; Matthew 13:11).

2. The attention and reverence due to it (Isaiah 1:2).

3. The full credit which it demands (John 20:31).


1. As He is its Author (2 Peter 1:21).

2. As it is His instrument in saving sinners.

3. As it has no power without His agency.

III. TAKE this. Learn to use it more and more. Show how God's Word becomes victorious over all enemies.

1. It penetrates the most seared conscience (Acts 2:37).

2. It lays open the evils and enemies concealed within (Hebrews 4:12).

3. It demolishes the walls of unbelief (2 Corinthians 10:4).

4. It cuts the sinews of error.

5. It repels Satan's temptations (Matthew 4:1, etc.).

6. It penetrates the storms of affliction (Psalm 119:92).

7. It disarms death.This sword has four peculiarities -

1. It decays not with use.

2. It cannot be broken.

3. It is suited to the strength and capacities of all. "For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again," etc. (Hebrews 5:12, 13).

4. Thousands may use it at the same time. A Christian soldier is a terror to the powers of darkness. The destruction of those who neglect or reject this sword is inevitable.

(H. J. Foster.)

I. SCRIPTURE IS HERE REPRESENTED AS THE WORD OF GOD. And is it not so in the strictest sense? Does it not throughout bear evident marks that God is its Author? There have appeared, indeed, in the world men who have denied this, and endeavoured to prove it false. But the Bible has survived all their assaults. And to this day it continues to be received as the unpolluted fountain of Divine truth. Indeed, its own internal evidences, independently of every other consideration, must ever convince every candid and unprejudiced mind that its pretensions to be the Word of God are just and amply substantiated. Among these evidences, we may notice -

1. The great antiquity of its history.

2. The prophecies of the Old Testament, and their exact accomplishment in the New, what a strong argument have we that the Bible is the Word of God! For who can foretell future things but God Himself?

3. We find many doctrines revealed in the Bible, to the knowledge of which we could never have attained by the mere light of nature or reason.

4. The same truth is confirmed to us by a consideration of the laws which are published in the Bible. Never yet was it in the power of men to frame and enact laws which could bind the whole family of man, or be equally suitable to them all. But in the Scriptures we find laws given to all mankind, equally suitable to them all, wheresoever they live, and howsoever they may be circumstanced. And they are not only suitable to them, but also binding upon them.

5. The Scripture appears to be the Word of God from the concurrence of its testimony, or its unity with itself. Whatever is laid down as truth in one place, is neither contradicted nor overturned in another.

II. The Scripture is represented in the text as "THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT." Now, a sword, we know, is an instrument of war, by which the warrior not only defends himself, but also repels and overcomes his enemies. When, therefore, the Christian is exhorted to take such an instrument in his hand, it is implied that he is here in a state of warfare.

1. But why is the Scripture called the sword of the Spirit? One reason why it is called so may be, that it was given by inspiration of the Spirit. Indeed, it is this circumstance which makes it so sharp and powerful.

2. Another reason why the Scripture is called the sword of the Spirit is that it is the instrument which the Holy Spirit employs to wound the conscience and destroy the false peace of a sinner.

(D. Rees.)

(W. Graham, D. D.)


1. It has the brightness of the sword. It is like the flaming falchion at Eden's gate, which turned every way to preserve the garden from the unhallowed intrusion of fallen man. Even so the Bible blazes before the everlasting doors of the celestial paradise, so that "there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie."

2. It has also the keenness of a sword. "For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit. When John saw the Son of man in vision, he tells us that "out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword." This is a symbol of the penetrating power of the cutting reproofs and denunciations which issued from His lips.

3. The Word of God is like a sword because it is pointed. Common weapons can only smite the body, but this of the Spirit pierces far deeper, even to the inmost soul.

4. It may be added that a good sword will not easily break. It is even so, and more, with the Lord's good sword. Oft has it been rudely struck by those who would parry its thrust or ward off its stroke. Oft has it crime down with cleaving force on hearts harder than flint. But it has never been shattered, nor can it be. It thus resembles a sword in the qualities of brightness of blade, sharpness of edge, keenness of point, and power of endurance.


1. It is a terror to evil-doers. How many have been deterred from sin, by seeing it sweeping in threatening circles over the path of transgression. How readily they would have run in the ways of iniquity but for the salutary restraints of the Book of God. It has flashed conviction like lightning, and struck the soul into submission like a bolt from heaven.

