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The Mission in 1894
THE events sketched in the last two chapters have been more fully delineated by Miss Guinness in her interesting Story of the China Inland Mission, which continues its history to the present date. It is indeed a record of the goodness of GOD, every remembrance of which calls for gratitude and praise. We can only here briefly mention a few facts, referring our readers to Miss Guinness's work for all details.

After a voyage of many mercies the Lammermuir party safely reached China, and during the first ten years stations and out-stations were opened in many cities and towns in four provinces which hitherto had been unreached by the Gospel. At home Mr. and Mrs. Berger continued their devoted service until March 19th, 1872, I having returned to England the year before. Shortly after this the London Council was formed, which has now for several years been assisted by an auxiliary Council of ladies. A Scotch Council was also formed in Glasgow a few years ago.

A visit to America in 1888 issued in the formation of the Council for North America, and a similar Council for Australasia was commenced in Melbourne two years later. In the field a China Council was organised in 1886, composed of senior missionaries who meet quarterly in Shanghai.

Closely associated with the C. I. M. are seven Committees -- in England, Norway, Sweden (two), Finland, Germany, and the United States -- which send out and support their own missionaries, who in China have the assistance of the educational and other advantages of the C. I. M., and who work under its direction.

The staff of the Mission, in May 1893, consisted of 552 missionaries (including wives and associates). There were also 326 native helpers (95 of whom were unpaid), working as pastors, evangelists, teachers, colporteurs, Bible-women, etc., in 14 different provinces.

Duly qualified candidates for missionary labour are accepted without restriction as to denomination, provided they are sound in the faith in all fundamental truths: these go out in dependence upon GOD for temporal supplies, with the clear understanding that the officers of the Mission do not guarantee any income whatever; and knowing that as they will not go into debt, they can only minister to them as the funds sent in from time to time will allow. But we praise GOD that during the past twenty-eight years such ministry has always been possible; our GOD has supplied all our need, and has withheld no good thing.

All the expenses of the Mission at home and abroad are met by voluntary contributions, sent to the offices of the Mission without personal solicitation, by those who wish to aid in this effort to spread the knowledge of the Gospel throughout China. The income for the year 1892 was about L34,000 from all sources -- Great Britain, the Continent of Europe, North America, Australasia, China, etc.

Some of the missionaries having private property have gone out at their own expense, and do not take anything from the Mission funds.

Stations have been opened in ten of the eleven provinces which were previously without Protestant missionaries; from one of these, however, we have had to retire. The eleventh province has been visited several times, and it is hoped that in it permanent work may soon be begun.

More than 200 stations and out-stations have been opened in fourteen of the eighteen provinces, in all of which stations either missionaries or native labourers are resident. Over 6000 converts have been baptized from the commencement, some 4000 of whom are now living and in fellowship.


The year 1894, in which the first edition of A Retrospect appeared, was marked by the erection of large and commodious premises for the work of the Mission, and early in the following year the houses in Pyrland Road, which had so long formed the home of the Mission in England, were vacated, and NEWINGTON GREEN, LONDON, N., became the address of the Mission offices and home.

From that date until the Boxer outbreak of 1900 the Mission made steady progress, the development of the work in China being accompanied by corresponding developments in the home departments of the Mission in England, America, and Australasia.

In January 1900, before the Boxer outbreak, there were in connection with the Mission, 811 missionaries, including wives and associates; 171 stations; 223 out-stations; 387 chapels; 581 paid native helpers; 193 unpaid native helpers; 8557 communicants in fellowship, 12,964 having been baptized from the commencement. There were 266 organised churches; 788 boarding scholars; 1382 day scholars; 6 hospitals; 18 dispensaries; and 46 opium refuges.

During the terrible year of 1900, when no fewer than 135 missionaries and 53 missionaries' children and many thousands of Chinese Christians were cruelly murdered, the China Inland Mission lost 58 missionaries and 21 children. The records of these unparalleled times of suffering have been told in Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission and in Last Letters, both of which books will be found advertised at the end of this volume. Apart from loss of life, there was an immense amount of Mission property destroyed, and the missionaries were compelled to retire from their stations in most parts of China.

The doors closed by this outbreak have all been reopened in the goodness of GOD. In those districts which suffered most from the massacres the work has largely been one of reorganisation; but throughout China generally there has been a spirit of awakening and a time of enlarged opportunity; which is a loud call for more men and women to volunteer to step into the gaps and fill the places of those who have fallen.

Among recent developments we would specially mention the opening of a new home centre at Philadelphia, U.S.A. The total income of the Mission for 1901 was L53,633 = [USD]257,712, and the total received in England alone, for 1902, was L51,446 = [USD]246,912. The total membership of the Mission in June 1902 was 761.

Current information about the progress of the work in China may be obtained from China's Millions, the organ of the Mission. It is published monthly, and may be ordered through any bookseller from Messrs. Morgan and Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C., for 1s. per year, or direct by post from the offices of the Mission, Newington Green, London, N., for 1s.6d. per annum.

The Australasian edition of China's Millions may be ordered at the same price from M. L. Hutchinson, Little Collins Street, or from the Mission Offices, 267 Collins Street, Melbourne. The North American edition will be sent post free from the Mission Offices, 507 Church Street, Toronto, for 50 cents per annum.

Prayer meetings on behalf of the work in China are held at the principal home centres of the Mission, as follows: Every Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, at Newington Green, London. Every Friday evening at 8 o'clock, at 507 Church Street, Toronto. Every Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the Office, 267 Collins Street, Melbourne. A hearty invitation to attend any one of these meetings is given to any one residing in or visiting any of these cities.

Donations to the Mission, applications from candidates, orders for literature, requests for deputation speakers, and other correspondence should be forwarded to

The Secretary,
China Inland Mission,
Newington Green, London, N.

The Home Director,
China Inland Mission,
507 Church Street, Toronto, Canada.


702 Witherspoon Buildings, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

or to

The Secretary,
China Inland Mission,
267 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia.

[Illustration: MAP OF CHINA

Shewing {1. All Protestant Mission Stations in China up to June 1866, when the C.I.M. was founded (they numbered fifteen) These are underlined in black.
{2. The Stations of the China Inland Mission which (with the exception of Ning-Po & Fung-hwa) have been opened since June 1866. These are printed in red.]


chapter xix the formation of
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