Why Amazon CloudWatch?

With Amazon CloudWatch, there is no up-front commitment or minimum fee; you simply pay for what you use. You will be charged at the end of the month for your usage.

Free tier

You can get started with Amazon CloudWatch for free. Most AWS Services (EC2, S3, Kinesis, etc.) send metrics automatically for free to CloudWatch. Many applications should be able to operate within these free tier limits. You can learn more about AWS Free Tier here.


Basic Monitoring Metrics (Metrics sent from AWS Services by default)

10 Metrics (of Custom Metrics and Detailed Monitoring Metrics)

1 Million API requests (not including GetMetricData, GetInsightRuleReport and GetMetricWidgetImage: these 3 operations are always charged)

Dashboard 3 Custom Dashboards referencing up to 50 metrics each per month. Additionally, all Automatic Dashboards are free.
Alarms 10 Alarm metrics (only applicable to Standard resolution alarms that list metrics directly and don’t use a Metrics Insights query)

5 GB Data (ingestion, archive storage, and data scanned by Logs Insights queries)

1,800 minutes of Live Tail usage per month (approximately an hour per day)

Contributor Insights for CloudWatch Logs

1 Contributor Insights rule per month

The first 1 million log events that match the rule per month

Application Signals First time free trial includes 100 million Signals or 3 months of free usage, whichever comes first, per account
Synthetics 100 canary runs per month
Evidently First time free trial includes 3 million Evidently events and 10 million Evidently analysis units per account
RUM First time free trial includes 1 million RUM events per account
Cross-account observability First trace copy sent from source account to monitoring account

There is no upfront commitment or minimum fee. You simply pay for what you use and will be charged at the end of the month for your usage.

Note: Pricing varies by Region. Estimate your monthly bill using the AWS Pricing Calculator.  

  • Logs
  • Container Insights documentation for details on the type of performance events ingested and queried.

    Manage LogsCost
    Collect (Data Ingestion)
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Standard{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!x5YvCa4sw9VMpJTQAN2cei1tV5pFSEDUFYAKPYCV7TI} per GB
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Infrequent Access{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!7T9HoSjIZE01t--n2-wQQpjsmAqKU5-fVMAJGDVtBsI} per GB
    Store (Archival){priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!QBQsQiKvZ_gPYzkrhvQ2K9Bc2aQyKICH3JDdgAX3dds} per GB
    Analyze (Logs Insights queries){priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!XPy7Urof7j_CpH_RsylEJYGHjdRzC9h7eF-3-KXwb4k} per GB of data scanned
    Detect and Mask (Data Protection){priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!xj1u_E8EjfsMgkCtECz3kxS-9Y3chS_dMzIpgLVfwaQ} per GB of data scanned
    Analyze (Live Tail)$0.01 per minute

    Vended Logs

    Vended logs are specific AWS service logs natively published by AWS services on behalf of the customer and available at volume discount pricing. Supported service logs include the below that are delivered to CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. JSON formatted Vended Logs can be delivered to one or more of the following destinations: CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, or Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. VPC Flow Logs can optionally be delivered to Amazon S3 in an Apache Parquet format.

    Delivery to CloudWatch Logs: Available for Amazon VPC flow logs, Amazon Route 53 public DNS query logs, Amazon Route 53 Resolver query logs, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis logs, API Gateway Access logs, AWS Step Functions Express and Standard logs, Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK) logs, Web Application Firewall (WAF) logs, AWS Network Firewall alert and flow logs, Storage Gateway File Audit and Health logs, Chime media quality metrics and Session Initiation Protocol message logs, Evidently logs, SageMaker logs, AWS Elemental MediaTailor logs, Amazon EKS Control Plane Logs

    Delivery to S3: Available for VPC flow logs, AWS Global Accelerator flow logs, Route 53 Resolver query logs, EC2 Spot Instance logs, Evidently logs, MSK logs, AWS Network Firewall alert and flow logs, WAF logs

    Delivery to Kinesis Data Firehose: Available for MSK logs, Route 53 Resolver query logs, ElastiCache for Redis logs, Evidently logs, VPC Flow Logs. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose has ingestion and streaming charges. Delivery to Kinesis Data Firehose is subject to both CloudWatch Logs delivery pricing and Kinesis Data Firehose pricing.