2. The Word of God is also like a sword in its cleaving energy. "It divideth asunder the soul and spirit." It is "a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." It cuts right and left, with double edge, among all the false hopes of the self-deceived, and lays them in the dust.

3. The sword of the Spirit demolishes the defences under which the sinner shields himself. The spiritual weapons of our warfare is "mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strongholds."

4. Moreover, the sword of the Spirit defeats the enemies of God. Every time the Spirit strikes with it, Satan's empire totters, and the dark coasts of hell tremble at the blow. Wherever this burnished blade is guided by the hand of Omnipotence, it scatters light over the dark places of the earth.

5. The Word of God is used as a sword in defending His kingdom on earth.Concluding reflections:

1. We learn how ministers of the gospel should arm themselves.

2. We learn that Christians are ever to act on the aggressive.

3. We learn that the Word of God is no mortal weapon, but the sword of the Spirit.

4. We learn from our subject that God has enemies in the world. Would you know, my hearers, where that enmity to God is found, against which He will fight with the sword of His mouth? Alas! you will find it strongly fortifying itself in that revolted and disobedient heart of yours. Your soul is opposed to God. Your only safety is in instant submission.

5. The impenitent must again meet the sword of the Spirit in the day of doom. It will be the sword of justice at the judgment of the great day. Then will its slightest warnings come up in remembrance against you. Its testimony will convict you of having despised its reproofs, and your awful doom is already pronounced in its threatenings. Ah! is there no shield? Yes, one; and only one. See it on the Saviour's arm! Let Him hold it over thy head. Then the uplifted sword will lose its terrors. Thou mayest cry aloud with confidence, "Behold, O God, our Shield; and look upon the face of Thine Anointed!"

(A. W. McClure.)

(Paxton Hood.)

(C. S. Robinson, D. D.)

(T. Mortimer, B. D.)

1. The Bible was not made by one man, and one man cannot make a sword. Moses, we may say, made the handle; Joshua, Samuel, David, the prophets, etc., made the blade; and the evangelists and apostles made the sharp edge and point, without which, the rest would not be of much use.

2. The Bible is like a sword because it took a long time to make it complete and fit for use. It was intended to last.

3. As a sword is used by a soldier in battle to kill his enemies, so the Bible is able to kill sin, which is everybody's greatest enemy. How does the Bible kill sin? By telling about God's love to us.

4. Why does St. Paul here call the Bible the sword of the Spirit?(1) Because the Holy Spirit taught men to write it. If you were a sword merchant, and knew how to prepare the iron and make it into steel fit for a sword, you would not make the swords with your own hands, but you would tell the workmen what to do, and they would make the swords. But when the swords were made, they would be called after your name.(2) Because the Holy Spirit must teach us how to use it rightly.Concluding lessons:

1. Remember that God has given you this sword to use. The Bible is a fighting sword. It is given to you that you may kill sin with it. Otherwise sin will kill you.

2. If this sword of the Spirit was used by everybody there would be no need to have other swords. The more the Bible is used to kill sin, the less fighting there will be.

(W. Harris.)

(J. Leyburn, D. D.)

Nec vox hominem sonat, O Deus certe!" or as Jacob did of Bethel, "Surely, of a certain, God is in this Word!"


(T. Chalmers, D. D.)

i.e.,I will send war. And this because the sword is the weapon of most universal rise in war, and also that whereby the greatest execution is done in the battle. Now such a weapon is the Word of God in the Christian's hand. By the edge of this his enemies fall, and his great exploits are done - "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony."

(W. Gurnall, M. A.)

I. First, WITH REGARD TO OUR EXPERIENCE OF THE POWER OF THIS SWORD. I put this down as an indispensable prerequisite to a compliance with the apostolical injunction. For the apostle is not supposed to be addressing a company of undisciplined recruits. He is speaking to soldiers, to believers, to veterans, who have had some experience of the use and power of the weapons they are to employ. I cannot see how a man can use the sword of the Spirit to resist the assaults of sin, who has not felt the power of that sword to awaken in himself a sense of sin.

