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Malachi 3:18
Good News Translation
Once again my people will see the difference between what happens to the righteous and to the wicked, to the person who serves me and the one who does not."

New Revised Standard Version
Then once more you shall see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.

Contemporary English Version
Then everyone will once again see the difference between those who obey me by doing right and those who reject me by doing wrong.

New American Bible
Then you will again distinguish between the just and the wicked, Between the person who serves God, and the one who does not.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And you shall return, and shall see the difference between the just and the wicked: and between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

And you shall return, and shall see the difference between the just and the wicked: and between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not.


Malachi 3:14,15 And you have said: What have we spoken against thee? You have said: He laboureth in vain that serveth God, and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinances, and that we have walked sorrowful before the Lord of hosts? . . .

Malachi 1:4 But if Edom shall say: We are destroyed, but we will return and build up what hath been destroyed: thus saith the Lord of hosts: They shall build up, and I will throw down: and they shall be called the borders of wickedness, and the people with whom the Lord is angry for ever.

Job 6:29 Answer, I beseech you, without contention: and speaking that which is just, judge ye.

Job 17:10 Wherefore be you all converted, and come, and I shall not find among you any wise man.

Jeremiah 12:15 And when I shall have plucked them out, I will return, and have mercy on them: and will bring them back, every man to his inheritance, and every man into his land.

Joel 2:14 Who knoweth but he will return, and forgive, and leave a blessing behind him, sacrifice and libation to the Lord your God?

Zechariah 1:6 But yet my words, and my ordinances, which I gave in charge to my servants the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers, and they returned, and said: As the Lord of hosts thought to do to us according to our ways, and according to our devices, so he hath done to us.


Genesis 18:25 Far be it from thee to do this thing, and to slay the just with the wicked, and for the just to be in like case as the wicked; this is not beseeming thee: thou who judgest all the earth, wilt not make this judgment.

Psalm 58:10,11 The just shall rejoice when he shall see the revenge: he shall wash his hands in the blood of the sinner. . . .

Isaiah 3:10,11 Say to the just man that it is well, for he shall eat the fruit of his doings. . . .

Daniel 12:1-3 But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time shall come, such as never was from the time that nations began, even until that time. And at that time shall thy people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book. . . .

Matthew 25:46 And these shall go into everlasting punishment: but the just, into life everlasting.

Romans 2:5,6 But according to thy hardness and impenitent heart, thou treasurest up to thyself wrath, against the day of wrath and revelation of the just judgment of God: . . .

2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 For an example of the just judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which also you suffer. . . .

between him.

Joshua 24:15 But if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, you have your choice: choose this day that which pleaseth you, whom you would rather serve, whether the gods which your fathers served in Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house we will serve thee Lord,

Daniel 3:17-26 For behold our God, whom we worship, is able to save us from the furnace of burning fire, and to deliver us out of thy hands, O king. . . .

John 12:26 If any man minister to me, let him follow me: and where I am, there also shall my minister be. If any man minister to me, him will my Father honour.

Acts 16:17 This same following Paul and us, cried out, saying: These men are the servants of the Most High God, who preach unto you the way of salvation.

Acts 27:23 For an angel of God, whose I am and whom I serve, stood by me this night,

Romans 1:9 For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make a commemoration of you:


Romans 6:16-22 Know you not that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are whom you obey, whether it be of sin unto death or of obedience unto justice. . . .

1 Thessalonians 1:9 For they themselves relate of us, what manner of entering in we had unto you: and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.

The Book of Remembrance
17And they shall be my special possession, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day that I do judgment: and I will spare them, as a man spareth his son that serveth him. 18And you shall return, and shall see the difference between the just and the wicked: and between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not.
Cross References
Genesis 18:25
Far be it from thee to do this thing, and to slay the just with the wicked, and for the just to be in like case as the wicked; this is not beseeming thee: thou who judgest all the earth, wilt not make this judgment.

Daniel 2:18
To the end that they should ask mercy at the face of the God of heaven, concerning this secret, and that Daniel and his companions might not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

Amos 5:15
Hate evil, and love good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be the Lord the God of hosts may have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.

Malachi 3:17
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