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Nahum 1:3
Good News Translation
The LORD does not easily become angry, but he is powerful and never lets the guilty go unpunished. Where the LORD walks, storms arise; the clouds are the dust raised by his feet!

New Revised Standard Version
The LORD is slow to anger but great in power, and the LORD will by no means clear the guilty. His way is in whirlwind and storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

Contemporary English Version
The LORD is powerful, yet patient; he makes sure that the guilty are always punished. He can be seen in storms and in whirlwinds; clouds are the dust from his feet.

New American Bible
The LORD is slow to anger, yet great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished. In stormwind and tempest he comes, and clouds are the dust at his feet;

Douay-Rheims Bible
The Lord is patient, and great in power, and will not cleanse and acquit the guilty. The Lord's ways are in a tempest, and a whirlwind, and clouds are the dust of his feet.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

The Lord is patient, and great in power, and will not cleanse and acquit the guilty. The Lord's ways are in a tempest, and a whirlwind, and clouds are the dust of his feet.


Exodus 34:6,7 And when he passed before him, he said: O the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, patient and of much compassion, and true, . . .

Nehemiah 9:17 And they would not hear, and they remembered not thy wonders which thou hadst done for them. And they hardened their necks, and gave the head to return to their bondage, as it were by contention. But thou, a forgiving God, gracious, and merciful, longsuffering, and full of compassion, didst not forsake them.

Psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful: longsuffering and plenteous in mercy.

Psalm 145:8 The Lord is gracious and merciful: patient and plenteous in mercy.

Joel 2:13 And rend your hearts, and not your garments and turn to the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, patient and rich in mercy, and ready to repent of the evil.

Jonah 4:2 And Jonah was exceedingly troubled, and was angry:

James 1:19 You know, my dearest brethren. And let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak and slow to anger.


Job 9:4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath resisted him, and hath had peace?

Psalm 62:11 God hath spoken once, these two things have I heard, that power belongeth to God,

Psalm 66:3 Say unto God, How terrible are thy works, O Lord! in the multitude of thy strength thy enemies shall lie to thee.

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord, and great is his power: and of his wisdom there is no number.

Ephesians 1:19,20 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards us, who believe according to the operation of the might of his power, . . .

and will.

Numbers 14:18 The Lord is patient and full of mercy, by taking away iniquity and wickedness, and leaving no man clear, who visitest the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

Job 10:14 If I have sinned, and thou hast spared me for an hour: why dost thou not suffer me to be clean from my iniquity?

his way.

Exodus 19:16-18 And now the third day was come, and the morning appeared: and behold thunders began to be heard, and lightning to flash, and a very thick cloud to cover the mount, and the noise of the trumpet sounded exceeding loud; and the people that was in the camp, feared. . . .

Deuteronomy 5:22-24 These words the Lord spoke to all the multitude of you in the mountain, out of the midst of the fire and the cloud, and the darkness, with a loud voice, adding nothing more: and he wrote them in two tables of stone, which he delivered unto me. . . .

1 Kings 19:11-13 And he said to him: Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord: and behold the Lord passeth, and a great and strong wind before the Lord, overthrowing the mountains, and breaking the rocks in pieces: but the Lord is not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake: but the Lord is not in the earthquake. . . .

Job 38:1 Then the Lord answered Job out of a whirlwind, and said:

Psalm 18:7-15 The earth shook and trembled: the foundations of the mountains were troubled and were moved, because he was angry with them. . . .

Psalm 50:3 God shall come manifestly: our God shall come, and shall not keep silence. A fire shall burn before him: and a mighty tempest shall be round about him.

Psalm 97:2-5 Clouds and darkness are round about him: justice and judgment are the establishment of his throne. . . .

Psalm 104:3 Who coverest the higher rooms thereof with water. Who makest the clouds thy chariot: who walkest upon the wings of the winds.

Isaiah 19:1 The burden of Egypt. Behold the Lord will ascend upon a swift cloud, and will enter into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst thereof.

Isaiah 66:15 For behold the Lord will come with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind, to render his wrath in indignation, and his rebuke with flames of fire.

Daniel 7:13 I beheld, therefore, in the vision of the night, and lo, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and he came even to the ancient of days: and they presented him before him.

Habakkuk 3:5-15 Death shall go before his face. And the devil shall go forth before his feet. . . .

Zechariah 9:14 And the Lord God shall be seen over them, and his dart shall go forth as lightning: and the Lord God will sound the trumpet, and go in the whirlwind of the south.

Matthew 26:64 Jesus saith to him: Thou hast said it. Nevertheless I say to you, hereafter you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of the power of God and coming in the clouds of heaven.

Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him: and they also that pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth shall bewail themselves because of him. Even so. Amen.

The Oracle of Nineveh
2The Lord is a jealous God, and a revenger: the Lord is a revenger, and hath wrath: the Lord taketh vengeance on his adversaries, and he is angry with his enemies. 3The Lord is patient, and great in power, and will not cleanse and acquit the guilty. The Lord's ways are in a tempest, and a whirlwind, and clouds are the dust of his feet.4He rebuketh the sea and drieth it up: and bringeth all the rivers to be a desert. Basan languisheth and Carmel: and the flower of Libanus fadeth away.…
Cross References
Exodus 19:16
And now the third day was come, and the morning appeared: and behold thunders began to be heard, and lightning to flash, and a very thick cloud to cover the mount, and the noise of the trumpet sounded exceeding loud; and the people that was in the camp, feared.

Exodus 34:6
And when he passed before him, he said: O the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, patient and of much compassion, and true,

Exodus 34:7
Who keepest mercy unto thousands: who takest away iniquity, and wickedness, and sin, and no man of himself is innocent before thee. Who renderest the iniquity of the fathers to the children, and to the grandchildren unto the third and fourth generation.

2 Samuel 22:10
He bowed the heavens, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.

Nehemiah 9:17
And they would not hear, and they remembered not thy wonders which thou hadst done for them. And they hardened their necks, and gave the head to return to their bondage, as it were by contention. But thou, a forgiving God, gracious, and merciful, longsuffering, and full of compassion, didst not forsake them.

Psalm 103:8
The Lord is compassionate and merciful: longsuffering and plenteous in mercy.

Psalm 104:3
Who coverest the higher rooms thereof with water. Who makest the clouds thy chariot: who walkest upon the wings of the winds.

Isaiah 19:1
The burden of Egypt. Behold the Lord will ascend upon a swift cloud, and will enter into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst thereof.

Isaiah 29:6
And it shall be at an instant suddenly. A visitation shall come from the Lord of hosts in thunder, and with earthquake, and with a great noise of whirlwind and tempest; and with the flame of devouring fire.

Jeremiah 4:13
Behold he shall come up as a cloud, and his chariots as a tempest: his horses are swifter than eagles: woe unto us, for we are laid waste.

Hosea 8:7
For they shall sow wind, and reap a whirlwind, there is no standing stalk in it, the bud shall yield no meal; and if it should yield, strangers shall eat it.

Nahum 1:2
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