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Daniel 4
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Par ▾ 
1Nebukadnetsar the King wrote to all the nations and peoples and languages who dwell in all the Earth: “Peace be multiplied to you: 2Signs and wonders that God Most High did, it is pleasing before me to show

3His signs, how great, and his wonders, how mighty! His kingdom is a kingdom of the eternities and his authority to generations of generations!

4I, Nebukadnetsar, had been quiet in my house and resting in my palace 5And I had seen a dream, and I was troubled, and a vision of my head troubled me 6And I commanded to bring before me all the wise men of Babel, that they would show me the interpretation of the dream 7And the Sorcerers and the Enchanters and the Chaldeans and the Magi came in before me, and I told the dream before them, and they did not make known its interpretation to me 8Until Daniel entered before me, this man whose name is Beltshatsar, according to the name of my god, for the spirit of the holy gods is in him, and I told the dream before him 9‘Beltshatsar, Great One of the Wise , for I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and no secret is hidden from you; in a vision of my dream I saw the vision of my head, and you tell me its interpretation

10I was in my bed, seeing a tree in the midst of the Earth; its height was great

11And the tree was raised up and it was mighty and its height arrived unto Heaven and its appearance to all the ends of the Earth

12Its leaves were beautiful and its fruit abundant and food was in it for everybody. Under it dwelt all animals of the wilderness; in its branches nested all fowl of the sky and everybody was nourished from it

13I had seen in visions of my head upon my bed a Watcher and Holy One who descended from Heaven

14And he called in power and thus he said: “Cut down the tree and cut off its branches and strip its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals get out from under it and the fowl of the sky from its branches!

15But the stump of its roots leave in the earth in a band of iron and brass in the grass of the field, and it shall be wet from the dew of Heaven and its dwelling with the animals of the wilderness in the grass of the Earth!

16And his heart shall change from the children of men, and the heart of a beast will be given to him, and seven seasons will be changed over him

17The word is by the decree of the Watcher, and the request is by the speech of The Holy One, that the living may know that God Most High is authorized in the Kingdom of men, that he shall give it to whomever he pleases, and the lowest of men he will raise up over it

18This dream I have seen, I King Nebukadnetsar, and you Beltshatsar tell me its interpretation, because all of the wise men of my kingdom cannot make it known to me, and you, Daniel, can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you”

19Then Daniel, whose name is Beltshatsar, was stupefied about one hour, and his thoughts disturbed him. He answered the King and said: “Beltshatsar, do not let the dream and its interpretation trouble you!” Daniel answered and said: “My Lord, the dream be to those who hate you, and its interpretation be for your enemies! 20I have seen a great and flourishing tree, and its height reached unto Heaven, and its appearance to all the ends of the Earth 21Its leaves were beautiful and its fruit abundant and food for everybody is in it. Under it dwell all the animals of the field and in its branches nest every fowl of Heaven, and everybody was nourished from it 22You are the King who has prevailed and you are great and you have grown. You have arrived unto Heaven and your authority to all the ends of the Earth 23And when the King saw the Watcher and Holy One who descended from Heaven, also he called in power and said, “Cut down the tree and destroy the stump of its roots, but leave in the earth a band of iron and brass in the grass of the wilderness, and he shall be wet from the dew of Heaven and his dwelling with the animals of the wilderness in the grass of the Earth, and his heart shall change from children of men and the heart of a beast will be given to him until seven seasons will be changed over him 24This is the interpretation, oh King: a decree of the Most High has arrived upon my Lord the King 25And they are chasing you from man and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the wilderness, and they shall feed you grass like an ox, and you shall be wet from the dew of Heaven, and seven seasons will be changed over you until you will know that The Most High is authorized in the Kingdom of men, that he will give it to whomever he pleases and he will raise up the lowest men upon it 26And because he said to leave the stump of its roots of the tree, your kingdom stands for you whenever you have known that authority is from Heaven 27Because of this, my King, let it be pleasing to you, and remove your sins by giving charity and your wickedness with compassion for the weak, until your offenses will be removed from you

28These all came upon King Nebukadnetsar 29And after twelve months on the palace of his kingdom which is in Babel, King Nebukadnetsar was walking 30And he answered and he said: “Has not this been great Babel that I have built for the house of my kingdom and for my mighty empire and for my glory?” 31And while the word was in the mouth of the King, a voice came from Heaven: “To you they say, King Nebukadnetsar, ‘Your kingdom has passed away from you! 32And they chase you from men and your dwelling shall be with the animals of the wilderness, and they shall feed you grass like an ox, and you shall be wet from the dew of Heaven, and seven times will be changed over you until you know that God Most High is authorized in the kingdom of men, because he will give it to the one whom he pleases, and the lowest men he will raise up over it 33At that moment the word was fulfilled concerning King Nebukadnetsar, and he was chased from the children of men and he ate green grass like an ox and he was made wet from the dew of Heaven until his hair grew like that of an eagle and his talons like those of a fowl

34And when the days were ended, I, Nebukadnetsar, I lifted up my eyes to Heaven and my mind returned unto me, and I blessed The Most High and I praised him who lives for eternities, and I glorified him whose authority is the authority of eternity, and his kingdom to generations of generations

35And all the inhabitants of Earth are esteemed before him as nothing, and everything whatever he pleases he does in the armies of Heaven and among the inhabitants of Earth, and there is none who will find a fault in his hand and will say to him: ‘What are you doing?’

36In that time my understanding returned unto me and my Princes and the Generals of my armies sought me, and I was established over my kingdom, and ten thousand times over abundance was added to me 37Therefore I, Nebukadnetsar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of Heaven, for all of his works are in truth, and his ways are justice, and those who walk in pride he can humble!”

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
Translated by Glenn David Bauscher
Glenn David Bauscher
Lulu Publishing
Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing
3rd edition Copyright © 2019

Daniel 3
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