II. But I come to our second point, or, THE ENEMIES TO BE SLAIN BY THE SWORD. Of course, the great enemy is Satan himself, the father of lies, who therefore must be opposed by the Word of Truth. But, then, Satan has under him a large army of deceivers and impostors, who are ever on the watch to beguile unstable souls; and it is only by the power of God's Truth that we shall be able to dissipate the illusions which these gather around us. Again, by the edge of this sword we are to slay false fears. Every Christian knows on entering the service of his Master that great trials are appointed for him; that the rightful and only entrance into the kingdom of heaven is through the gate of tribulation; and that, though his Master has given him armour enough to protect him against sin, He has given him no armour to ensure him against suffering. Again, it is to the sword of the Spirit we must look to preserve us from all false guides, false influence, false dependence, whether the example of the world, the persuasion of friends, the fear of men, or the dominant tendencies and desires of our own heart.

(D. Moore, M. A.)

Ephesians, Paul, Tychicus
God's, Head-dress, Helmet, Receive, Salvation, Saying, Spirit, Spoken, Sword
1. The duty of children toward their parents;
5. of servants toward their masters.
10. Our life is a warfare, not only against flesh and blood, but also spiritual enemies.
13. The complete armor of a Christian;
18. and how it ought to be used.
21. Tychicus is commended.

Dictionary of Bible Themes
Ephesians 6:17

     1690   word of God
     3224   Holy Spirit, and preaching
     3236   Holy Spirit, and Scripture
     5158   head-covering
     5572   sword
     5627   word

Ephesians 6:10-17

     1613   Scripture, purpose

Ephesians 6:10-18

     5290   defeat
     5944   self-defence
     6030   sin, avoidance
     8485   spiritual warfare, conflict

Ephesians 6:10-20

     8797   persecution, attitudes

Ephesians 6:11-17

     5612   weapons

Ephesians 6:11-18

     8329   readiness
     8422   equipping, spiritual

Ephesians 6:12-18

     5214   attack

Ephesians 6:13-17

     5209   armour

Ephesians 6:14-18

     8486   spiritual warfare, armour

Ephesians 6:15-17

     8498   witnessing, and Holy Spirit

Ephesians 6:16-18

     8349   spiritual growth, means of

February 6. "Praying Always for all Saints" (Eph. vi. 18).
"Praying always for all saints" (Eph. vi. 18). One good counsel will suffice just now. Stop praying so much for yourself; begin to ask unselfish things, and see if God won't give you faith. See how much easier it will be to believe for another than for your own petty self. Try the effect of praying for the world, for definite things, for difficult things, for glorious things, for things that will honor Christ and save mankind, and after you have received a few wonderful answers to prayer in this
Rev. A. B. Simpson—Days of Heaven Upon Earth

The Armour of God
(Preached before the Prince of Wales, at Sandringham, January 20th, 1867.) EPHESIANS vi. 11. Put on the whole armour of God. St. Paul again and again compares himself and the Christians to whom he writes to soldiers, and their lives to warfare. And it was natural that he should do so. Everywhere he went, in those days, he would find Roman soldiers, ruling over men of different races from themselves, and ruling them, on the whole, well. Greeks, Syrians, Jews, Egyptians,--all alike in his days obeyed
Charles Kingsley—Discipline and Other Sermons

Twenty First Sunday after Trinity the Christian Armor and Weapons.
Text: Ephesians 6, 10-17. 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the worldrulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and,
Martin Luther—Epistle Sermons, Vol. III

The Panoply of God
'Take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.'--Eph. vi. 13. The military metaphor of which this verse is the beginning was obviously deeply imprinted on Paul's mind. It is found in a comparatively incomplete form in his earliest epistle, the first to the Thessalonians, in which the children of the day are exhorted to put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. It reappears, in a slightly
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

'The Girdle of Truth'
'Stand, therefore, having girded your loins with truth.'--Eph. vi. 14 (R.V.). The general exhortation here points to the habitual attitude of the Christian soldier. However many conflicts he may have waged, he is still to be ever ready for fresh assaults, for in regard to them he may be quite sure that to-morrow will bring its own share of them, and that the evil day is never left behind so long as days still last. That general exhortation is followed by clauses which are sometimes said to be cotemporaneous
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

'The Breastplate of Righteousness'
'Having put on the breastplate of righteousness.'--Eph. vi. 14. There can be no doubt that in this whole context the Apostle has in mind the great passage in Isaiah lix. where the prophet, in a figure of extreme boldness, describes the Lord as arming Himself to deliver the oppressed faithful, and coming as a Redeemer to Zion. In that passage the Lord puts on righteousness as a breastplate--that is to say, God, in His manifestation of Himself for the deliverance of His people, comes forth as if arrayed
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

