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Ezekiel 20
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Par ▾ 
1And it was in the seventh year, in the tenth day of the fifth month, men of the Elders of Israel came to inquire from LORD JEHOVAH, and they sat before me 2And the word of LORD JEHOVAH was upon me, saying: 3“Son of man, speak with the Elders of the children of Israel and say to them: ‘Thus says THE LORD OF LORDS, are you coming to inquire of me? I am living, says THE LORD OF LORDS. I shall not give you an answer’ 4Judge them, judge them, son of man, and show them the abomination of their fathers 5And say to them: ‘Thus says THE LORD OF LORDS: in the day that I chose Israel, I lifted my hands over the seed of the house of Yaqob, and I was revealed to them in the land of Egypt, and I lifted my hands and I said to them: “I AM LORD JEHOVAH your God 6In the day that I lifted my hands to them, that I would bring them out from the land of Egypt, to the land that I have given to them, that flows milk and honey. It is the glory of all cities 7And I said to them, ‘Each man put away his idols from his eyes, and in the worship of Egypt you shall not be defiled. I AM LORD JEHOVAH your God’ 8And they angered me and they chose not to listen to me, and they did not put away the idols from their eyes and they did not leave the dreaded things of Egypt, and I said: "I shall pour my wrath upon them and I shall fulfill my anger against them within the land of Egypt” 9And I had pity, because of my name, that it would not be defiled among the nations, for I was revealed to them in their sight, for I brought them forth from the land of Egypt 10And I brought them from the land of Egypt and I brought them to the wilderness 11And I have given them my commands, and my judgments I have made known to them, so that if a son of man does them, he lives by them 12Also my Sabbaths I have given them, that they will be signs between me and them, and they shall know that I AM LORD JEHOVAH, I who hallow them 13And they of the house of Israel angered me in the wilderness, and they did not walk in my commands, and they rejected my judgments, for if a son of man does them he lives by them; and my Sabbaths they have defiled, and I said: ‘I shall pour my anger upon them in the wilderness and I shall destroy them’ 14And I had pity because of my name, that it would not be defiled before the eyes of the nations, because I brought them out in their sight 15Also I lifted to them my hands in the wilderness that I would not bring them to the land that I have given to them, that flows milk and honey; it is the glory of all the cities 16Because they rejected my judgments and they have severely defiled my Sabbaths, and their heart goes after their idols 17And my eyes had pity upon them, that I would not destroy them, and I would not make an end of them in the wilderness

18And I said to their children in the wilderness: “You shall not walk in the commandments of your fathers and you shall not keep their judgments, and you shall not be defiled by their idols

19I AM LORD JEHOVAH your God. Walk in my commandments and keep my judgments and do them 20And hallow my Sabbaths, and they shall be signs between me and you, and you shall know that I AM LORD JEHOVAH your God 21And the children angered me and they did not walk in my commands, and they did not keep my judgments and they did not do them, for if a son of man does them, he lives in them, and they defiled my Sabbaths, and I said: "I shall pour out my wrath and I shall fulfill my anger upon them in the wilderness" 22And I had pity because of my name that it would not be defiled among the nations, because I brought them out in their sight 23But I lifted my hands to them in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the Gentiles, and I shall scatter them in the lands 24Because they have not done my judgments and they have rejected my commands, and they defiled my Sabbaths, and their eyes go after the idols of their fathers 25And I gave them commandments that are not beautiful and judgments by which they shall not live 26And I defiled them in their gifts when they were offering the first born ones, and I shall destroy them, and they shall know that I AM LORD JEHOVAH

27Because of this, son of man, speak with those of the house of Israel and say to them: ‘Thus says THE LORD OF LORDS: your fathers again blasphemed before me by this in their evil that they have done to me 28And I brought them to the land which I lifted my hands to give to them, and they saw every hill that is high and every tree of shade, and they sacrificed there their sacrifices and they offered there their offerings and they placed there the fragrance of their savors and there they poured out their oblations 29And I said to them: what is Prakha (the idol shrine) to which you come? And its name is called Prakha (the idol shrine) until today 30Because of this, son of man, say to the house of Israel: ‘Thus says THE LORD OF LORDS, if you are defiled in the way of your fathers and you go astray after their idols 31And you bring your gifts and you bring your children into fire and you are defiled with your idols until today, and you seek to ask of me, house of Israel, as I am living, says THE LORD OF LORDS, I shall not give you an answer 32And that which is in your mind shall not happen, because you say, ‘We shall be like the nations and like the generations of the Earth, and we shall serve trees and stones”

33I am living, says THE LORD OF LORDS, that by a mighty hand and by a high arm and in passion poured out I shall reign over you 34And I shall bring you out from the nations and I shall gather you from the lands among which you were scattered, and by a strong hand and by a high arm and in passion poured out 35And I shall bring you to the wilderness of the Gentiles, and I shall judge you there, face to face 36As I judged with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I shall judge with you, says THE LORD OF LORDS 37And I shall pass you under the scepter and I shall introduce you into the instruction of the covenant 38And I shall select from you those who rebel and do evil against me. From the land of the place of their dwelling I shall bring them out, and to the land of Israel they shall not enter, and you shall know that I AM LORD JEHOVAH

39But you of the house of Israel, thus says THE LORD OF LORDS: if you do not listen to me, go serve, each man, his idols, and you shall not again defile the name of my holiness with your gifts and with your idols 40Because in the mountain of my holiness, in the high mountains of Israel, says THE LORD OF LORDS, there all of the house of Israel shall serve me perfectly; there I shall be pleased with them and there I shall review their first fruits, and the best of their crops and the best of their gifts, in all their holy things 41In a sweet savor I shall receive you, when I have brought you out from the nations, and I have gathered you from the cities among which I scattered you, and I was hallowed among you before the eyes of the nations 42And you shall know that I AM LORD JEHOVAH, whenever I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the land for which I lifted my hands, to give it to your fathers 43And you shall remember there your ways, and all your plots in which you were defiled, and your persons were taken in all the evil that you have done 44And you shall know that I AM LORD JEHOVAH who had pity on you because of my name, and not according to your evil ways, and not according to your insane plots you have made for yourselves, house of Israel, says THE LORD OF LORDS

45And the word of LORD JEHOVAH was upon me, saying: 46“Son of man, set your face toward the road of the south, and gaze to the south, and prophesy over the forest that is in the south 47And say to the forest that is in the south: “Hear the word of LORD JEHOVAH: thus says THE LORD OF LORDS, behold, I have kindled a fire in you and it shall devour all your trees, green and dry, and you shall not put out the flames that are broken out, and every face shall burn in it, from the south and unto the north 48And everybody shall see it, that I, LORD JEHOVAH, set fire to it, and you shall not put it out” 49And I said: Oh, LORD OF LORDS, behold they say to me, ‘You speak parables!’

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
Translated by Glenn David Bauscher
Glenn David Bauscher
Lulu Publishing
Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing
3rd edition Copyright © 2019

Ezekiel 19
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