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suddenly, baccyflaps thrall to the monolith

a whimsical portrait of the author smoking his pipe Hello, long-expected traveler, and welcome to my personal homepage. My name is rmf and I invite you to use the above menu to navigate through a collection of potentially interesting things to look at and listen to, a trove of useful information I've gathered and instructions I've written, and a hoary mess of personal stuff such as videos, photos and old writings.

You are forgiven if you consider this place a little old-fashioned - after all, it was born of another, more perfect age: that of the personal homepage, a time when denizens of the Web built their websites to spread knowledge, talk about their interests, or reach out to others. The Net was at that point a roiling cauldron of anarchy - more living, more human, still unhomogenised and unbought. It felt to me more social than any social networking gizmo could ever hope to be. Perhaps, some radiant day, the Internet will regain its humanity; baccyflap.com will bide its time until that moment comes.

On this homepage you may occasionally come across weatherbeaten scraps of what was once (and, at times, still is) my ego. If you're having none of that and just want what it says on the tin, you can go straight to the baccyflap page.

There are no ads, cookies, trackers, robots or any other such horrors on baccyflap.com. The variable fonts used here are Work Sans Regular and JetBrains Mono; both are available for free under the SIL Open Font License. Most audio on this website uses the free, open OGG format; if you're using the Safari browser, that format cannot be played. I use JavaScript in a few places, mostly to do nifty, funny stuff - so you won't miss anything important if you have it turned off.

Speaking of which, press B at any time to make things better and by the way, after you've had a leisurely look around, please consider signing my guestbook before hopping on a webring.