A Soldier's Shoes
'Your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.'--Eph. vi. 15. Paul drew the first draft of this picture of the Christian armour in his first letter. It is a finished picture here. One can fancy that the Roman soldier to whom he was chained in his captivity, whilst this letter was being written, unconsciously sat for his likeness, and that each piece of his accoutrements was seized in succession by the Apostle's imagination and turned to a Christian use. It is worth noticing that there
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

The Shield of Faith
'Above all, taking the shield of faith, whereby ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.'--Eph. vi. 16. There were two kinds of shields in use in ancient warfare--one smaller, carried upon the arm, and which could be used, by a movement of the arm, for the defence of threatened parts of the body in detail; the other large, planted in front of the soldier, fixed in the ground, and all but covering his whole person. It is the latter which is referred to in the text, as the word
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

'The Helmet of Salvation'
'Take the helmet of salvation.'--Eph. vi. 17. We may, perhaps, trace a certain progress in the enumeration of the various pieces of the Christian armour in this context. Roughly speaking, they are in three divisions. There are first our graces of truth, righteousness, preparedness, which, though they are all conceived as given by God, are yet the exercises of our own powers. There is next, standing alone, as befits its all-comprehensive character, faith which is able to ward against and overcome
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

'The Sword of the Spirit'
'The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.'--Eph. vi. 17. We reach here the last and only offensive weapon in the panoply. The 'of' here does not indicate apposition, as in the 'shield of faith,' or 'the helmet of salvation,' nor is it the 'of' of possession, so that the meaning is to be taken as being the sword which the Spirit wields, but it is the 'of' expressing origin, as in the 'armour of God'; it is the sword which the Spirit supplies. The progress noted in the last sermon from subjective
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

Peace, Love, and Faith
'Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith.'--Eph. vi. 23. The numerous personal greetings usually found at the close of Paul's letters are entirely absent from this Epistle. All which we have in their place is this entirely general good wish, and the still more general and wider one in the subsequent verse. There is but one other of the Apostle's letters similarly devoid of personal messages, viz. the Epistle to the Galatians, and their absence there is sufficiently accounted for by the severe
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

The Wide Range of God's Grace
'Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.'--Eph. vi. 24. In turning to the great words which I have read as a text, I ask you to mark their width and their simplicity. They are wide; they follow a very comprehensive benediction, with which, so to speak, they are concentric. But they sweep a wider circle. The former verse says, 'Peace be to the brethren.' But beyond the brethren in these Asiatic churches (as a kind of circular letter to whom this epistle was probably sent)
Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians, Peter,John

The Sword of the Spirit
Difficulties meet us even in standing our ground; for the apostle, two or three times, bids us--"Stand." In the rush of the fight, men are apt to be carried off their legs. If they can keep their footing, they will be victorious; but if they are borne down by the rush of their adversaries, everything is lost. You are to put on the heavenly armor in order that you may stand; and you will need it to maintain the position in which your Captain has placed you. If even to stand requires all this care,
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 37: 1891

Strong Christians.
(Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity.) EPHESIANS vi. 10. "My brethren, be strong in the Lord," A weak and cowardly soldier is a pitiful object, but a weak-kneed, cowardly Christian is still more so. S. Paul told the Ephesian Christians to be strong in the Lord, and in these days especially we need strong Christians, strong Churchmen. I do not mean that we want men to presume on their strength, to repeat the sin of the Pharisee of old, and talk of their righteousness, or condemn their neighbours.
H. J. Wilmot-Buxton—The Life of Duty, a Year's Plain Sermons, v. 2

Third Day for all Saints
WHAT TO PRAY.--For all Saints "With all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all saints."--EPH. vi. 18. Every member of a body is interested in the welfare of the whole, and exists to help and complete the others. Believers are one body, and ought to pray, not so much for the welfare of their own church or society, but, first of all, for all saints. This large, unselfish love is the proof that Christ's Spirit and Love is
Andrew Murray—The Ministry of Intercession

