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Daniel 7:28
Good News Translation
This is the end of the account. I was so frightened that I turned pale, and I kept everything to myself.

New Revised Standard Version
Here the account ends. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts greatly terrified me, and my face turned pale; but I kept the matter in my mind.

Contemporary English Version
That was what I saw and heard. I turned pale with fear and kept it all to myself.

New American Bible
This is the end of the report. I, Daniel, was greatly terrified by my thoughts, and my face became pale, but I kept the matter to myself.

Douay-Rheims Bible
Hitherto is the end of the word. I, Daniel, was much troubled with my thoughts, and my countenance was changed in me: but I kept the word in my heart.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Hitherto is the end of the word. I, Daniel, was much troubled with my thoughts, and my countenance was changed in me: but I kept the word in my heart.

the end.

Daniel 8:17,19 And he came, and stood near where I stood: and when he was come, I fell on my face, trembling, and he said to me: Understand, O son of man, for in the time of the end the vision shall be fulfilled. . . .

Daniel 11:27 And the heart of the two kings shall be to do evil, and they shall speak lies at one table, and they shall not prosper: because as yet the end is unto another time.

Daniel 12:9,13 And he said: Go, Daniel, because the words are shut up, and sealed until the appointed time. . . .

my cogitations.

Daniel 7:15 My spirit trembled; I, Daniel, was affrighted at these things, and the visions of my head troubled me.

Daniel 8:27 And I, Daniel, languished, and was sick for some days: and when I was risen up, I did the king's business, and I was astonished at the vision, and there was none that could interpret it.

Daniel 10:8 And I, being left alone, saw this great vision: and there remained no strength in me, and the appearance of my countenance was changed in me, and I fainted away, and retained no strength.


Genesis 37:10 And when he had told this to his father, and brethren, his father rebuked him and said: What meaneth this dream that thou hast dreamed? shall I and thy mother, and thy brethren worship thee upon the earth?

Mark 9:15 And presently all the people, seeing Jesus, were astonished and struck with fear: and running to him, they saluted him.

Luke 2:19,51 But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart. . . .

Luke 9:44 And all were astonished at the mighty power of God. But while all wondered at all the things he did, he said to his disciples: Lay you up in your hearts these words, for it shall come to pass that the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.

Daniel's Visions Interpreted
27And that the kingdom, and power, and the greatness of the kingdom, under the whole heaven, may be given to the people of the saints of the most High: whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all kings shall serve him, and shall obey him. 28Hitherto is the end of the word. I, Daniel, was much troubled with my thoughts, and my countenance was changed in me: but I kept the word in my heart.
Cross References
Luke 2:19
But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart.

Luke 2:51
And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart.

Genesis 37:11
His brethren therefore envied him: but his father considered the thing with himself.

Daniel 4:19
It is thou, O king, who art grown great, and become mighty: for thy greatness hath grown, and hath reached to heaven, and thy power unto the ends of the earth.

Daniel 5:6
Then was the king's countenance changed, and his thoughts troubled him: and the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees struck one against the other.

Daniel 7:15
My spirit trembled; I, Daniel, was affrighted at these things, and the visions of my head troubled me.

Daniel 8:1
In the third year of the reign of king Baltasar, a vision appeared to me. I, Daniel, after what I had seen in the beginning,

Daniel 8:27
And I, Daniel, languished, and was sick for some days: and when I was risen up, I did the king's business, and I was astonished at the vision, and there was none that could interpret it.

Daniel 10:8
And I, being left alone, saw this great vision: and there remained no strength in me, and the appearance of my countenance was changed in me, and I fainted away, and retained no strength.

Daniel 10:16
And behold as it were the likeness of a son of man touched my lips: then I opened my mouth and spoke, and said to him that stood before me: O my lord, at the sight of thee my joints are loosed, and no strength hath remained in me.

Daniel 7:27
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