    Data TBDelivery to CloudWatch Logs StandardDelivery to CloudWatch Logs Infrequent AccessDelivery to S3Delivery to Kinesis Data Firehose
    Data Ingested<br><br><br>
    First 10TB per month{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!Ba3jrQUWPr2QgngiIRdeT-E-Ou8yCiwadkIhGUb1VQQ![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!0uPWnQCxhR_m7v4BFn-BTn3HU_AEbZAyU_Fg6IRaqUI![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!lILSF0R1QMdZdG0BxZYCIDBkKWJ-bsYZrAFWihIAjus![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!pIPiZa_XbxjSvaM2agHP2rrIrsnTp5vi-2f1cMx0lq8![price]!opt} per GB
    Next 20TB per month{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!dwxTvluMO4yqQEMmMHIigPopDh_gl_eV4yrqa3iLXw8![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!DTq3zQrKtBLU46JXVZIvHYjXT3x61wN4L6A4h9kUH_Y![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!DJi9Dmdinp1Dk2VF-Fi7XLe-1E4Qd0hMihB72RR6VZs![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!oYERTUMwdhs-AUoamBf_y8IX1bVlExy9CT9LKoUTBXA![price]!opt} per GB
    Next 20TB per month{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!-CjuNzwrW3gKP5Tnwj3HAF6hbSapnyqdPh3eBZsuiMM![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!Sh_CvviLa0dsnuiYUi842PUBAv1dwTkpCMINBPp427E![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!_Tv2JaI75t_3_ThTOAL8FGjbZfXtNpGUPFhTqkI90Bs![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!pYv6fqnXjyK1KXeRlxg8EiUy2ESFPVMeTYjVKzvKLRA![price]!opt} per GB
    Over 50TB per month{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!hDvPXCRVU9IMO4-3qGUVC4tk4588C0eU2CFhlv7-p0I![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!7yiEktwIDOwz0JMKySRsOyel66EyscTyyrE3Ju7NFe8![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!QRUSgJF5fAUmh5kiM6VXs37AjW8--NqLmFlB44uR5fg![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!W1cqqR3m9L1yA_G_FGk0y-9k73pUVS13CD_D7yaosYY![price]!opt} per GB
    Data Stored{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!QBQsQiKvZ_gPYzkrhvQ2K9Bc2aQyKICH3JDdgAX3dds![price]!opt} per GB{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!QBQsQiKvZ_gPYzkrhvQ2K9Bc2aQyKICH3JDdgAX3dds} per GBStarting from {priceOf!s3/s3!Standard!Storage!First!50!TB!per!GB!Mo}/GB (Standard) to {priceOf!s3glacierdeeparchive/s3glacierdeeparchive!Glacier!Deep!Archive!GB!Mo![price]!opt}/GB (Glacier Deep Archive)Not applicable
    Format Converted to Apache ParquetN/AN/A{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!miDvbWcUjpVHkDEIN4WcMtLKrqvxsgpUMfUy5M1AAhk![price]!opt} per GB*N/A

    *Currently supported for VPC Flow Logs

    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • Metrics
  • Region
    Kinesis Data Firehose pricing page. You may also incur additional charges depending on your use case and final Kinesis Data Firehose destination. For example: (1) when sending data to a HTTP endpoint or cross-region, data transfer out from CloudWatch Metric Streams is priced equivalent to the "Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 to Internet" and "Data Transfer OUT from Amazon EC2 To" tables on the EC2 pricing page, and (2) when making additional format conversions within Kinesis Data Firehose, such as configuring your Firehose delivery stream to convert the incoming data into Apache Parquet.

    Metric StreamsCost
    Metric Streams{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!I6qGaybpbynZglbm9zdNDiW7DwgRfHUKh0DQxEiqYFg!*!1000} per 1,000 metric updates
    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • Dashboards
  • Region
  • Alarms
  • Region
  • Contributor Insights
  • Region
    DynamoDB Events, which occur when items are read from or written to your DynamoDB table.


    Contributor Insights Rule{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!APoRfXAgf6Z74i9tcdMXPsLxFaL62nDox6rosfBUcW4} per rule per month
    DynamoDB Events{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!uxFBzh4WHgtiUTMw2Sn62xa0X-kAQx98VNoQ_Uua4Qw!*!1000000} per one million log events that match the rule per month
    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • Application Signals
  • AWS X-Ray pricing applies.

    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • Synthetics
  • AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, CloudWatch Logs, and CloudWatch Metrics. For details on AWS service pricing, see the pricing section of the relevant AWS service detail pages.

    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • RUM
  • here.

    RUM events are charged {priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!SJVJYW1ZPAUxbV1iqWpEGjnYgFS18yN-UXeumTVaTYc!*!100000} per 100k events in this Region

    Additional charges

    You may incur additional charges for other AWS services utilized such as CloudWatch Logs, Amazon Cognito, and AWS X-Ray. For details on AWS service pricing, see the pricing section of the relevant AWS service detail pages.

    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • Evidently
  • Region
  • Internet Monitor
  • CloudWatch Logs pricing page.
  • MonitorCost
    Monitored resources{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!iWkRe3omtR5fI7t9-G8204ed7EbNTjfS7DcVMAzl9uE} per monitored resource per hour
    Monitored city-networks{priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!24bChpiwbT1g91qIwP72Wz9dyWWg11K8S_de484UobI!*!10000} per 10,000 monitored city-networks per hour
    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • Network Monitor
  • metrics pricing tab.

    {priceOf!cloudwatch/cloudwatch!jAYHofqI5rZDT0qowtqBNxROSyvJMWjDc971Qf64C60} per monitored resource per hour

    " data-pricing-endpoint="https://b0.p.awsstatic.com/pricing/2.0/meteredUnitMaps" data-partition="aws" data-locale="en-US">
  • Container Insights
  • Region
    Container Insights without enhanced observability

    You can use Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights without enhanced observability for cluster-and-service-level aggregated metrics for Amazon EKS and Kubernetes. Please see example for Container Insights without enhanced observability for Amazon EKS below to understand your charges.

    Container Insights for ECS

    Container Insights offers Amazon ECS monitoring by providing aggregated metrics at the cluster and service level. For a pricing example, refer to the Container Insights for Amazon ECS example below.

  • Cross-account observability
  • Cross-account observability

    Cross-account observability, an addition to CloudWatch’s unified observability capability, introduces two account categories: monitoring account and source account. For details, see the cross-account observability documentation.

    Cross-account observability comes with no extra cost for logs and metrics. CloudWatch delivers the first trace copy stored in the first monitoring account with no extra cost. Any trace copies sent to additional monitoring accounts are billed to the source accounts for the traces recorded based on AWS X-Ray pricing. Standard CloudWatch rates apply for the features used in monitoring accounts, such as CloudWatch Dashboards, Alarms, or Logs Insights queries.