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va va va vim

I’ve previously looked at vim as my primary editor before but have always run into the steep learning curve. With it’s vi heritage (and my utter abhorance of vi) it’s always been a tough sell for me. Even given the number of good references vim has received from people I have avoided it. This time the difference was the time that “Grant":http://www.grantbow.com spent with me earlier this evening walking me thru setting up some ‘’sane’’ defaults. There is still the issue of the vim not being in an edit mode by default - vim/vi seems to be in command mode by default. But I’m sure that can be changed :) as it seems that all options can be changed in the .vimrc Lainens and I watched /Looney Toons: Back In Action/ tonight and man was it funny. I love Brendan Frasier and Jenna Elfman and the work they’ve done recently and now combined they were very funny. Oh! And did I mention Steve Martin is also in it :) I don’t think there is a single movie he has done that I haven’t seen and not liked. In case you haven’t noticed – we enjoyed the movie.
