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Leviticus 5:2
Good News Translation
If you unintentionally touch anything ritually unclean, such as a dead animal, you are unclean and guilty as soon as you realize what you have done.

New Revised Standard Version
Or when any of you touch any unclean thing—whether the carcass of an unclean beast or the carcass of unclean livestock or the carcass of an unclean swarming thing—and are unaware of it, you have become unclean, and are guilty.

Contemporary English Version
You are guilty and unfit to worship me, if you accidentally touch the dead body of any kind of unclean animal.

New American Bible
or if someone, without being aware of it, touches any unclean thing, such as the carcass of an unclean wild animal, or an unclean domestic animal, or an unclean swarming creature, and thus is unclean and guilty;

Douay-Rheims Bible
Whosoever toucheth any unclean thing, either that which hath been killed by a beast, or died of itself, or any other creeping thing: and forgetteth his uncleanness, he is guilty, and hath offended.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Whosoever toucheth any unclean thing, either that which hath been killed by a beast, or died of itself, or any other creeping thing: and forgetteth his uncleanness, he is guilty, and hath offended.


Leviticus 7:21 And he that hath touched the uncleanness of man, or of beast, or of any thing that can defile, and shall eat of such kind of flesh: shall be cut off from his people.

Leviticus 11:24,28,31,39 And whosoever shall touch the carcasses of them, shall be defiled: and shall be unclean until the evening: . . .

Numbers 19:11-16 He that toucheth the corpse of a man, and is therefore unclean seven days, . . .

Deuteronomy 14:8 The swine also, because it divideth the hoof, but cheweth not the cud, shall be unclean, their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch.

Isaiah 52:11 Depart, depart, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing: go out of the midst of her, be ye clean, you that carry the vessels of the Lord.

Haggai 2:13 And Haggai said: If one that is unclean by occasion of a soul touch any of all these things, shall it be defiled? And the priests answered, and said: It shall be defiled.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore: Go out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing:


Leviticus 5:4,17 The person that sweareth, and uttereth with his lips, that he would do either evil or good, and bindeth the same with an oath, and his word: and having forgotten it afterwards understandeth his offence, . . .

Psalm 19:12 Who can understand sins? from my secret ones cleanse me, O Lord:

Luke 11:44 Woe to you, because you are as sepulchres that appear not: and men that walk over are not aware.

and guilty

Leviticus 5:17 If any one sin through ignorance, and do one of those things which by the law of the Lord are forbidden, and being guilty of sin, understand his iniquity:

Leviticus 4:13 And if all the multitude of Israel shall be ignorant, and through ignorance shall do that which is against the commandment of the Lord,

Sins Requiring a Sin Offering
1If any one sin, and hear the voice of one swearing, and is a witness either because he himself hath seen, or is privy to it: if he do not utter it, he shall bear his iniquity. 2Whosoever toucheth any unclean thing, either that which hath been killed by a beast, or died of itself, or any other creeping thing: and forgetteth his uncleanness, he is guilty, and hath offended.3And if he touch any thing of the uncleanness of man, according to any uncleanness wherewith he is wont to be defiled: and having forgotten it, come afterwards to know it, he shall be guilty of an offence.…
Cross References
Leviticus 5:3
And if he touch any thing of the uncleanness of man, according to any uncleanness wherewith he is wont to be defiled: and having forgotten it, come afterwards to know it, he shall be guilty of an offence.

Leviticus 7:21
And he that hath touched the uncleanness of man, or of beast, or of any thing that can defile, and shall eat of such kind of flesh: shall be cut off from his people.

Leviticus 11:8
The flesh of these you shall not eat, nor shall you touch their carcasses, because they are unclean to you.

Leviticus 11:11
And detestable. Their flesh you shall not eat: and their carcasses you shall avoid.

Numbers 19:11
He that toucheth the corpse of a man, and is therefore unclean seven days,

Numbers 19:22
Whatsoever a person toucheth who is unclean, he shall make it unclean: and the person that toucheth any of these things, shall be unclean until the evening.

Deuteronomy 14:8
The swine also, because it divideth the hoof, but cheweth not the cud, shall be unclean, their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch.

Leviticus 5:1
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