Was I the one scrolling this post like "surely this is going to be the last one"
the suffering never ends
This is the real process
Resources for you!
Character Ideas:
- Character creation masterpost
- Character Alignment Chart
- More character alignment descriptions
- Muslim Character questions
- Characters with magical powers
- Building a new character advice
- How to create a character for an online or tabletop RPG (also a good guide on creating characters in general)
- Royalty/nobility TV Tropes page
- Basic character profile
- OC masterpost
- Random character generators - (1), (2), (3), (4)
- D&D Character Building Tool
Character Design Ideas:
- How clothing affects a character’s personality
- Character Design Inspiration blog
- Concept art, fan art, cool art to be inspired by
- Character design references and inspiration
- Sources for POC character design ideas and models
- Create your own character model using HeroForge
- For horned characters
- Body and hair types guide
- Random outfit generator
Naming Help:
- Amazing site with an endless amount of naming resources
- General advice on avoiding naming appropriation
- Hispanic Surnames
- Gothic Victorian names
- Huge master list for character things in general
- Masterlist of names of all types - including but not limited to ancient/old world names, Celtic, African, Northern European, Southern and Central American Native names, Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Polynesian, and more
- Another name masterlist
- How to pick a character name guide
- Yet another names masterlist
Creating Background/backstory:
- Character Sheet/Development Sheet
- Another character development list
- In-depth character personality, motivations and traits sheet
- 320 talents and passions for characters
- On writing likes and dislikes that aren’t frivolous
- Why you should write non-human characters non-conforming to the gender binary
- Stereotypes, tropes, and archetypes
- Random backstory generator
- Assassin and thief character tropes to avoid
Character Interactions and putting your character into your world/story:
- Comparing character height/height references
- Characters who are scientists and writing about them doing science
- Describing what different voices sound like
- Describing skin tones
- Writing friendship interactions that are platonic
- Why having one character knock their friend unconscious to prevent them from doing something is a bad idea
- Advice on shipping OCs with canon characters and what to avoid doing
- Sweet Polly Oliver and Sweet on Polly Oliver situations (think of Disney’s Mulan for an example)
- How to write multiple viewpoints/juggling a main cast of more than 4 to 6 characters
- How to make readers care about your morally gray hero/anti-hero
- On platonic OC and canon character relationships
- How to avoid Godmodding in RPs
- When it’s cheap to kill off a character
- Writing dialogue
- Things you shouldn’t do to canon characters
- Avoiding purple prose in writing and RPs
- Slang resources
- Dialogue tips
- Websites to chart your story/plot/character relationships
Oh my God!
It’s amazing, some links aren’t working for me but those who are, are spectacular.
Reblogging because NAMING IS HARD
sun tzu once said "wwwwwwwwwwsswssswwwsssadasdsdasdsa" because he forgot he left the in-game chat box open and tried to move
puppy play but halfway thru i suddenly start barking and run off into the woods faster than u can keep up with. u quickly lose sight of me. u call out my name and whistle to no response. u walk slowly in hopes of hearing where i may be but its dead quite. my barking stopped some distance away. it was getting dark when i ran off but now its pitch black. against ur better judgment u leave in hopes that ill come back of my own accord. 3 days later uve given up hope. ur printing out lost dog posters when u hear scratching at the door. u open it to see me. u lunge forward and hug me so excited i came back. immediately upon being back u feel like somethings off. i look and sound just like me. but i walk around the house like i hadnt been there. i refuse to eat anything even treats. and when u look at me u get the sinking feeling these are different eyes staring back at u. almost as if theyre seeing more than usual. u initially write it off as just being due to stress of being in the woods alone for a few days. but one day in the middle of the night u hear a scratching. u think its me but im asleep on the floor by ur bed. u walk out into the hallway. u follow the noise to the front door. under the sound of scratching is whining. my whining. u swing open the door to a barrage of licks and headbutts. the joy u get from seeing me immediately sinks into a gutteral fear as u realize the dog that came back. the dog uve spent a week sleeping next to. was not me. but some kind of imitation. i start snarling. then whimpering. u dont need to turn around to know what was standing behind u. u pick me up and run as fast as u can. stomping footsteps way too close behind u. and then. nothing. u turn around just in time to see the thing that was once imitating ur dog lurch into the woods. it lets out one final bark in my voice. then disappears into the trees. and then we like. have sex or something
String identified: a t a a t ta t a g a t t a t t a ca t . c g t . ca t a a t t . a a g a t t a t . a g t ta c a a . t a g tt g a a t t tc ac . aga t tt g t a t at c ac acc . 3 a at g . t g t t g t a c atc g at t . t t . g a a g c t ca ac . at g ac t g . a t . t a a t a t t . t at a t g t at . a at g t t g g t a t ta g ac at . a t a t g t a a . t a t t a t g t t g t a a a . t a t t g t a a c atc g. t t t a t . a t t t a a . t t t t . t c atc g g. g. g t t a a ag c a a tt . t g t g at t a g tt a a a a t g t at ca ac . t g t a g t t . a t . t tat . ta t a g. t g. t t t a t at a ta g . c a a a t a ca . t g t t a t c . a t . t g. t a t t t t t g t at a c tat g g c t t . t t t a a c . t a a t t t . a t . a t g ga a g tt g c a c cat
Closest match: Ananas comosus var. bracteatus genome assembly, chromosome: 3 Common name: Red Pineapple
they are turning my post into damn fruit in the reblogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuuuck
sits on my own blog like it’s the edge of a lake wistfully
skips a stone over a few posts
So like an hour ago I just lear🪨︵︵ned that— what the fuck was that. Someone just skipped a rock across my post did you see that
“Nobody’s going to want to sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours to get from New York City to LA.”
Me. I will sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours. I’ll sit on it for days. I’ll write and read and nap and eat and then do it all over again. I’ll stare out the windows and see America from ground level and not have to drive. I’ll see the Rockies and the deserts and cornfields and the Mississippi River and your house and yours and yours too. I’ll make up stories in my head about the small towns I see as we go along. I’ll see the states I’ve yet to see because driving or flying there is a fucking slog and expensive to boot. I’ll enjoy the ride as much as the destination. And then I’ll do it all over again to come the fuck home.
Me getting slammed with notifications on this post in particular:
Americans will drive 15 hours, why the hell wouldn't we take a 15 hour train ride.
Holy shit i would HAPPILY do that. Please.
i love high contrast photos of fruit floating threateningly in the night
I don’t believe such a thing exists
I was mistaken
went to my best friend’s house last night and saw a little plushie dog and plushie cat that had been sewn together down the middle into a two-headed chimera. I said, “did you do that?” she said, “yes, I saved them.”
turns out at her old job when the last two plushies hadn’t sold and became deadstock, her boss told her to cut them up and throw them out. so she cut them each in half, preserved their heads, and then rebuilt them together.
cannot stop thinking about the way these little plushies were approached with the instinct of a Vampire or some sort of ancient god. “Let me save you [turn you into a monster].”
The fact that the beheading was at the order of a superior, and the solution was to create some sort of monster of disobediance to the letter of the law instead of just lying and saving them adds a certain mythological resonance.
remember when teachers would tell you to fold paper hamburger or hotdog style. kind of sounds like some fake shit but just another example of burger centric american thinking
non americans in the tags doubting if this is true. you think burger is a fucking joke to us??
Reblog to headbonk your mutuals like a cat full of love