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Philippians 4
Mace New Testament Par ▾ 

Rejoice in the Lord

1Wherefore, my dearly beloved brethren, my joy and my crown, whom I long to see, continue firm in your christian profession, my beloved.

2I conjure Euodias, and I conjure Syntyche to be perfectly united in the Lord. 3yea, I intreat thee too, my faithful collegue, to assist them both, for they assisted me in the gospel, as well as Clement, and my other collegues, whose names are in the book of life.

4Rejoice in the Lord alway: I say it again, rejoice. 5let your meekness be known unto all men. 6the Lord is coming: be not in any manner of sollicitude, but in all your occasions lay your requests before God by prayer and supplication accompany'd by thanksgiving. 7and the favour of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall keep your hearts and mind attach'd to Jesus Christ.

8Finally, my brethren, whatever has the character of truth, of dignity, of justice, of chastity, whatever can procure you esteem and reputation, in a word, if there be any thing virtuous or praise-worthy, let that be the object of your enquiry. 9practise what I have taught, what you have learnt of me, what you have heard me preach, and seen me practise, this do, and the God of peace will then be with you.

The Generosity of the Philippians
(2 Corinthians 8:1–15)

10Now I joyfully thank the Lord, that your concern for me has at length reviv'd, not that you wanted the disposition, but only the opportunity. 11it is not my indigence that makes me say this: for I have learn'd, in whatevever state I am, therewith to be content: I know how to be in want, 12I know how to abound: every where, and in every circumstance, I have been prepar'd for fulness or famine, for plenty or penury: 13to these things I am equal, thro' Christ who strengthens me. 14however, you acted generously in assisting me in my necessity:

15and you yourselves know, O Philippians, that when I first preach'd the gospel, at my departure from Macedonia, I receiv'd no manner of assistance from any other church but yours; 16for you sent more than once to Thessalonica to supply my occasions. 17not that I desire a present; but what I desire is, that the fruits of your liberality may greatly redound to your own account. 18I have now receiv'd the whole, and have more than sufficient: I am loaded with the presents you sent by Epaphroditus, which I have receiv'd as grateful incense, as a sacrifice which God accepts and approves. 19for which may my God crown all your desires with glory by Christ Jesus. 20to God our father be glory for ever, amen.

Final Greetings
(Ephesians 6:21–24; 2 Timothy 4:19–22)

21Salute all the christian converts, the brethren who are with me salute you. 22all the converts here salute you, particularly those of Cesar's houshold.

23The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. AMEN.

Daniel Mace New Testament (1729)

Digital Text Courtesy TheWord.net Bible Software.

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible.

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