"But if Ye have Bitter Envying," &C.
James iii. 14.--"But if ye have bitter envying," &c. The cunning of Satan, and the deceitfulness of our own hearts, are such that when a grosser temptation will not prevail with conscience in some measure enlightened, then they transform themselves into angels of light, and deal more subtilely with us. And there is no greater subtilty of Satan, nor no stronger self deceit, than this, to palliate and cover vices with the shadow of virtue, and to present corruptions under the similitude of graces.
Hugh Binning—The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning

The Christian Home
Scripture references: Ephesians 6:1-9; 5:25-33; Colossians 3:17-25; 1 Corinthians 7:12-17; Mark 10:2-12; 7:9-13; 5:19; 1 Timothy 5:4; Luke 15:6; Titus 2:1-15; Exodus 20:12,17; Deuteronomy 6:1-9. THE HOME What is a Home?--It has been answered that, "It is the unit of society." It has also been pointed out that this unit must be kept clean, pure and right, in all its relations, or society and the state will suffer grave consequences. Certainly, in the past, the institutions of society and state have
Henry T. Sell—Studies in the Life of the Christian

Praying, Returning Thanks, Worshipping in the Holy Spirit.
Two of the most deeply significant passages in the Bible on the subject of the Holy Spirit and on the subject of prayer are found in Jude 20 and Eph. vi. 18. In Jude 20 we read, "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost," and in Eph. vi. 18, "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints." These passages teach us distinctly that the Holy Spirit guides
R. A. Torrey—The Person and Work of The Holy Spirit

The Essence of Prayer.
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."--Ephes. vi. 18. In the last place we consider the work of the Holy Spirit in prayer. It appears from Scripture, more than has been emphasized, that in the holy act of prayer there is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit working both in us and with us. And yet this appears clearly from the apostolic word: "Likewise the Spirit helpeth also our infirmities: for
Abraham Kuyper—The Work of the Holy Spirit

The Best Inheritance in Canaan
THE BEST INHERITANCE IN CANAAN I am troubled about my sanctification. My conversion was so bright and there was such a change that I never could doubt it. But when I was sanctified, there was not so great a change. And it was not so great as that of some I have heard testify. Neither do I feel as bold as some I have heard speak, neither did I taste such a death as others have testified too. In fact, when I compare my sanctification with what others say theirs is, mine suffers in the comparison. I
Robert Lee Berry—Adventures in the Land of Canaan

(i) Of the works comprised under this head, the first are the three compositions entitled Tractatus Prævii. The first, Prævia Institutio ascetica ('Asketike prodiatuposis ), is an exhortation to enlistment in the sacred warfare; the second, on renunciation of the world and spiritual perfection, is the Sermo asceticus (logos asketikos). The third, Sermo de ascetica disciplina (logos peri askeseos, pos dei kosmheisthai ton monachon), treats of the virtues to be exhibited in the life
Basil—Basil: Letters and Select Works

Concerning Maximus the Cynic and the Disorder which Has Happened in Constantinople on his Account...
Concerning Maximus the Cynic and the disorder which has happened in Constantinople on his account, it is decreed that Maximus never was and is not now a Bishop; that those who have been ordained by him are in no order whatever of the clergy; since all which has been done concerning him or by him, is declared to be invalid. Notes. Ancient Epitome of Canon IV. Let Maximus the Cynic be cast out from among the bishops, and anyone who was inscribed by him on the clergy list shall be held as profane. Edmund
Philip Schaff—The Seven Ecumenical Councils

"It is very pleasant when you are in England, and you see souls being saved, and you see the conviction of sin, and you see the power of the Gospel to bring new life and new joy and purity to hearts. But it is still more glorious amongst the heathen to see the same things, to see the Lord there working His own work of salvation, and to see the souls convicted and the hearts broken, and to see there the new life and the new joy coming out in the faces of those who have found the Lord Jesus." Rev.
Amy Wilson-Carmichael—Things as They Are

The Christian Training of Children.
(Second Sermon.) TEXT: EPH. vi. 4. IN making special mention of our children in our prayers, as we have done to-day, what we have chiefly in our thoughts is not merely to commend their earthly life and welfare, with all that affects it, to God's gracious care; we are much more concerned to obtain a blessing on the unfolding of their spiritual faculties, that it may be carried on in a right way, well-pleasing to God. This prayer is prompted in the first place by the humble conviction that if our manifold
Friedrich Schleiermacher—Selected Sermons of Schleiermacher

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