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Nahum 1
International Standard Version Par ▾ 

Nahum’s Vision

1A pronouncementa about Nineveh: The record of the vision of Nahumb from Elkosh.

The LORD’s Anger against Assyria

2A jealous God, the LORD avenges.

The LORD avenges;

The Lord is an angry husband.

The LORD takes vengeance on his enemies,

reserving anger for his adversaries.

3The LORD is slow to anger and powerful,

and he will never let the guiltyc go unpunished.

The LORD’s path is in the windstorm and hurricane;

thunderclouds are dust beneath his feet.

4He rebukes the sea, and it evaporates;

he dries up all the rivers.

Bashan and Carmel wither,

while the flowers of Lebanon languish.

5Mountains shake because of him,

and the hills melt.

The earth goes into upheaval at his presence,

as does the world with all of its inhabitants.

6Who can stand before his fury?

And who can endure his fierce anger?

His displeasure pours out like fire,

and rocks are broken to pieces because of him.

The LORD’s Goodness in the Midst of Judgment

7The LORD is good—

a refuge in troubled times.d

He knows those who are confiding in him.

8But with an overwhelming deluge he will bring utter desolation to Nineveh,e

and his enemies he will pursue with darkness.

9What are you scheming against the LORD?

He will bring about utter desolation—

adversity will not strike twice!

10Indeed, while tangled as by a thorn bush,

while drunken as by a strong drink,

the Ninevitesf will be burned like dry straw.

11Someone has left you who plans evil against the LORD.

He is a demonic counselor.g

The LORD’s Rebuke to Assyria

12This is what the LORD says:

“No matter how strong they are,h

and no matter how numerous,

they will surely be annihilatedi and pass away.

Though I have afflicted you,j

I will do so no more.

13Now I will break off Assyria’sk yoke from you,

and tear apart your shackles.”

14Now this is what the Lord has decreed about you, Nineveh:l

“There will be no more children bornm to carry on your name.

I will cut out the graven and molten images from the temples of your gods.

I myself will dig your grave,

because you are vile.”

The Sure and Certain Deliverance of Judah

15n Look! There on the mountains!

The feet of the one who brings good news,

who broadcasts a message of peace.

Judah, celebrate your solemn festivals

and keep your vows,

because the wicked will never again invade you.

Nineveho will bep completely eliminated!

a 1:1 Or revelation
b 1:1 The Heb. name Nahum means comfort
c 1:3 The Heb. lacks the guilty
d 1:7 Or in a day of trouble
e 1:8 Lit. to its place
f 1:10 Lit. they
g 1:11 Or a worthless counselor;Lit. a counselor of Belial
h 1:12 The Heb. lacks they are
i 1:12 Lit. be cut down
j 1:12 The Heb. lacks you
k 1:13 Lit. his
l 1:14 The Heb. lacks Nineveh
m 1:14 Lit. sown
n 1:15 This verse is 2:1 in MT
o 1:15 Lit. It
p 1:15 Or has been

The Holy Bible: International Standard Version® Release 2.1
Copyright © 1996-2012 The ISV Foundation

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