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Psalm 24
New International Version Par ▾ 

Psalm 24

Of David. A psalm.

1The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,

the world, and all who live in it;

2for he founded it on the seas

and established it on the waters.

3Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?

Who may stand in his holy place?

4The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,

who does not trust in an idol

or swear by a false god. a

5They will receive blessing from the Lord

and vindication from God their Savior.

6Such is the generation of those who seek him,

who seek your face, God of Jacob. b c

7Lift up your heads, you gates;

be lifted up, you ancient doors,

that the King of glory may come in.

8Who is this King of glory?

The Lord strong and mighty,

the Lord mighty in battle.

9Lift up your heads, you gates;

lift them up, you ancient doors,

that the King of glory may come in.

10Who is he, this King of glory?

The Lord Almighty—

he is the King of glory.

a 4 Or swear falsely
b 6 Two Hebrew manuscripts and Syriac (see also Septuagint); most Hebrew manuscripts face, Jacob
c 6 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 10.

New International Version (NIV)

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