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Interlinear Bible

Note: For most pages, we are now using web fonts

Web fonts load with the page, making it unnecessary to download fonts for most viewing. However, we have left these recommendations to possibly help if web fonts are not displaying correctly, and these will be helpful for offline use of material you have cut and pasted.


4. Palatino Linotype: (Included with MS Windows)
3. Galatia SIL from SIL International (Scroll to the bottom for download)
2. GentiumAlt from SIL International (Scroll to the bottom for download)
1. Cardo from Scholarsfonts.net (Click Cardo98.zip under "HOW TO DOWNLOAD...").


4. Cardo from Scholarsfonts.net (Click Cardo98.zip under "HOW TO DOWNLOAD...")
3. Palatino Linotype: (Included with MS Windows)
2. SBL Hebrew from the Society of Biblical Literature (Click on SBL Hebrew Font)
1. Ezra SIL from the SIL International


Revelation 22
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