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Feelings After God
David Swing.
Job 11:7
Happy Memories of Past Usefulness
D. Swing.
Job 29:15
Earth's Brighter Side
D. Swing, D. D.
Psalm 33:5
David Swing.
Psalm 48:10
The Sun as an Emblem of God
D. Swing.
Psalm 89:36
The Long Day of God
D. Swing.
Psalm 90:4
A Lovable God
D. Swing.
Psalm 90:17
Emotion and Evidence
David Swing.
Proverbs 8:17
The Eternal House
D. Swing.
Ecclesiastes 12:5
Christianity as a Civilisation
David Swing.
Malachi 3:3
Positive Religion
D. Swing.
Matthew 5:17
Christ Did not Originate the Golden Rule
D. Swing.
Matthew 7:12
The Golden Rule a Fundamental Law
D. Swing.
Matthew 7:12
Forgotten Great Ones
David Swing.
Luke 1:32
The Higher Life
David Swing.
Luke 1:32
Childhood Disparaged by the Ancients
David Swing.
Luke 2:40
The Fruits of Christianity
David Swing.
Luke 6:43-44
The Gospel Invitation
David Swing.
Luke 14:16-24
Religious Toleration
D. Swing.
Romans 14:1-12
Good Works
D. Swing.
James 2:14-26
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