Amazon FinSpace
Data processing and analytics for Capital Markets with Managed kdb Insights

Eliminate operational overhead, including the provisioning, configuration, and maintenance of highly available infrastructure for kdb analytics engines.

Manage spend while keeping up with financial market volatility - autoscaling and high availability multi-AZ for kdb applications.

Launch new kdb analytics infrastructure on demand and accelerate migration of on-premises kdb systems to AWS.

Use cases
Migrate kdb applications to AWS

Quickly gain benefits of cloud scale and availability by lifting and shifting your kdb applications to fully managed service on AWS.

Rapidly deploy new kdb infrastructure

Reduce time to deploy new kdb applications, with autoscaling and high availability, from weeks to hours.

Test trading algorithms on petabytes of historical data

Leverage on-demand compute to validate trading strategies against petabytes of historical market data (i.e. backtesting).

How to get started
Explore Managed kdb Insights

Learn more about the Amazon FinSpace Managed kdb Insights capabilities.

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Get started with Managed kdb Insights

Learn how to get started, including links to a Getting Started Guide

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