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Nahum 1
GOD'S WORD® Translation

1This is a revelation from the LORD about Nineveh. This book contains the vision of Nahum from Elkosh.

2God does not tolerate rivals. The LORD takes revenge. The LORD takes revenge and is full of anger. The LORD takes revenge against his enemies and holds a grudge against his foes.

3The LORD is patient and has great strength. The LORD will never let the guilty go unpunished. Raging winds and storms mark his path, and clouds are the dust from his feet.

4He yells at the sea and makes it dry. He dries up all the rivers. Bashan and Carmel wither. The flowers of Lebanon wither.

5The mountains quake because of him. The hills melt. The earth draws back in his presence. The world and all who live in it draw back as well.

6Who can stand in the presence of his rage? Who can oppose his burning anger? He pours out his rage like fire and smashes the rocky cliffs.

7The LORD is good. [He is] a fortress in the day of trouble. He knows those who seek shelter in him.

8He will put an end to Nineveh with a devastating flood. He will pursue his enemies with darkness.

9What do you think about the LORD? He is the one who will bring Nineveh to an end. This trouble will never happen again.

10[The people of Nineveh will be] like tangled thorns and like people drunk on their own drink. They will be completely burned up like very dry straw.

11From you, Nineveh, a person who plans evil against the LORD sets out. His advice is wicked.

12This is what the LORD says: Though the people of Nineveh are physically fit and many in number, they will be cut down and die. Though I have humbled you, Judah, I will not humble you again.

13But now I will break Nineveh's yoke off of you and tear its chains from you.

14The LORD has given this command about you, Nineveh: You will no longer have descendants to carry on your name. I will remove the wooden and metal idols from the temple of your gods. I will prepare your grave because you are worthless.

15There on the mountains are the feet of a messenger who announces the good news: "All is well!" Celebrate your festivals, Judah! Keep your vows! This wickedness will never pass your way again. It will be completely removed.

GOD'S WORD® is a copyrighted work of God's Word to the Nations. Quotations are used by permission. Copyright 1995 by God's Word to the Nations. All rights reserved.

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