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2 John 1:2
For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.
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1:1-3 Religion turns compliments into real expressions of respect and love. And old disciple is honourable; an old apostle and leader of disciples is more so. The letter is to a noble Christian matron, and her children; it is well that the gospel should get among such: some noble persons are called. Families are to be encouraged and directed in their love and duties at home. Those who love truth and piety in themselves, should love it in others; and the Christians loved this lady, not for her rank, but for her holiness. And where religion truly dwells, it will abide for ever. From the Divine Persons of the Godhead, the apostle craves grace, Divine favour, and good-will, the spring of all good things. It is grace indeed that any spiritual blessing should be given to sinful mortals. Mercy, free pardon, and forgiveness; for those already rich in grace, need continual forgiveness. Peace, quietness of spirit, and a clear conscience, in assured reconciliation with God, together with all outward prosperity that is really for good: these are desired in truth and love.For the truth's sake - They love this family because they love the truth, and see it so cordially embraced and so happily exemplified. Those who love the gospel itself will rejoice in all the effects which it produces in society, on individuals, families, neighborhoods, and their hearts will be drawn with warm affection to the places where its influence is most fully seen.

Which dwelleth in us - In us who are Christians; that is, the truths of the gospel which we have embraced. Truth may be said to have taken up a permanent abode in the hearts of all who love religion.

And shall be with us for ever - Its abode with us is not for a night or a day; not for a month or a year; not for the few years that make up mortal life; it is not a passing stranger that finds a lodging like the weary traveler for a night, and in the morning is gone to be seen no more; it has come to us to make our hearts its permanent home, and it is to be with us in all worlds, and while ceaseless ages shall roll away.

2. For the truth's sake—joined with "I love," 2Jo 1. "They who love in the truth, also love on account of the truth."

dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever—in consonance with Christ's promise.

The indwelling of evangelical truth, which is here meant, signifies its deep radication, and powerful transforming efficacy, in the soul, so as to be productive of holiness, as John 17:17; than which nothing can be a greater inducement among Christians of mutual love.

For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us,.... Not for her high birth, nobility, or riches; but either for Christ's sake, who is the truth, and who dwells in the hearts of believers by faith, and who is the same that dwells in one as in another; and on his account it is that saints love one another, because they belong to him, he is formed in them, and his image is stamped upon them; and every like loves its like: or for the Gospel's sake, which has a place, and dwells in every saint, and is the same for matter and substance in one as in another; and unity of mind and judgment produces unity of affection: or for the sake of the truth of grace, the inward principle of grace, which dwells in every regenerate person; a communication of the experience of which knits the saints one to another:

and shall be with us for ever; where Christ enters and takes up his abode, from thence he never finally and totally departs, though he may sometimes hide his face with respect to communion, or withdraw his gracious presence; and where the Gospel has once took place in the heart, and is become the ingrafted word, it can never be rooted out, or be removed; and where the truth of grace is, it will remain; it is an incorruptible seed, a well of living water, springing up into eternal life.

For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.
states the cause of the love

2 John 1:2 states the cause of the love.

διὰ τὴν ἀλήθειαν τὴν μένουσαν ἐν ἡμῖν] The idea μένειν signifies here, as in the First Epistle, firm, sure existence.

In ἡμῖν the apostle includes the loving and the loved (so also Braune).

The ἀγαπᾷν ἐν ἀληθείᾳ is based on the possession of the ἀλήθεια.

Carpzovius incorrectly connects these words with 2 John 1:3.

By the addition: καὶ μεθʼ ἡμῶν ἔσται εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα, the imperishable endurance of fellowship with the truth is declared (Düsterdieck, Braune), and it is not merely the wish for it that is expressed (Lücke, Ebrard). By μετά (as distinguished from ἐν) the objectivity of the truth is indicated (Braune). The irregularity of the construction, inasmuch as the finite verb is used instead of a participle (comp. A. Buttmann, p. 327; Winer, p. 510; VII. p. 533), serves to give prominence to the idea.

2 John 1:2. μένουσαν ἐν ἡμῖν, not merely apprehended by the intellect but welcomed by the heart. μεθʼ ἡμῶν, nobiscum, bei uns, as our guest and companion.

2. For the truth’s sake] The repetition of the word ‘truth’ is quite in S. John’s style. ‘The truth’ here and at the end of 2 John 1:1 means the truth as revealed in Christ and the Spirit.

which dwelleth in us] Better, as R. V., which abideth in us: see on 1 John 2:24.

and shall be with us for ever] ‘With us’ is emphatic: and with us it shall be for ever. An echo of Christ’s farewell discourses: ‘He shall give you another Advocate, that He may be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth’ (John 14:16). Comp. ‘I am … the Truth’ (John 14:6) and ‘The Spirit is the Truth’ (1 John 5:6). The Apostle and all believers love the elect lady and her children on account of the ever-abiding presence of Christ in the gift of the Spirit. ‘For ever’ is literally ‘unto the age’: see on 1 John 2:17.

2 John 1:2. Ἀγαπητὲ, beloved) This expression occurs three times, in 2 John 1:2; 2 John 1:5; 2 John 1:11.—περὶ πάντων, respecting all things) that which relates to all parts [in all respects].—εὐοδοῦσθαι, to prosper) in property, etc.—ὑγιαίνειν, to be in health) in body.—καθὼς, even as) Where the soul is in health, it is possible for all things to be in health.

even in addressing illustrious persons, in preference to appellatives. But the Elder elegantly interposes, between his own name, and that of the lady, a word denoting the spiritual relationship, from which this short Epistle proceeded. The word Κυρία again occurs, 2 John 1:5. The Syrian Version retains the proper name: and the Synopsis of Athanasius[1] says, γράφει Κυρίᾳ, he writes to Cyria, where he uses the proper name, but omits the epithet ἐκλεκτὴ, elect. But it frequently happens that proper names and appellatives are confused with one another. See Wesseling, Probabil., p. 199, etc.—οὕς, whom) This refers to the mother and her children.—ἐν ἀληθείᾳ, in truth) Love is not only true love, but it rests on the truth of the Gospel: 2 John 1:3, at the end.—πάντες, all) The communion of saints.

[1] The “Synopsis Sacræ Scripturæ” is included in the writings of Athanasius, but has no claim to be considered his. It is however a valuable relic of antiquity. See Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography.—T.

2 John 1:2Which dwelleth (τὴν μένουσαν)

Rev., abideth. Enlarging on the idea of the truth: that which abideth. See on 1 John 4:9, on the phrase to abide in, see on 1 John 2:6.

Shall be with us (μεθ' ἡμῶν ἔσται)

With us has the emphatic position in the sentence: and with us it shall be. Note the change from abideth in to shall be with, and see on John 14:16, John 14:17.

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