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Job 34
Holman Christian Standard Bible  Par ▾ 

1Then Elihu continued, a saying:

2Hear my words, you wise men,

and listen to me, you knowledgeable ones.

3Doesn’t the ear test words

as the palate tastes food?

4Let us judge for ourselves what is right;

let us decide together what is good.

5For Job has declared, “I am righteous,

yet God has deprived me of justice. b

6Would I lie about my case? c

My woundd is incurable,

though I am without transgression.”

7What man is like Job?

He drinks derisione like water.

8He keeps company with evildoers

and walks with wicked men.

9For he has said, “A man gains nothing

when he becomes God’s friend.” f

10Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding.

It is impossible for God to do wrong,

and for the Almighty to act unjustly. g

11For He repaysh a person according to his deeds,

and He brings his ways on him.

12Indeed, it is true that God does not act wickedly

and the Almighty does not pervert justice. i

13Who gave Him authority over the earth?

Who put Him in charge of the entire world? j

14If He put His mind to it

and withdrew the spiritk and breath He gave,

15every living thing would perish together

and mankind would return to the dust. l

16If you have understanding, hear this;

listen to what I have to say.

17Could one who hates justice govern the world?

Will you condemn the mighty Righteous One, m

18who says to a king, “Worthless man! ”

and to nobles, “Wicked men! ”? n

19God is not partialo to princes

and does not favor the rich over the poor,

for they are all the work of His hands.

20They die suddenly in the middle of the night;

people shudder, then pass away.

Even the mighty are removed without effort.

21For His eyes watch over a man’s ways,

and He observes all his steps. p

22There is no darkness, no deep darkness,

where evildoers can hide themselves. q

23God does not need to examine a person further,

that one should r approach Him in court.

24He shatters the mighty without an investigation

and sets others in their place. s

25Therefore, He recognizes their deedst

and overthrows them by night, and they are crushed.

26In full view of the public, u

He strikes them for their wickedness,

27because they turned aside from following Him

and did not understand any of His ways

28but caused the poor to cry out to Him,

and He heard the outcry of the afflicted. v

29But when God is silent, who can declare Him guilty?

When He hides His face, who can see Him?

Yet He watches over both individuals and nations,

30so that godless men should not rule

or ensnare the people.

31Suppose someone says to God,

“I have endured my punishment;

I will no longer act wickedly.

32Teach me what I cannot see;

if I have done wrong, I won’t do it again.”

33Should God repay you on your terms

when you have rejected His?

You must choose, not I!

So declare what you know.

34Reasonable men will say to me,

along with the wise men who hear me,

35“Job speaks without knowledge; w

his words are without insight.”

36If only Job were tested to the limit,

because his answers are like those of wicked men.

37For he adds rebellion to his sin;

he scornfully clapsx in our presence,

while multiplyingy his words against God.

a. 34:1 Lit answered
b. 34:5 Jb 10:7; 27:2; 33:9
c. 34:6 Jb 6:28; 24:25; 27:4
d. 34:6 Lit arrow
e. 34:7 Jb 15:16; Pr 19:28
f. 34:9 Ex 5:2; Jb 21:15; Mal 3:14
g. 34:10 Dt 32:4; Ps 92:15; Rm 9:14
h. 34:11 Dt 7:10; Jb 21:31; Is 59:18
i. 34:12 2Ch 19:6; Jb 8:3; Ps 9:16
j. 34:13 Jb 38:4; Ps 50:12; Is 40:12-14
k. 34:14 Ps 104:29; Ec 3:19; 12:7
l. 34:15 Gn 2:7; Jb 4:19; 10:9
m. 34:17 Gn 18:25; 2Sm 23:3; Rm 3:5
n. 34:18 Ex 22:28; Jb 12:21; Ps 107:40
o. 34:19 Dt 10:17; Jb 13:8; 32:21
p. 34:21 Jb 14:16; 31:4; Pr 5:21
q. 34:22 Ps 139:12; Am 9:2-3; Heb 4:13
r. 34:23 Some emend to God has not appointed a time for man to
s. 34:24 Jb 12:19; Ps 2:9; Dn 2:21
t. 34:25 Jb 11:11; Ps 10:14
u. 34:26 Lit In a place of spectators
v. 34:28 Ex 3:7; 22:23; Jms 5:4
w. 34:35 Jb 35:16; 38:2; 42:3
x. 34:37 Nm 24:10; Jb 27:23; Lm 2:15
y. 34:37 Jb 16:4; 35:16; Ezk 35:13
Job 33
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