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Acts 5
Coverdale Bible of 1535 Par ▾ 

Ananias and Sapphira

1But a certayne man named Ananias with Saphira his wife, solde his possession, 2and kepte awaye parte of the money (his wife knowinge of it) and broughte one parte, & layed it at the Apostles fete. 3But Peter sayde: Ananias, Wherfore hath Sathan fylled thine hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and withdrawe awaye parte of the money of the lyuelod? 4Mightest thou not haue kepte it, whan thou haddest it? And whan it was solde, the money was also in thy power: Why hast thou then conceaued this thinge in thine hert? Thou hast not lyed vnto me, but vnto God. 5Whan Ananias herde these wordes, he fell downe, & gaue vp the goost. And there came a greate feare vpon all the that herde of this. 6The yonge men rose vp, and put him asyde, and caried him out, and buried him.

7And it fortuned as it were aboute ye space of thre houres after, his wife came in, and knewe not what was done. 8But Peter answered vnto her. Tell me, solde ye the londe for somoch? She sayde: Yee, for so moch. 9Peter sayde vnto her: Why haue ye agreed together, to tempte the sprete of the LORDE? Beholde, the fete of the which haue buried thy hussbande, are at the dore, & shal carye the out. 10And immediatly she fell downe at his fete, and gaue vp the goost. Then came in the yonge men, and founde her deed, and caried her out, and buried her by hir hussbade. 11And there came a greate feare ouer the whole congregacion, and ouer all the that herde it.

The Apostles Heal Many

12Many tokens and wonders were done amonge the people by the hades of the Apostles (and they were all together with one acorde in Salomons porche: 13but of other there durst no man ioyne him self vnto the, neuertheles the people helde moch of them. 14The multitude of the men and women that beleued in the LORDE, grewe more and more) 15In so moch that they brought out the sycke in to the stretes, and layed them vpon beddes and barowes, that at the leest waye the shadowe of Peter (whan he came by) might ouershadowe some of the. 16There came many also out of ye cities rounde aboute vnto Ierusalem, and brought the sicke and the that were vexed with vncleane spretes, and they were healed euery one.

The Apostles Arrested and Freed

17But the hye prest rose vp, and all they yt were with him, which is the secte of the Saduces, and were full of indignacion, 18& layed handes on the Apostles, and put them in the comon preson. 19But the angell of ye LORDE by night opened the preson dores, and brought the out, and sayde: 20Go youre waye and steppe vp, and speake in the temple to the people all the wordes of this life. 21Whan they herde that, they entred in to the temple early in the mornynge: and taught.But the hye prest came, and they yt were with him, and called the councell together, & all ye Elders of the children of Israel, and sent to the preson to fet them. 22The mynisters came and founde them not in the preson, came agayne, and tolde, 23and sayde:The preson founde we shut with all diligence, and the kepers stondinge without before the dores: but wha we had opened, we founde noman therin.

The Apostles before the Sanhedrin

24Whan the hye prest, and the rulers of the temple and the other hye prestes herde these wordes, they douted of them, whervnto this wolde growe. 25Then came there one, which tolde them: Beholde, the men that ye put in preson, are in the temple, stondinge and teachinge the people. 26Then wete ye rulers with their mynisters, and fetched them without violence: for they feared the people, lest they shulde haue bene stoned.

27And whan they had brought them, they set the before the councell. And the hye prest axed them, 28and sayde: Dyd not we comaunde you strately, that ye shulde not teache in this name. And beholde, ye haue fylled Ierusalem with youre doctryne, and ye intede to brynge this mans bloude vpon vs. 29But Peter and the Apostles answered, and sayde: We ought more to obeye God then men. 30The God of oure fathers hath raysed vp Iesus, who ye slewe, and hanged on tre. 31Him hath the righte hande of God exalted, to be a prynce and Sauioure, to geue repentaunce and forgeuenesse of synnes vnto Israel. 32And we are his recordes of these wordes, and the holy goost, who God hath geuen vnto the that obeye him.

Gamaliel’s Advice

33Wha they herde that, it wente thorow the hertes of them, and they thoughte to slaye them. 34Then stode there vp in ye councell a pharyse, named Gamaliel, a scribe, had in greate reputacion before all ye people, and bad put the Apostles asyde a litle, 35and sayde vnto them: Ye men of Israel, take hede to youre selues, what ye do as touchinge these men. 36Before these dayes rose vp one Theudas, boostinge himself. (And there cleued vnto him a nobre of me, aboute a foure hundreth) which was slayne, and all they yt enclyned vnto him, were scatred abrode, and brought to naught. 37After this stode vp Iudas of Galile in ye dayes of trybute, and drewe awaye moch people after him, & he also perished, & all they that enclyned vnto him, are scatred abrode. 38And now I saye vnto you: refrayne yor selues fro these men, and let the go. Yf this councell or worke be of me, it wil come to naught: 39but yf it be of God, ye are not able to destroye it, lest ye be founde to be the men, that wil stryue agaynst God.

40Then they agreed vnto him, and called the Apostles, and bet them, and commaunded them, that they shulde speake nothinge in the name of Iesu, and let them go. 41But they departed from the presence of the councell, reioysinge, that they were worthy to suffre rebuke for his names sake. 42And daylie in the temple and in euery house they ceassed not, to teache and to preache the Gospell of Iesus Christ.

Coverdale Bible of 1535

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Acts 4
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